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  1. 过完节,可怜的乔治决定再买一副皮手套。

    After the holiday , poor George decided to buy another leather pair .

  2. 他们过完节之后,前往波特兰看望朋友。

    They spent the holiday with family in Seattle and then headed to Portland to visit friends .

  3. 苏格兰人进行绝望的顽抗他们过完节之后,前往波特兰看望朋友。

    The Scots fought with desperate tenacity They spent the holiday with family in Seattle and then headed to Portland to visit friends .

  4. 过完节,圣诞树拆下来了,大烛台也收起来了,而你为过节买的电视机却还在,并且还会在你家度过好几个年头。

    Long after the Christmas trees have been taken down and the menorahs packed away , that television set you purchased as a holiday gift will still be around , looming over your family room for years .

  5. 奥兰多•布鲁姆在庆祝完父亲节之后,这位迷人的英国演员和他可爱的小家伙18个月大的Flynn在6月17日的好莱坞享受着一个阳光明媚的下午。

    ORLANDO BLOOM After celebrating Father 's Day , the charming English actor and his fun-loving mini-me , 18-month-old Flynn , enjoy a sunny afternoon in Hollywood on June 17 .

  6. 当然,我们上完一节英语课后,总要有家庭作业。

    Certainly , we always have some homework after an English class .

  7. 其实,我一个小时前才刚刚上完一节课,现在要累残了。是吧?

    In fact , I just finished my class an hour ago , I 'm all tuckered out .

  8. 对了,这周刚刚过完教师节,你觉得普遍来说,老师们在每年的这个时候都会很兴奋吗?

    Well , Teacher 's Day was earlier this week . Do you think teachers in general are excited this time of year ?

  9. 在传统习俗里,过完元宵节才算过完春节,我们就该收收心,好好工作学习了。

    Traditionally , once the Lantern Festival is over , then the Spring Festival is officially over.We should all get serious and get backto the grind .

  10. 几乎是一到每年这个时候,刚刚过完劳动节,你就开始听到人们抱怨,人们希望天气能有所改变。

    You start having people complain almost immediately right around this time of the year , right after the Labor Day ; people are anticipating a change in the weather .

  11. 上完下一节课我就要回房间去睡觉。

    After my next class I 'm going back to my room to catch upon my sleep .

  12. 我给了你一切,你却还给我拼凑不完的序节。

    I give you everything , but you gave me the sequence quarter don 't finish together .

  13. 我们刚刚过完六一儿童节,你对弟弟妹妹说了什么呢?

    We have just had Children 's Day , What did you say to your younger brothers or sisters on Children 's Day ?

  14. 刚好过完中国的国庆节,所以酒店,旅游景点都不会出现紧张或者拥堵的状况。

    It is just after the China national Day Holiday , so hotels and attractions will be not so crowded .