
  • 网络cosmic background
  1. 为了更好地捕捉这关键性的时刻,美国太空总署发射了COBE-宇宙背景探测器。

    To catch ( a ) better images of this critical event , NASA launched the Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite or COBE .

  2. 将温度概念推广到均匀各向同性的辐射场,导出了辐射场温度与辐射能密度的关系,并对宇宙背景温度给出解释。

    Extends the concept of temperature to the uniform and isotropic radiative field , deduces the relation between radiative field temperature and radiation energy density , and interprets the cosmic background temperature .

  3. Kasuya的讨论表明,最小耦合复标量场作为暗能量在宇宙背景下是不稳定的。

    The discussion of Kasuya shows that the minimally coupled complex scalar field is unstable to play the role of dark energy in the background of universe .

  4. 宇宙背景辐射下太阳电磁辐射

    Influence of Cosmos Background Radiation on the Electromagnetic Radiation from the Sun

  5. 对于地球外智慧生命的研究是为了人类研究一种总的来说可接受的宇宙背景研究。

    The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for a generally acceptable cosmic context for the human species .

  6. 游戏的目标在于做出一款《银河飞将》宇宙背景下的高质量《私掠者》游戏,与操作系统相独立,分辨率也比较高。

    The goal is to provide a quality release of an OS independent high resolution Privateer game within the unique Wing Commander universe .

  7. 这时光子的运动仍然是无规则的,以宇宙背景辐射的形式存在就是从宇宙的各个部分发出的微波。

    Those photons are still running loose , detectable as the cosmic microwave background , a microwave glow from all parts of the sky .

  8. 这一次宇宙背景探测的效果不尽如人意。因此,美国太空总署又发射了一颗更为先进的卫星WMAP-威尔金森微波各向异性探测器。

    The COBE 's result was simply not good enough . So NASA launched an even more advanced satellite WMAP , the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe .

  9. 而宇宙背景辐射的气温波动则被认为是宇宙早期密度轻微变化的证明,正是这种密度变化才促使了星系的形成。

    Small ripples in the temperature of the cosmic background radiation are thought to be evidence of slight fluctuations in the density of the early Universe , which resulted in the formation of galaxies .

  10. 这里,不存在相对性原理与宇宙学间的不协调,存在一类相对于宇宙背景静止的优越惯性系,3维宇宙空间是闭的,宇宙常数起到惯性运动起源的作用。

    In this model , there should be no the inconsistencies , but there is a kind of preferred inertial frames rested with respect to the cosmic background that is a closed 3-d sphere and the cosmological constant plays a role as the origin of inertial motions .

  11. 本文利用HEAO-1A2的2-60keV弥漫X射线资料,扣除了银河系起源的X弥漫背景影响,得到有关宇宙X背景的资料。

    Using the new data of the 2-60 keV diffuse X-ray background from HEAO-1 A2 and subtracting the model galactic X-ray component , the cosmic X-ray background data have been obtained .

  12. 通过观察X射线跟宇宙微波背景的相互作用,科学家们可以研究星系团的运动情况。宇宙微波背景指宇宙大爆炸时留下来的辐射。

    By observing the interaction of the X-rays with the cosmic microwave background ( CMB ), which is leftover radiation from the Big Bang , scientists can study the movement of clusters .

  13. 介绍了有关宇宙微波背景辐射(CBR)观测和理论研究的最新进展。

    The recent progress on observation and theory of the cosmic microwave background radiation ( CBR ) is presented in this paper .

  14. X射线将光子散播在宇宙微波背景中,结果在一种被称为“运动学SZ效应”的作用下改变了宇宙微波背景的温度。

    The X-rays scatter photons in the CMB , shifting its temperature in an effect known as the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich ( SZ ) effect .

  15. 宇宙微波背景辐射(CMB)也为大爆炸理论提供了有力的线索。

    The cosmic microwave background called the CMB for short also provides evidence to back up the Big Bang theory .

  16. 我们用Ia型超新星、宇宙微波背景和重子声学振荡的数据,对这三种模型进行了限制,并以Bayesian判据为标准,对它们进行了比较。

    We constrain these three models by using the type la supernovae , the cosmic microwave background , and the baryon acoustic oscillations data , then compare them utilizing the Bayesian evidence .

  17. COBE卫星对宇宙微波背景辐射的测量,LEP实验等,进一步支持了热大爆炸模型;

    The new measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation by the COBE satellite and the LEP experimental results support strongly the hot Big Bang model .

  18. 基于新发现的2&5μm的红外背景和星系前星,我们讨论了各种模型的尘埃对3K宇宙微波背景谱所产生的影响。

    Based on the discovery of an IR background in the waveband 2-5 μ m and pregalactic stars , we discuss the effect of the 3K cosmic microwave background spectrum from dusts of various models .

  19. 经过9年对天际的扫描,威尔金森各向异性微波探头(WMAP)航天任务得出了对宇宙微波背景辐射(及宇宙早期“光线”)的观测结论。

    After nine years of scanning the sky , the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) space mission has concluded its observations of the cosmic microwave background , the oldest light in the universe .

  20. 最近,美国加州普朗克数据中心的项目经理Ranga-RamChary,在绘制宇宙微波背景辐射图时发现了一束“神秘亮光”,被认为是宇宙大爆炸几十万年后遗留的光线。

    Ranga-Ram Chary , U.S. Planck Data Center 's project manager in California , recently discovered a " mysterious glow " by mapping the Cosmic Microwave Background , otherwise known as the light that was left over from a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang .

  21. 宇宙微波背景辐射极化的近似解析公式

    An Approximate Analytic Formula for Polarization of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

  22. 为什么宇宙无线电背景会存在呢?这仍然是个谜。

    Why a cosmic radio background should be there remains a mystery .

  23. 宇宙微波背景辐射的观测和理论

    The Observation and Theory of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

  24. 星系团内物理过程对宇宙微波背景辐射的影响

    Effect on the Microwave Background Radiation from Physical Processes in Rich Clusters of Galaxies

  25. 他们发现的是大霹雳冷却后的馀晖:宇宙微波背景辐射。

    They had found the cool afterglow of the big bang : the cosmic microwave background radiation .

  26. 第二讲宇宙微波背景辐射

    Cosmic microwave background radiation

  27. 宇宙微波背景图的斑点是由于温度和密度所造成的。

    The mottled look of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation is the result of differences in temperature and density .

  28. 然而,对宇宙微波背景辐射温度的测量显示宇宙的结构也许有某种系统的规律。

    However , measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation temperature suggest that its structure may have some systematic order .

  29. 目前有许多文献研究了宇宙微波背景辐射所产生的各种效应以及这些效应对其的影响。

    At present , the all kinds of effects and influence caused by CMB have been studied by many references .

  30. 宇宙微波背景辐射对超高能宇宙线流强的影响

    Cosmic-ray high energy physics Effect of the cosmic microwave background Radiation to the flux of the Superhigh Energetic Cosmic Ray