
xué fèi
  • tuition;schooling;tuition fee;school fee
学费 [xué fèi]
  • (1) [tuition;school fee]∶办学的经费

  • 学费已急剧上升

  • (2) [schooling]∶学生在学校的学习及膳宿杂费

  • 缴付一个孩子的学费

学费[xué fèi]
  1. 这些钱交学费够吗?

    Is this money enough for the tuition fee ?

  2. 最后,根据理论的研究,本文完成了基于MIS平台和结构化设计技术的学费管理系统,并给出了详细的系统实现结果。

    In the end , according to the theory research , the article realized the management system of tuition fee based on MIS platform and structure design technique and presented explicit system experiment results .

  3. 学费可以花掉一大笔储蓄。

    School fees can make a big hole in your savings .

  4. 你的父母得支付你的学费。

    Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees .

  5. 我已经存了些钱作大学学费。

    I 've put some money by for college fees .

  6. 政府将继续替一些学生缴纳学费。

    The government will continue to pick up college fees for some students .

  7. 该课程只招收12人,学费为50英镑。

    This course is limited to 12 people and costs £ 50

  8. 我每年将不得不付1万美元的学费。

    I 'll have to cough up $ 10,000 a year for tuition

  9. 他得为尼娜付一大笔私立学校的学费。

    He will have to fork out for private school fees for Nina

  10. 他的父母开始抱怨大学的学费太贵。

    His parents were beginning to groan about the price of college tuition .

  11. 每年的花销、学费和各项杂费6,600英镑。

    Annual costs , tuition and fees , £ 6,600

  12. 学费每年收取,可在登记注册时缴纳。

    A fee is charged for each year of study and is payable at enrolment .

  13. 安杰拉将用奖学金支付今年7,000美元的大学学费。

    Angela 's $ 7,000 tuition at University this year will be paid for with scholarships .

  14. 学校不收学费,所需资金向协会会员募集。

    No tuition was charged by the school , which solicited contributions from the society 's members .

  15. 学费的筹措可能看似一个大难题,好在你可以获得许多帮助。

    Financing your studies may seem like a tall order , but there is plenty of help available .

  16. 这所学校只招收学习能力强的孩子,不过还有个小问题——它每年的学费高达9,600英镑。

    The school deals exclusively with children of high academic ability . There is a snag though , it costs £ 9,600 a year .

  17. 为了交下一学期的学费,他在找兼职。

    He was looking for a part-time job in order to pay his school fees next semester .

  18. 他省吃俭用,积攒学费。

    He economized on food and clothing to save for his tuition .

  19. 成绩好的学生可以减免学费。

    Students with high marks can enjoy a partial or total tuition waiver .

  20. 你们学校收学费吗?

    Does your school charge school fees ?

  21. 一年的学费岂止一万,已经快两万了。

    The yearly tuition didn 't stop at $ 10,000 , it has almost reached $ 20,000 !

  22. 第一年结束时,因为GPA没过2.0,Nijay失去了5000多美元的佩尔助学金,导致他无法继续支付学费。

    At the end of his first year , Nijay lost his Pell Grant of over $ 5 000 after narrowly missing the 2.0 GPA cut-off , making it impossible for him to continue paying for school .

  23. 学费飙升和收入下降导致了更大的债务负担。

    Soaring tuitions and declining incomes have resulted in larger debt burdens .

  24. 参观期间我讨论了学费。

    During the tour , tuition fees were discussed .

  25. 我们真正应该讨论问题是谁应该为大学生支付学费。

    The actual question we debate is who should pay for people to go to college .

  26. 所以,我们要么让纳税人承担学生的学费,而代价是让他们指定学生学习的内容。

    So we can have taxpayers pick up students ' tuition in exchange for dictating what those students will study .

  27. 就连希拉里·克林顿都说,到大学阶段的时候,“学费不应成为一种障碍。”

    Even Hillary Clinton says that when it comes to college , " Costs won 't be a barrier . "

  28. 目前美国有2,150万学生,很多人将依靠借贷支付大学学费。

    There 're currently 21.5 million students in America , and many will be funding their college on borrowed money .

  29. 我很幸运的获得了名为“希望”(在教育上帮助杰出学生)的彩票资助奖学金来支付自己的学费。

    I was lucky enough to have my tuition covered by a lottery-funded scholarship called HOPE ( Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally ) .

  30. 现在学生毕业时的人均债务接近40,000美元,随着大学学费变得更加昂贵,要求“免除学费”的呼声不断增高。

    The average student 's debt upon graduation now approaches $ 40 , 000 , and as college becomes ever more expensive , calls to make it " free " are multiplying .