
cún chǔ chénɡ xù
  • Stored program;stored/saved program
  1. 计算机是受存储程序控制的。

    A computer is controlled by a stored program

  2. 计算机是存储程序控制的,因此使用计算机的第一步是把程序从软盘上拷贝到内存中。

    A computer is controlled by a stored program : thus the first step in using the machine is copying the the program from diskette into memory .

  3. 图像预处理模块主要实现基于USB摄像头的图像获取程序,显示程序和存储程序的设计与实现。

    Preprocessing module mainly realizes image acquisition program using USB-based camera , display program , and storage procedures .

  4. 微控制器存储程序CRC校验

    CRC check for the storage program of the AVR micro-controller

  5. 应用VISUALBASIC6.0开发燃料电池发动机车载监控系统软件,包括动态主控界面设计、通讯程序设计、控制程序设计和数据存储程序设计。

    Fuel-cell engine monitoring System is designed based on the Visual Basic , including the design of control picture , commu-nication program , control program and data saving .

  6. XML任务:XML查询(SQL/XML,XQuery)与存储程序开发;XML数据仓库映射与填充。

    XML tasks : XML query ( SQL / XML , XQuery ) and stored procedure development ; XML warehouse mapping and population .

  7. 关闭Preferences窗口之后,按照创建一个存储程序中的步骤并选择您的新模板MyTemplate,您就可以使用自己的模板。

    After closing the Preferences window , you can use your template by following the steps in Create a Stored Procedure and selecting your new template , My Template .

  8. 没有任何存储程序或者用户定义函数文件夹可用,因为这些功能不适用于Informix数据库连接。

    There will not be any stored procedure or user-defined function folders available , as these facilities are not available for an Informix database connection .

  9. 将SPM空间进行分层管理,第一层用于抛出变量管理,第二层用于存储程序能耗热点。

    This thesis divides SPM space into two layers : the first layer for spilled variables storage , the second for storage of hot energy consumption .

  10. 因为“CPU的”通常是指软件(计算机程序)的执行装置,最早的设备,可以正确地被称为中央处理器是随着存储程序的计算机。

    Sincethe term " CPU " is generally defined as a software ( computer program ) execution device , the earliest devices that could rightly be calledCPUs came with the advent of the stored-program computer .

  11. 从CL命令行运行命令CRTLIB,创建一个名为CVTTEMP的库,该库用于存储程序对象

    Create a library called CVTTEMP in which the program objects will be stored by issuing the CL command CRTLIB from the CL command line as follows

  12. 同时,完成了包括DDS控制程序、报文译码程序、人机交互程序和报文存储程序在内的软件设计与调试,成功实现了NAVTEX报文的正确接收和显示。

    Meanwhile , completed the software design and debugging , which including DDS control procedures , packet decoding process , human-computer interaction process and the message stored procedures . The test results proved that this receiver can receive and display NAVTEX messages accurately .

  13. 这儿有一个存储程序计算机的例子。

    This is now an example of a stored-program computer .

  14. 第一项是所谓的存储程序概念。

    The first was the so-called stored program concept .

  15. 电子计算机和存储程序自动绘图器械

    Electronic computer and stored program automatic drafter

  16. 从发明了存储程序计算机开始,设计和实现延展性软件就是一大挑战。

    Designing and implementing malleable software has been a challenge since stored-program computers were invented .

  17. 计算机:在存储程序控制下把数据处理成信息的机器。

    Computer . A machine that processes data into information under control of a stored program .

  18. 以前大部分针对共享存储程序的动态数据竞争检测工作都是通过维护发生序来实现。

    Most of the previous work in dynamic data race detection is based on Happen-Before Order .

  19. 这些(光学计算机)能存储程序和处理信息,使用光的方法-细微光束的脉冲-而不是电路。

    These could store programs and process information by means of light-pulses from tiny lasers-rather than electrons .

  20. 存储程序数据压缩器

    Stored program data compressor

  21. 用来存储程序当前状态或者当前编辑的文件的对象。

    An object used to store the current state of an application or the file it is currently editing .

  22. 这一段文字表明,图灵第一次意识到了存储程序式通用计算机的真正潜力。

    It was in this passage that he drew first attention to the richness inherent in a stored-program universal machine .

  23. 卡中实际存储程序的实际数量依程序的复杂程度而不同。

    The actual number of programs that can be stored on the card varies depending on the complexity of the program .

  24. 该框架还为专门进行分析的方法提供了工具,用来存储程序的此次执行中可能不会改变的动态值。

    It also provides facilities for specialized profiling versions of methods to store dynamic values that might not change in this execution of the program .

  25. 重点介绍了两个模块的软件设计与实现,包括驱动程序、软面板程序、数据分析程序和数据存储程序。

    It is mainly presented two modules ' software , includes the design and accomplish of driver , softpanel , data analyzing program and data storage program .

  26. 对智能感知单元进行的软件设计与实现,包括传感数据采集,数据传输,存储程序以及主控程序。

    For the software and programming part of intellisense cell , this paper also demonstrates the functions of data collecting and transmission , master control program and data storage program .

  27. 它的意思就是说,我可以给一个存储程序计算机,提供一系列,描述我希望,能执行的过程的指令。

    What that means , in a stored-program computer , is that I can provide to the computer a sequence of instructions describing the process I want it to execute .

  28. 以此生动形象地阐释计算机的各个组成部分和存储程序工作原理。

    The functions of the model computer parts and the storage program theory are expatiated vividly to ensure the beginner can comprehend computer work theory deeply in the perceptual and the rational .

  29. 那边已经于6月21日,在世界上第一台存储程序式电子数字计算机上,成功地运行了第一个程序。

    By this time , the fact was that they had already , on 21 June 1948 , successfully run the first program on the first working stored program electronic digital computer in the world .

  30. 这一天是1948年6月21日,这是全世界第一个在存储程序式电子计算机上成功运行的程序,通过笨拙的暴力枚举,求解出一个整数的最大因数。吉尔博记录:

    This happened on 21 June 1948 , and the world 's first working program on an electronic stored-program computer , to find the highest factor of an integer by crude brute force trial , had been written by Kilburn .