
  • 网络freight and miscellaneous charges
  1. 运杂费分析中经济运距分界点的确定

    Determination of economic haul separation point in analysis of freight and miscellaneous charges

  2. 设备材料运杂费:中国产设备材料按20%计算,第三国进口设备材料按土国cif价的10%计算。

    Freight and miscellaneous expenses of equipment and materials : equipment and materials made in China are calculated as20 % , equipment and materials imported from third countries are calculated as10 % of native CIF price .

  3. 关于运杂费效能监察的思考与实践

    Consideration & Practice on Freight / Extra Fees Efficiency Supervision

  4. 车辆改革效果明显,运输服务质量提高,节约了运杂费。

    The reform gains great achievement in cost reduction and freight saving .

  5. 关于铁路工程建筑材料运杂费的探讨

    Discussion on transportation of construction materials of railway project

  6. 托运方的义务:按约定向承运方交付运杂费。按实卸货物支付运费

    The shipper 's obligation : Paying the freight and other charges as the contract to the carrier . concurrent with discharge

  7. 企业控制采购成本目前主要采取对采购物品主观降价、控制运杂费、降低仓储费等方法,但效果不明显,难以实现系统性管理。

    The stock cost controlling adopt mainly methods such as reducing directly the stocking price and storage cost , and controlling the transportation incidental expenses at present .

  8. 其他机器设备为通用设备和车辆,需安装的设备重置全价由设备原价、运杂费、安装费和基础费组成;

    Replacement total price of the key machines & equipments was composed of equipment fee , installation fee , other fee and capital cost ; the depreciation was determined in the ways of engineering appraisal .

  9. 通过复核工程数量、合理计算运杂费和灵活编制补充单价,以及在认真检查计算过程中存在的问题等方面,简述提高报价内涵质量。

    This paper explicitly describes how to improve the connotative quality of quoted price through the aspects of checking of bill of quantities , reasonably calculating the freight and incidental expenses , flexibly preparing additional unit price , seriously examining the procedures of calculation , etc .