
  • 网络academic ethic
  1. 而学术伦理规制则是学术伦理价值观的的外化形式,是内在价值基础与外在规范保障相统一的引导与约束体系。

    And academic ethics regulation is an outer form of academic ethics values , and it is also a united guidance and constraint system about its values and rules .

  2. 尤其是在学术伦理缺失现象较为严重的今天,学术失范和学术失责行为已给我国的学术环境和学术风气造成了严重的负面影响。

    Lack of academic responsibility has already had a bad affection in the negative .

  3. 同时,在学术伦理意义上,也是尊重主体性的文化学思考的一种实践。

    At the same time , from the perspective of the academic ethnics , interest group perspective is also a practice of respecting subjects .

  4. 并提出在德育内容上,应用可持续发展的眼光,引导研究生关注民族发展、人类命运、个人健康发展和学术伦理。

    It put forward that the content of moral education must focus on the development of nationality , fatal of mankind , healthy development of personality and academic of ethic .

  5. 建立在自然经济、小生产和宗法关系基础上的传统学术是伦理政治型的学术,教育是伦理政治型的教育。

    Traditional learning based on natural economy , small production and patriarchal relationship was ethical and political and so was education .

  6. 学术自由:伦理基础、冲突与协调

    Freedom of Scholarship : Its Ethical Foundation , Conflicts and Harmony

  7. 高校学术失范的伦理思考

    Ethical Reflection on the Lack of Academic Standard in Colleges and Universities

  8. 论学术出版过程的伦理调节

    On Ethic Regulation in the Process of Scholarly Publishing

  9. 本书不是要介绍学术理论,这些伦理规则强调影响日常决定的逻辑模式。

    Rather than presenting an academic theory , these rules of ethical play stress the logic that must drive daily decisions .

  10. 学术界对生态伦理的一系列基础性理论问题进行了研究,主要从两个方面进行的:一是从自然科学的生态学和环境科学角度进行的研究,二是研究方向来自于环境哲学研究。

    Academic studied a series of basic theoretical questions of the Eco-ethics theory , mainly from two aspects to study it .

  11. 无论是在管理实践还是学术研究领域,伦理型领导都受到越来越多的关注。

    In both the management practice and the academic community , there has been a surge in interest in the ethical leadership .

  12. 旅游伦理问题亦随之而来,由此引发了各国政府、旅游组织和学术界对旅游伦理的关注。

    Traveling ethics question also following , from this has initiated the various countries ' government , the traveling organization and the academic circles to the traveling ethics attention .

  13. 学术界一般从伦理、心理学角度探讨仁学思想,把仁看作最高的德目、最高的伦理道德境界。

    In general , academic circles study the thoughts of benevolence from the aspects of ethics and psychology . They regard that benevolence is the supreme moral entry and the supreme moral boundary .

  14. 最后,为学术而学术作为一种独特的学术人的职业伦理,它强调的是科学动机的非功利性,要求学者将学术研究摆在第一位。

    Thirdly , pure science or science for science 's sake is an academic ethic ; it emphasizes the non-utility in science inquiry .

  15. 根据学术失范的心理特点,高校学术道德规范和伦理规范的建立在心理调控的层面上主要包括三个维度七个步骤;

    According to these psychological characteristics , the establishment of scholarship norm in morality has its own three aspects and seven steps in interior control ;

  16. 第二部分,运用伦理学基本理论,对学术责任进行了整体把握,从真与善、自律与他律、道德的实践精神以及集体主义原则四个方面,明确了学术责任的伦理关涉问题。

    In the second part , we had a good grasp in whole to Academic Responsibility by using ethics theory .