
  1. 存留养亲及其价值分析

    Penalty Probation for Supporting of Parents and Analyzing Value

  2. 论存留养亲制度在中国封建社会存在的合理性

    The Justifiability of the System of Permitting Culprit to Support Lineal Elders in the Feudal Society of China

  3. 该部分共分为两小节:第一小节,对清代存留养亲制度的消极意义进行分析。

    This part is divided into two sections : the first section at the end of Qing Dynasty ; analyzes the negative significance f the Cun Liu Yang Qin of Qing Dynasty .

  4. 该部分通过对存留养亲制度所特有的价值和内涵进行分析,指出了存留养亲制度存在的积极面和消极面,提出了对我们司法建设的借鉴意义。

    Through to the " Cun Liu Yang Qin " unique value and the connotation analysis , had pointed out the positive surface and the negative surface . And Proposed profits from the significance to our judicature construction .