
ɡuān fānɡ yǔ yán
  • official language
  1. 英语在你们国家是官方语言吗?

    Is English an official language in your country ?

  2. 所有新加坡人都必须通过他们自己民族的官方语言及英语的考试。

    All Singaporeans have to pass exams in the official language of their ethnic group as well as English .

  3. 印度有15种官方语言。

    In India , there are fifteen official languages .

  4. 官方语言为阿姆哈拉语,政治和经济活动中通用英语。

    The official language is amharic , political and economic activities in the common english .

  5. 2010年,联合国新闻部(现全球传播部)宣布启动联合国语言日(LanguageDays)。联合国语言日的倡议旨在庆贺多种语文的使用和文化多样性,并促进六种官方语言在联合国的平等使用。

    Language Days at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization .

  6. 普通话会变成欧盟新的官方语言。

    Mandarin will be the new official language of the European Union .

  7. 芬兰语和瑞典语均为官方语言

    Finnish and Swedish are the official languages .

  8. 中文是全世界使用人数最多的语言,在联合国的六种正式语文中,中文是唯一一个由单一国家使用的官方语言。

    Chinese is the most spoken language in the world , and among the six official languages of the United Nations , it is the only official language used by a single country .

  9. 培训员PaulWarambo说,肯尼亚官方语言也有这个问题。

    Trainer Paul Warambo says the same issue arises with Kenya 's national language .

  10. 从一九八○年代以来,「唯用英语」(EnglishOnly)运动即试着开始推动立法,将英语订为「官方语言」,并限制其它语言的使用。

    Since the 1980s , the English Only movement has sought to promote legislation which would establish English as the official language and restrict the use of non-English languages .

  11. 中国电脑制造商联想(Lenovo)就将英语列为官方语言。

    Lenovo , the Chinese computer company , has made it its official language .

  12. 马耳他有两种官方语言:马耳他语(一种非Z系WZ)和英语。

    Malta has two official languages in Maltese ( a Semitic language ) and English .

  13. 其它官方语言是泰米尔语(Tamil)(18%)。

    The other official language is Tamil ( 18 % ) .

  14. 当曾经的德属西南非州(GermanSouthWestAfrica)以纳米比亚的身份获得独立后,该国理智地采用英语作为官方语言,因为一个充分的理由:英语会给该国公民一个未来。

    When the one-time German South West Africa attained independence as Namibia , it sensibly adopted English as its official language , for the very good reason that it would give its citizens a future .

  15. Ruby的官方语言网站是Ruby语言的新闻、信息、发布、文档和社区支持的发源地。

    Ruby 's official language website is the single source for Ruby news , information , releases , documentation , and community support for the Ruby language .

  16. ECMA公布的官方语言规范的质量极其的差。

    The official specification for the language is published by ECMA .

  17. 官方语言和国语是僧伽罗语(Sinhala)(74%)。

    The official and national language is Sinhala ( 74 % ) .

  18. 法语是唯一的官方语言,但是也有人说英语、意大利语和摩纳哥当地语言(Genoese语的延续)。

    French is the only official language , but English , Italian , and the local Monegasque language ( a descendant of Genoese ) are also spoken .

  19. 卡斯蒂利亚语(Castilian-derivedSpanish)(在自身的语言中叫做español和castellano)是整个西班牙通用的官方语言。但其它一些地方性语言也被使用。

    The Castilian-derived Spanish ( called both espa ñ ol and castellano in the language itself ) is the official language throughout Spain , but other regional languages are also spoken .

  20. 它(IBDP)是一种严格的全面的课程和考试体系,包括六个学科领域和三个核心课程,用IBO官方语言的英、法、西其中之一编写。

    It is designed to be a rigorous comprehensive curriculum and examination system with six subject areas and three core components available in one of the three official languages of the IBO , English , French or Spanish .

  21. Emoji以及其他相关的一些表情符号正迅速被网络广泛传播,慢慢转变成了互联网时代的非官方语言。据政府部门的数据显示,目前已经有越来越多的表情符号被用于跟踪、骚扰、威胁或诋毁他人,该案正是其中之一。

    As emoji and their relative the emoticon have rocketed from web slang to the unofficial language of the Internet age , the case is one of a growing number where authorities contend the cartoonish symbols have been used to stalk , harass , threaten or defame people .

  22. 有几个国家的官方语言是葡萄牙语。

    There are several world nations whose official language is Portuguese .

  23. 语言:英语为官方语言,广泛使用西班牙语和克里奥尔语。

    Language : english is official language , Spanish and creole .

  24. 瑞士国家虽小,却有四种不同的官方语言。

    Though small in size , Switzerland has four official languages .

  25. 国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。

    The official languages of the IOC are French and English .

  26. 阿姆哈拉语一种闪族语言,是埃塞俄比亚的官方语言。

    A Semitic language that is the official language of ethiopia .

  27. 英语和马耳他语是马耳他的官方语言。

    English is the official language in Malta along with Maltese .

  28. 一种被丹麦用作官方语言的斯堪的那维亚语。

    A Scandinavian language that is the official language of Denmark .

  29. 爱尔兰共和国的第一种官方语言是英语。

    The first official language of the Irish Republic is English .

  30. 葡萄牙语和汉语是澳门的两种官方语言。

    Portuguese and Chinese are the two official languages in Macao .