
ɡuān fānɡ jiě shì
  • official interpretation
  1. 官方解释说这是眼部手术后复查的需要。

    This was said to be for check-ups following an eye operation .

  2. 她收到一封官方解释函。

    She received an official letter of explanation .

  3. 东京的核辐射强度已高于平时,但是官方解释说目前的辐射强度对健康不会有影响。

    Levels in Tokyo were higher than normal , but officials said there were no health dangers .

  4. 他们把这个缩写逆推,得到了“本地集成系统架构”,尽管这个短语毫无意义,它还是成为了丽萨这个名字的官方解释。

    The one they reverse-engineered was " local integrated systems architecture , " and despite being meaningless it became the official explanation for the name .

  5. 他们的官方解释是“美国经济的显著改善已不再需要我们寻求避难国债”。

    Their official explanation is " the remarkable improvement in the US economy which no longer requires us to seek refuge in Treasury Bonds " .

  6. 尽管制作商乐视影业并没有发布官方解释,但是人们普遍认为,由于该剧涉及不恰当的情节或不雅的内容,所以导致该节目被下线。

    Though there 's no official explanation from its producer LeTV , it is widely assumed that the hit program was removed because of an inappropriate plot or indecent content .

  7. 官方解释在古典中国的法律解释体系中发挥着无可替代的主导作用,但这种事实并不影响民间解释和司法解释在历代法律实践中所发挥的重要作用。

    The official explanation played a leading role in the system of classical law explanation in China . However , the fact did not impact the function of folk explanation and judicatory explanation in past legal explanation practices .

  8. “分号项目”的官方网站解释了分号纹身背后的理念:“作家在可以结束语句的情况下,却选择不划下句点,这时就需要用到分号。现在,你是作家,语句则是你的生命。”

    Project Semicolon 's website explains the idea behind the tattoo : " A semicolon is used when an author could 've chosen to end their sentence , but chose not to . The author is you and the sentence is your life . "

  9. 同往常一样,EA官方的解释并不能很好的反映一个单位在现实对战中的强弱。

    As usual though , tooltips don 't always give the best reflection on real world strengths and weaknesses .

  10. 他认为官方的解释是一派胡言,不值一顾。

    He dismissed the official explanationas complete poppycock .

  11. 既然是官方的解释,他们坚持要这样做。

    Now that was the official explanation , which they seem to want to stick to .

  12. 对此,官方的解释是,他与其他决策者需要看到更多数据,但这种说法不足以让人信服。

    The official explanation that he and other policymakers need to see more data is unconvincing .

  13. 官方未解释推迟的原因,但是并不是所有的地区都已准备好了他们的数据库。

    Officials have not explained the delay , but not all areas have their databases ready yet .

  14. 官方的解释或者在我每每询问时,那些手挥钥匙的前台们所提供的解释是安全。

    The official explanation – or that proffered by those key-wielding receptionists whenever I ask – is security .

  15. 不过,至今没有人提供官方的解释,但是颜色更像是下水道,污染或者水处理所造成的。

    No one has offered an official explanation , but it 's more likely the color comes from sewage , pollution or a water treatment process .

  16. 对于生产延误问题,官方人员解释称,猪流感病毒必须在鸡蛋中培养,但是产量却并没有当初预期的高。

    The flu virus has to be grown in chicken eggs , and the yield hasn 't been as high as was initially hoped , officials explained .

  17. 本周三,正当官方难以解释为何载客150人的客机在良好天气里坠毁时,一名调查员说,座舱通话记录器表明,飞机下降时一名飞行员被关在驾驶舱外,再也没能回去。

    As officials struggled Wednesday to explain why a jet with 150 people on board crashed amid a relatively clear sky , an investigator said evidence from a cockpit voice recorder indicated one pilot left the cockpit before the planes descent and was unable to get back in .

  18. 官方没有给出解释。

    No explanation was given .

  19. 这家公司在官方网站上解释到:这样一种增强的技术可以让消费者应在挑选衣服时,不必真正的脱下衣服。

    ' Augmented reality allows the customers to select a garment off the rack without having to try it on physical ly , ' explains the company on its website .

  20. 一位律师表示,即使对一家有意在香港上市的公司进行尽职调查,也可能产生被认为是机密的信息如果官方要这样解释的话。

    Even performing due diligence on a company looking to list in Hong Kong could generate information considered a secret if authorities wanted to interpret it that way , one lawyer said .

  21. 但是在官方还未给出解释清楚前,又出了另一场事故。

    But before authorities could make sense of the attack , another incident .