
yùn shū chénɡ běn
  • transport cost;transportation cost;cost of transportation
  1. 运输成本是市场竞争中的主要“摩擦力”。

    The cost of transportation is the major friction in the market competition .

  2. 最终实现了调度方案的简化优化,降低了物料运输成本。

    Ultimately we simplified and optimized the scheduling scheme and reduced the cost of transportation .

  3. 本地生产实际上消除了运输成本。

    Local production virtually eliminates transport costs .

  4. 考虑运输成本和信息成本的JIT采购模式选择

    JIT Purchasing Option Considering Transportation Cost and Information Cost

  5. 根据p?中位问题的建模思路,依据航班时刻和货运量,分别建立了最少配送次数、最短配送时间和运费有折扣情况下的最低运输成本的优化模型,并对模型进行求解。

    Three models were built to solve the problem . The targets of the models were minimum delivery time , least delivery times and minimum transportation cost under the condition of freight discount .

  6. 本文提出的瓦楞纸箱CAD,能使瓦楞纸箱包装设计用料成本、运输成本、仓储成本的包装总成本最小,因而最优。

    The fibre box package CAD can make the fibre box design with less cost of material , distribution and storage in this thesis . The optimal design is also obtained .

  7. LVMH说,价格差异也包括了运输成本。

    The price differences also account for logistics costs , LVMH said .

  8. 这些损失为:出口方式下的运输成本和关税损失,FDI方式下的固定成本损失,许可证贸易下的联合利润损失以及为了阻止模仿,而转移相对落后技术造成的损失。

    The loss is transportation cost and tariff under export , the fixed cost under FDI , and united profit effect and the profit loss for stopping imitation under licensing .

  9. 在前人工作基础上,本论文完善了两级VMI供应链库存成本模型,文中VMI系统发生的成本涉及商品的运输成本,与现实情况更加贴合。

    This paper perfects the cost model of two-stage supply chain and involves the transportation cost , which accord with reality .

  10. 经济和金融分析机构IHSGlobalInsight的数据显示,过去4年,由于油价上涨以及船只和集装箱运力削减,运输成本已经上涨了71%。

    In the last four years , shipping costs have risen 71 % because of higher oil prices , as well as cutbacks in ships and containers , according to IHS Global Insight .

  11. 在前人研究的基础上,考虑了运输成本和经济批量之间的内在联系,对传统VMI模型进行了完善。

    Based on foregoing researches , this paper tries to perfect the traditional model of VMI by taking the correlation between transport costs and economic order quantity into account .

  12. 与此同时,由于新经济地理学首次把运输成本纳入到一般均衡分析框架中,从而为FDI的区位选择研究提供了新的理论框架和研究视角。

    At the same time , since the new economic geography for the first time transport costs into general equilibrium analysis framework , so as to FDI Location Choice of study provides a new theoretical framework and research perspectives .

  13. 目前,运输成本、FDI聚集效应、区域消费能力、区域经济发展潜力、对外开放程度和区域经济的自由程度对FDI区域聚集有显著影响,且这些因素对FDI区域聚集的影响程度显著增强。

    At present , some factors , including transportation cost , agglomeration effect of FDI , regional consumption capacity , development potential , the extent of opening up and market economy system , are showing more and more significant impact on FDI agglomeration .

  14. 首先以Pontes(2003)非对称区域中公司选址研究为基础,建立了一个考虑运输成本因素的两区位公司选址模型。

    Based on the research on the location of firms in asymmetric regions by Pones , We consider a two-location model of locational choice of firms in view of transport costs .

  15. 对3000t级级驳船队进行经济计算,通过经济分析,以降低船队运输成本和能耗为目的的优化,得出最佳驳船队。

    Refutes the fleet to the 3000t level to carry on the performance computation , through the economic analysis , take reduces the fleet transportation cost and the energy consumption as the goal optimization , obtains best refutes the fleet .

  16. 大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)旗下的豪华品牌奥迪(Audi)和宝马汽车公司(BMWAG)在中国市场上销售的大多数汽车都产自中国,这样可免除25%的进口税,降低运输成本,并且可对需求变化做出更加迅速的反应。

    Audi , the Volkswagen AG VOW.XE - 0.34 % luxury brand , and BMW AG BMW.XE - 1.26 % build in China the majority of the vehicles they sell in the country . That frees them from a 25 % import duty , lowers shipping costs and allows them to respond more rapidly to shifts in demand .

  17. 很多欧洲国家的公司,例如法国办公设备生产商samas和德国耳机生产商森海塞尔(sennheiser),已将生产业务迁出中国,原因不一而足:从知识产权问题,到不断上升的人力和运输成本。

    Companies from many European countries such as Samas , a French maker of office equipment , and Sennheiser , a German headphone maker , have moved production out of China because of difficulties from intellectual property to rising labour and transport costs .

  18. 快速地交货,但运输成本不是实际成本。

    Fast Delivery but shipping cost was not the actual cost .

  19. 区域秸秆资源最优化收集路径与运输成本分析

    Collection path optimization and transportation cost analysis of regional stalk resource

  20. 物流成本探析&运输成本与库存成本的关系研究

    Research on Logistics Cost & Relationship between Transportation Cost and Inventory Cost

  21. 物流配送的效率通常用物流成本的高低来衡量,而运输成本往往占整个物流成本的一半以上。

    The transportation cost always takes more than half of logistics cost .

  22. 降低运输成本,发展新型产业。

    Lowering the transport cost and developing a renovated industry .

  23. 汽车运输成本预测与盈亏分析数学模型

    Mathematic model of analyse of transportation cost forecast of trucks and profit loss

  24. 内河运输成本中管理费用分配办法之管见&兼论湘航现行管理费用分配办法的利弊

    My opinion on the distribution of management expenses in inner river transportation cost

  25. 企业的作业成本法研究需求不确定和单位运输成本变化的供应链模型

    Research on supply chain model for stochastic demand and variational unit transportation cost

  26. 生产运输成本问题的随机优化模型及新的求解途径

    Stochastic Optimization to the Cost Problem of Production and Transportation and Its Solution

  27. 铁路运输成本费用指数体系及计算方法

    Exploration on Index Calculating Method of Railway Transportation Cost

  28. 运输成本成为阻碍进出口贸易的一个重要因素。

    Transportation costs become the handicap factor of the import and export trade .

  29. 同类企业间良好的水平合作,实现了规模经济对单位运输成本的降低和范围经济对物流转运点的减少,降低了集群企业的物流成本。

    With the good horizontal cooperation , cluster enterprise obtain logistics reducing of cost .

  30. 第一章主要讨论并认清什么是船舶运输成本;

    It discussed and recognized what the ship transportation cost was in chapter one ;