
  1. 以确立普及政府守法观念为条件实现行政法治。

    ( g ) its condition was to set up the idea of government abiding by the law .

  2. 环境法制观念是法治观念、守法观念、权利观念的统一。

    The concept of legal system for environment is the unification of being ruled by law , keeping the law and the concept of right .

  3. 加强职工学技术、学文化的气氛,遵纪守法观念增强,自觉维护施工场地的社会治安,杜绝打架斗殴、酗酒、赌博等不文明行为。

    Strengthen the technology and culture learning , intensify staff 's sense to observe law and discipline and consiciously keep the public security of construction site , and eliminate fighting , excessive drinking , gambling and other uncivilized activities .

  4. 但积习难改,可能需要几十年的时间,遵纪守法的观念才能逐渐深入老百姓心中。

    But old habits die hard , and it may take decades for the habits of legality to trickle down to the average wage slave .

  5. 因此,从法律和道德层面对诉讼参与人失信行为进行双重规制,增强民众守法守信观念,进而完善社会诚信体系,成为加强法治建设的迫切需要。

    Therefore , from legal and moral aspects , the double regulation to litigant participants of discreditable behavior , enhancing people obey the law and integrity idea , and further perfecting social integrity system , all of which have become the urgent need of strengthening the legal system construction .