
wán hǎo
  • intact;in good condition;sound;integrity;whole;in tact
完好 [wán hǎo]
  • [sound;in tact;whole;in good condition] 完整;没有残缺或损坏

  • 完好的木材

完好[wán hǎo]
  1. 虽然过了两百年,这房子的大部分还保持完好。

    Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years .

  2. 战争之后没几座完好的建筑了。

    Few buildings survived the war intact .

  3. 她挫伤严重,但骨骼完好。

    She suffered severe bruising , but no bones were broken .

  4. 如果嵌齿不能完好啮合,齿轮就会脱落。

    If the cogs don 't mesh correctly , the gears will keep slipping .

  5. 因为稀有并且品相完好,它价值连城。

    It was a real prize due to its rarity and good condition

  6. 尸体保存完好,他的容貌特征清晰可辨。

    The body was found to be well preserved , his features easily recognizable

  7. 挑一个叶子完好的橙黄色菠萝。

    Choose a golden-orange-coloured pineapple with undamaged leaves .

  8. 也有几处保存完好的拜占庭时期的壁画。

    There are also several well-preserved Byzantine frescoes .

  9. 他们有大量完好的、略有瑕疵的以及已停产的炊具、冰箱和其他货品可供选择。

    They have a huge selection of perfect , slightly imperfect and discontinued cookers , fridges and so on .

  10. 庙宇的大部分都被毁坏了,但其正面及后面的大厅还保存完好。

    Much of the temple was ruined , but the front was whole , as well as a large hall behind it

  11. 这座建于15世纪的宅第保存完好。

    The house from 15th century has been perfectly preserved .

  12. 这些零件完好地焊在一起了。

    The parts welded together perfectly .

  13. 手表修理后完好如新。

    After the watch was repaired , it looked as good as new .

  14. 厨房、加热器以及其他电器设备都处于完好的工作状态。

    The cooker , heaters and other electrical installations are all in perfect working order .

  15. 这幅画保存得极为完好。

    The picture is in an excellent state of preservation .

  16. 马泰拉地区是保存最为完好、典型的史前穴居人定居点。

    This is the most outstanding , intact example of a troglodyte settlement in the Mediterranean region ecosystem .

  17. 但由于鸟类的头骨微小而纤细,因此很少有保存完好的化石,这使相关研究的展开变得困难。

    But their tiny delicate skulls3 have been difficult to study as they 're rarely preserved as fossils .

  18. 这支团队根据对海底情况的评估预测,“持久号”很可能在水下保存完好,未被深海沉积物覆盖,也没有被冰山的底部损坏。

    The team 's assessment2 of seafloor conditions predicts the Endurance is likely still in good shape , not covered by deep sediment3 and undamaged by the keels of icebergs4 .

  19. 这位先生的家里,被老鼠糟蹋得没有一件完好的器具,衣架上没有一件完整的衣裳,自己的食品也大多是老鼠吃剩下来的残余。

    This gentleman 's house was so ruined by the rats that there was neither an intact utensil2 nor a whole garment on the clothes rack . Even his own food was mostly leftovers3 by the rats .

  20. 广域差分GPS完好性监测研究

    The Research on Integrity of Wide Area Differential GPS System

  21. GPS接收机自主完好性监视算法研究及仿真

    Research and simulation on RAIM algorithm of GPS

  22. HIV病毒可以穿透完好的安全套也是一个相见传说。

    The fact that HIV virus can penetrate an intact condom is also an urban myth .

  23. TEM照片表明所制得的α-Al2O3纳米粉体颗粒形貌为发育完好的圆球状。

    And TEM showed the morphology of α - Al_2O_3 nano powder prepared above was ball .

  24. 用EMD技术分解完好盒段与损伤盒段在方波信号激励下的动力响应信号,得到一系列IMF分量;

    The dynamic response signals under exciting of a square wave signal are calculated .

  25. 文中以一简支矩形截面梁为研究对象,通过完好结构和损伤结构的有限元分析,获取两者的损伤标识量,输入BP神经网络训练。

    A simple supported beam is analysed by finite element method , and the damage indices of perfect structure and damaged structure are gained .

  26. Galileo系统完好性处理的方法研究

    The Study of Galileo System Integrity Monitoring Method

  27. 采用水热电化学法在Ni基体上一步合成结晶完好、具有网状结构的LiNiO2薄膜。

    Net structure LiNiO_2 film was prepared directly on Ni substrate by hydrothermal-electrochemical method . The crystal is well developed and the film is porous .

  28. 将建立在控制器发生故障的某一通道上的COD规转建到了另一控制器完好通道。

    A COD gauge set some slot with a bad controller is shifted and built in another slot with a right controller .

  29. XRD结果表明:所得到的样品结晶完好,属于六方形的纤锌矿结构;

    The results of XRD indicate that the as-prepared samples are crystallized well and assigned to the hexagonal zincite - structure of ZnO phase .

  30. 作为可编程访问的Web组件技术,WebServices具有分布、跨平台、易集成、易扩展、完好的的封装性等特点,可以充分发挥网络的潜力。

    As programmable access WEB-package technology , Web Services is well-distributed , adaptable to multi-platform , easy to be integrated , extensible , perfect to encapsulate etc. and can take full advantage of the network .