
  • 网络security chip;Secure Chip;Secure Element
  1. 应用于USBKEY的加密安全芯片是解决证书载体的关键。

    The encryption security chip applied to the USB Key is a good carrier of digital certificate .

  2. 在上述工作的基础上,提出了基于网卡应用的IPSec协议安全芯片的整体结构,以及基于FPGA技术的设计验证方案。

    Furthermore , a scheme of implementing IPSec security chip which is FPGA based is presented including its whole architecture .

  3. 安全芯片中密码算法的多IP核集成方法

    Multiple IP Cores Integration of Cipher Algorithm in Secure Chip

  4. 基于SoC的专用安全芯片设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Application Specific Secure Chip Based on SoC

  5. PCI从设备安全芯片的设计

    Design of PCI Target Secure Chip

  6. 自从tcm推出以来,外国公司已无法进入中国国产电脑安全芯片市场。

    Since the introduction of TCM , foreign companies have lost access to the market for security chips in computers made in China .

  7. 将指纹比对算法嵌入COS安全芯片中,达到身份安全认证的目的。

    The fingerprint 's contrasting can be put into COS safety chip , so as to make the identification authentication of document be safety .

  8. 用户可使用ApplePay在签约零售商处进行支付,他们只需将拇指放在iPhone的主屏幕键上,然后用手机贴一下收银设备就可结账。这款应用由设备内的安全芯片提供支撑。

    The app , powered by a secure chip inside the device , allows customers to pay at participating retailers by holding their thumb on the iPhone 's home button and tapping it at the checkout .

  9. 该安全芯片内核为MIPS内核,是一款32bit的拥有5级流水线结构的高性能精简指令集CPU。

    This secure chip has the MIPS core , which is one kind of RISC having the 5-stage pipeline .

  10. 文章提出了一种利用USB插口的智能卡代替安全芯片作用的主机可信赖平台建立方案,以扩充主机可信赖平台的实现途径。

    This paper raises a scheme to establish a TPM system without a security card by using an intelligent card ( USB ), and this scheme will spread the approach to realize a trusted platform based on PC.

  11. TPM是嵌入到计算平台上、带有独立计算能力的安全芯片,烧写在芯片内部的标识和受硬件保护的存储空间保证了TPM的可信性。

    TCG proposes standardizes the TPM . TPM is a secure chip attached to a platform which has individual computing ability . Its trustworthiness is enforced by an internal ID and protected memory .

  12. ⅲ.物理级设计:在对PCI安全芯片所采用的的ASIC设计流程简单介绍后,文章重点论述了基于ApolloⅡ的物理设计和验证方法和技巧。

    Iii. Physical level design . After a brief description of ASIC design flow adopted by PCI target secure chip , the thesis make great emphasis on various methods and skills used in physical design and verification with Apollo II from Synopsys .

  13. 其中安全芯片的功能是数据的加解密以及身份认证。

    The secure chip in it can encrypt data and authenticate .

  14. 安全芯片旁路功耗分析及抗攻击措施

    Side Channel Power Analysis on Secure Integrated Circuits and Countermeasures

  15. 基于安全芯片的可信平台设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Trusted Platform Based on Secure Chip

  16. 基于高速安全芯片的安全策略设计

    The Design of the Security Policy Based on High Speed Security Chip

  17. 安全芯片物理防护研究

    A Study of Security Chip Physical Protection

  18. 基于动态双轨逻辑的抗功耗攻击安全芯片半定制设计流程

    Semi-custom Design Flow : Protecting Security IC 's Against Power Analysis Based on Dynamic Dual-rail Logic

  19. 基于神经网络混沌加密算法的安全芯片设计及其在电子商务中的应用研究

    Chaos-based Encryption Algorithm Neural Network Security Chip Design and Its Application in the Application of E-commerce

  20. 整个加密体系包括两个部分,PC机上运行的预加密软件和安全芯片,它们使用同样的密钥分别对该程序加密和解密。

    The encryption system consists of two parts : one is encryption software operating on PC ;

  21. 加密安全芯片能够内部生成公私密钥对和导入并存储数字证书,利用芯片内部的密码算法认证用户身份。

    The encryption security chip can generate public and private keys , import digital certificate and make identity authentication .

  22. 准每一个机器人的安全芯片,可以停用的警察(或何人所为)。

    Associate every robot with a security chip that can be deactivated by the police ( or whomever ) .

  23. 本文目标是设计并实现一款密码运算全面、性能优秀、低成本的的加密安全芯片。

    The destination of this thesis is to design and implement a encryption security chip which has comprehensive cryptographic algorithm , excellent performance and low-cost .

  24. 对于论文中安全芯片的设计工作,不仅对于我国微电子设计方法领域提供创新性的见解和新的理论依据,而且对于我国的信息产业安全提供了新的保障,具有一定的现实意义。

    The design work of security chip is very important in realistic application and has definitely theoretic value for the safety of our country 's Information Industry .

  25. 基于863项目可信计算系统平台的安全芯片研制成功,展现了可信计算的良好应用前景。

    The successful application of " A Trusted Computing Platform System " funded by 863 Projects indicates that future of the trusted computing platform will be promising .

  26. 安全芯片的一个重要特征在于其数据是在加密的情况下进行存储甚至运算,这使得其安全性大为加强。

    One of the important characters of information security chip is that the keep and operation of data are under encryption , which enhances the level of information security .

  27. 安全芯片是信息加密系统的核心部件,其作用是通过一定的加、解密算法,利用事先约定好的密钥对关键信息进行加密。

    Security chip is the core part of a data encryption system , in which cryptographic algorithms are running to cover the important data by using a cipher key .

  28. 研究安全芯片中椭圆曲线密码抗功耗攻击的方案,由于芯片的资源受限,所以主要从提高计算效率和抵御多种功耗攻击两个方面进行分析。

    Due to the limited resource of security chip , the scheme resisting power analysis attack was researched from two aspects of operation efficiency and withstanding multiple power analysis attacks .

  29. 目前,公司已掌握了智能卡操作系统技术,智能卡各类终端技术、智能安全芯片开发技术及密码技术等。

    At present , the company has mastered the smart card operating system technology , all kinds of smart card terminal technology , smart security chip technology and encryption technology developed .

  30. 以安全SoC芯片为基础的信息安全解决方案逐渐取代了传统上的以软件为基础构建的信息安全技术。

    The conventional solution based on software has been replaced with the total solution of SoC chip based on the security .