
hónɡ ɡuān ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Macro management;macroscopic management
  1. 实行森林绿色GDP核算对我国森林的宏观管理和政策的制定具有重要意义。

    The implementation of forest green GDP calculability has vital significance to the forest macroscopic management and policy formulation of our country .

  2. 某特钢企业在生产经营过程中,为解决缺乏宏观管理和集中控制与调度等方面的问题,通过分析本企业的生产特点,提出了基于Web的C/S与B/S混合结构的特钢行业体系结构。

    For solving the problem of lacking macroscopic management and centralized control through analyzing the characteristics of a special steel industry , web-based production management mode of C / S and B / S structure fitting for the special steel industry is put forward .

  3. 本文试图从宏观管理者的角度,探讨如何把BOT这种融资方式运用到西部开发和建设中。

    This article explains how to successfully complete a BOT program in the construction of infrastructure as a macro manager .

  4. CMM提出了成熟软件企业需要达到的质量目标,是What的问题,侧重于企业中有关软件过程的宏观管理,面向软件开发单位;

    CMM puts forward the quality standard a mature software company needs to reach , that is a question of " what ", it emphasizes the macro-governance concerning corporate software process with an orientation to software development units ;

  5. 科技宏观管理体制及机制如何变革与创新

    Institution of Scientific Macro-Management and How to Change and Renovate It

  6. 深化财政审计服务政府宏观管理

    Intensifying Public Financial Audit to Serve the Macro-management of the Government

  7. 企业的社会评价与宏观管理研究

    Social Evaluation of the Company and the Research of Macro - management

  8. 论新形势下我国政府对外商投资企业的宏观管理

    Macro-Supervision of China 's Government to Foreign Investment Enterprises in New Situation

  9. 该模型可用于师资队伍的宏观管理和预测,易于实现教学编制的计算机管理。

    This model may be used for the macro management and forecast .

  10. 中国大型医用设备宏观管理中的问题与对策研究

    Macro Problems in High-Tech Medical Devices Management and Its Options in China

  11. 清洁生产的宏观管理与推进论房地产业的宏观调控管理

    On the Administration of Macroscopic Regulation and Controlling of Real Estate Industry

  12. 为此,医院改革必须从根本做起。政府要转变管理的职能和手段,从法律、行政、经济等方面进行宏观管理。

    The government must transform its function and means in its management .

  13. 第五章论述了广州市房地产中介代理业的宏观管理。

    The fifth chapter discusses the macro-management of real estate agency of Guangzhou .

  14. 强化政府管理职能,抓好宏观管理;

    Forth , to reinforce the administrative functions of government and make macro-control ;

  15. 第三、不断完善对外投资的宏观管理体制;

    The third , continuously perfecting the macro management system of outward investment ;

  16. 加强文化法制建设,加强宏观管理。

    We must build up a legal system concerning culture and intensify macro-control .

  17. 水资源宏观管理决策支持系统模型研究

    Macroscopic Management Decision Support Applied to Water Resource Problem

  18. 论现代旅游经济的宏观管理

    The Analysis of Macroscopical Management of Modern Tourism Economy

  19. 航空发动机宏观管理智能决策支持系统设计

    An Intelligent Decision Support System Architecture for Aero - Engine Macro - Management

  20. 行政管理的法制化是未来出版业宏观管理的客观要求与发展方向。

    Legalizing administrative management is the objective requiring and developing goal in the future .

  21. 重危机个案处理,轻危机宏观管理;

    The heavy crisis individual cases processing , the light crisis macro view management ;

  22. 第三部分为绿色营销的宏观管理分析部分,由绿色营销的政府规制与绿色营销的宏观创新体系构成。

    The third - the last part , concerns macroscopic management of green marketing .

  23. 广东私营企业的发展与宏观管理对策的选择

    The Development of Private Enterprises in Guangdong and the Selection of Macro Administration Policy

  24. 医院药学的宏观管理

    On the Macro - administration of Hospital Pharmacy

  25. 论高等学校的宏观管理体制

    On the Macro-management System of Higher Learning Institutions

  26. 试论社会信用与宏观管理

    On Social Credit and Macro - Control

  27. 分别从这两个方面论述了中介代理业的宏观管理。

    This chapter describes the macro-management of real estate agency in these two respects separately .

  28. 入世后我国图书馆宏观管理政策取向研究

    A Study on the Policy Orientation of Library Macro-Administration after China 's Accession to WTO

  29. 政府在水产养殖宏观管理中的作用

    Function of government in macro-management of aquaculture

  30. 论生态经济交错区的宏观管理

    Study On Macro-Management of Eco - Economictone