
  • 网络stationary wave
  1. Plumb三维波作用通量和EP剖面图&对定常波模式输出结果的诊断分析

    Plumb wave activity flux and eliassen-palm ( e-p ) corss-section : a diagnostic analysis of the stationary wave model output

  2. 此外,大尺度加热可以在西风带激发出定常波型扰动,而在东风带只能产生衰减型扰动。

    In the westerly current the stationary wave patterm disturbances may be excited by heating and in the easterly current decaying disturbances may be excited only ;

  3. 在赤道东太平洋加热强迫情况下,在冬半球可引起PNA型的定常波传播波列,而在夏半球却没有明显的PNA特征。

    The anomaly forcing locating at the eastern equatorial Pacific makes the stationary waves present PNA pattern in Winter Hemisphere . but it does not in Summer Hemisphere .

  4. 对流层上层定常波异常遥相关型的维持机制

    Maintenance mechanisms of upper tropo spheric stationary wave anomaly teleconnection patterns

  5. 正压大气中基态定常波对强迫响应的影响

    The influence of stationary waves on forced response in baro-tropic atmosphere

  6. 全球定常波对大尺度地形的线性响应

    The linear response of global stationary waves to large-scale topography

  7. 大尺度大气定常波随纬度和季节有明显变化。

    The large-scale steady waves vary obviously with season and latitude change .

  8. 超音速燃气射流非定常波系的数值研究

    A numerical study of the unsteady wave structure of supersonic jet flow

  9. 阶梯型发射管内非定常波系的数值研究

    A numerical study of the unsteady wave structure in a stepped launcher tube

  10. 一个大气定常波的线性初始方程谱模式

    A spectral model for the linear steady-state primitive equation of stationary waves in the atmosphere

  11. 非线性弹性细杆中的定常波

    The steady waves in nonlinear elastic rods

  12. 东西风廓线特征与大气运动平衡态定常波的相关关系及共振条件的研究

    Correlations between the profile characteristics of the easterlies and westerlies and stationary waves in equilibrium state

  13. 定常波和瞬变波在亚洲季风区大气水分循环中的作用

    Role of the standing and the transient eddies in atmospheric water cycle in the Asian monsoon region

  14. 行星尺度定常波经向波列波射线路径及截获带的季节特征

    Seasonal characters of ray path of meridional wave train of planetary scale stationary wave and its trapping zone

  15. 本文提出了一个可以用于大气定常波数值模拟的线性化初始方程三维谱模式。

    A numerical model for the linear steady-state baroclinic primitive equation of forced stationary waves in the atmosphere is developed .

  16. 研究了1982/1983年12&2月对流层上层由辐散风和瞬变的涡度通量所产生的涡度源异常对定常波异常的强迫作用。

    He forcings of anomalous divergent wind and transient vorticity fluxes to the anomaly of stationary waves of DJF 1982 / 1983 are studied .

  17. 因此乌拉尔阻高的存在及其激发的定常波列是导致江淮洪涝的大尺度关键因子和影响机制。

    As such , the Ural high and the related wavetrain represent the large-scale key factor and controlling mechanism for excessive rainfall in the Changjiang-Huaihe valley .

  18. 最后,提出了一种热带异常热源驱动下,瞬变波与定常波双向相互作用的阻塞形成与自维持的可能机制。

    Finally , a self-Sustain mechanism of positive anomalies through two-way interaction between planetary stationary wave and transient eddy under the stimulation of anomalous tropical heating is proposed .

  19. 冷事件时定常波和瞬变波相互抵消的局地特征也依然存在,但瞬变波的影响有所增强。

    During cold episode there is still some compensation of the stationary eddy heat transports by the transient eddy , while impacts of the transient eddy are somewhat enhanced .

  20. 本文利用正压涡度方程模式研究了热带不同经度位置异常强迫激发的中纬响应类型与北半球冬季基本气流定常波结构的关系。

    In this paper , a barotropic vorticity equation model is used to investigate the relationship between midlatitude response of tropic forcing from different longitudinal positions and Northern winter stationary waves of basic flow .

  21. 本文采用简化数学模型探讨了东、西风廓线特征与外源强迫下大气环流平衡态定常波结构的相关关系。

    The correlations between profile characteristics of easterlies and westerlies and the structure of stationary waves of the general circulation equilibrium state , forced by external forcing , are investigated with a simplified two-level model .

  22. 本文将波流共同对圆柱作用的速度势分成合模势(无自由表面的绕流速度势)、流兴波势和非定常波势三部分。

    In this paper , the velocity potential exited by wave-current on a cylinder is divided into three parts-the double model velocity potential , the steady current exiting wave potential and the unsteady diffraction wave potential .

  23. 利用欧洲中心ECMWF10a逐日资料,对定常波和瞬变波在亚洲季风区大气水分循环中的作用进行了计算分析。

    Using ECMWF daily data from 1980-1989 , analyses are conducted concerning the role of the standing eddies ( SE ) and the transient eddies ( TE ) in transporting water vapor in the Asian monsoon region .

  24. 本文以南麂海洋站1983~1990年风、浪的实测资料为依据,建立了南麂海城春、夏、秋、冬季定常波风浪波高与风速的经验关系式。

    Based on the data of wind and wave at Nanji ocean station in1983 ~ 1990 , the empirical relations between the wind speed and the wind wave height of the steady wave are set up in different seasons .

  25. 本文从理论分析、资料诊断和正压模式数值试验三个方面研究了瞬变的涡度通量的辐合与辐散风产生的涡度源之间的关系及它们在对流层上层定常波维持中的作用。

    The relationship of the convergence of transient vorticity fluxes and the vorticity sources generated by divergent wind , and their forcings to the upper troposphere stationary waves are studied with theoretical analysis , data diagnostics and barotropic model experiments .

  26. 发现对热带印度洋和太平洋的大部分地区,中纬的响应类型主要由基态定常波的结构决定,并且基态定常波通过向扰动转换动能维持了中纬的响应。

    The results indicate that for the tropic forcing over most area of Indian Ocean and Pacific the midlatitude response patterns are determined mainly by the structure of the basic flow and are supported by the kinetic energy conversion of basic flow to perturbation .

  27. 定常辐散场产生的涡源和定常波能量传播

    Vorticity Source by Stationary Divergent Wind and Energy Propagation of Stationary Waves

  28. 本文应用一个定常态线性原始方程三维谱模式模拟出全球200hPa定常波的结构特征。

    In this paper , the structure of the global stationary waves on 200 hPa is simulated with a steady-state linear primitive equation model .