
  1. 孔子的教育思想与现代人才培养模式探析

    A Probe into Confucius Education Thought and Modern Talent Fostering Model

  2. 孔子的教育思想和教育方法对当代教育的启示

    Inspiration for Modern Education from Educational Method and Thinking of Confucius

  3. 孔子的教育思想及其现代意义&在广州师范学院创校40周年复办20周年校庆中外教育思想高级研讨会上的讲话

    Confucian educational thought and its significance for today

  4. 孔子的教育思想中蕴含着丰富的哲学思想。

    Confucian educational idea contains rich philosophy thoughts .

  5. 孔子的教育思想与课程改革

    Confucius ' Educational Thought and Curriculum Reform

  6. 反思最早起源于中国孔子的教育思想。

    The thought of reflection was originated from China since the period of Confucius time .

  7. 孔子的教育思想极大地丰富了人类的精神宝库。

    Educational Thought of Confucius , has greatly enriched the treasure house of the human spirit .

  8. 论孔子的教育思想

    On Confucian Thinking of Education

  9. 在孔子的教育思想中,诗教和乐教具有其他教育方式所没有的优越性。

    Poem education and music education have irreplaceable advantages over other education methods in Confucian education thought .

  10. 然而,孔子的教育思想也有着时代和社会制度的烙印,具有历史局限性。

    However , Confucius ' ideology also has the historical limits with the imprinting of epochal and social system .

  11. 尤其是我们的万世师表的孔子的教育思想更是有着巨大的现实意义和借鉴的意义。

    Jesus Christ , especially our educational thinking of Confucius Biao is has great practical significance and meaning of reference .

  12. 本文主要论述孔子的教育思想及其对当代思想政治教育的价值论证。

    Confucius ' educational ideology and its value discussion on current ideological and political education were discussed in this paper .

  13. 孔子的教育思想具有以下一些主要内容:在教育对象上主张“有教无类”;

    In respect of the targets of education , Confucius put forward the idea of teaching learners without division of classes .

  14. 摘要孔子的教育思想体现了丰富而深刻的人文内涵,对现代素质教育具有十分重要的启示作用。

    Confucius 's education thought embodies abundant and profound human connotation , which plays a significant enlightening role in modern quality education .

  15. 作者在重点分析了孔子的教育思想及其现代意义之后,阐述了儒家文化在世界上的巨大影响。

    After analysing Confucian educational thought and its significance for today , the author states the strong influence of Confucianism on the world .

  16. 在语文教学观念不断更新的紧迫形势下,深入研究孔子的教育思想,从中汲取教学经验。

    In the Chinese teaching idea continuously updated urgent situation , further study of Confucius education thought , to learn the teaching experience .

  17. 中国古代没有系统的审美教育理论,美育也没有独立的地位,主要以孔子的教育思想为例。

    In ancient China there was no systematic theories of aesthetic education , and Aesthetics had no independent status , mainly in the education thoughts of Confucius .

  18. 当前,我们实施素质教育,很有必要研究、学习和借鉴孔子的教育思想。

    We are carrying out quality education now , so it is quite necessary for us to study Confucius ' education thought and use it for reference .

  19. 从这个方面来看,我国伟大的教育家孔子的教育思想中所表现的诸多特点与我们现在所倡导的教育的特点不谋而合。

    From this perspective , the great educator of the Educational Thought of Confucius in the performance of the many features and we are the characteristics of education advocated coincide .

  20. 孔子的教育思想与当今新世纪教育合作思潮,在教育关系的认识上有共通之处,在教育理念和教育模式的认识上有相似之处。

    Confucius ' education thoughts and the popular ideas of cooperative education of the new century share the understanding of education relationships , and the rational ideas on education and education model .

  21. 孔子的教育思想政治上为剥削阶级的统治掩盖了一层血缘宗法的心理情感关系的面纱,维护和巩固了封建剥削阶级的利益。

    Actually , Confucius ' ideology covered up the veil of emotional relationship of family and patriarchal clan system for the exploiting class , and maintained and consolidated the feudal exploiting class .

  22. 这一思想内涵经过两千多年社会实践的检验直到今天仍然散发出熠熠的光辉,孔子的教育思想是素质教育的渊源。

    After two thousand years of the ideological content of the test of social practice , even today still exudes a glittering glory , the Confucian educational thought is the origin of quality education .

  23. 孔子的教育思想体系闪烁着主体性的光辉,其主体性精神体现在教育对象观、教学方法、道德教育等方面。

    Confucius ' educational ideology glimmers brilliance of subjectivity . The subjectivity spirit of Confucius ' educational ideology is exhibited in his viewpoints of education object , method of instruction , moral education and so forth .

  24. 从孔子的教育思想看现代人才培养模式中的培养目标、培养规格、培养方案、培养途径,对理解现代人才培养模式的涵义和深化人才培养模式的改革有着现实的价值和意义。

    It has realistic value to comprehend the meaning of modern talent training pattern and deepen the reform of talent training model with Confucius educational thinking to view the training target , training standards , training plan , training way of modern talent fostering pattern .

  25. 孔子的人文教育思想与教育现代化

    The Confucian Thinking of Humane Education and the Modernization in Education

  26. 孔子的人格教育思想有着丰富的内涵。

    This paper discusses Confucius ' rich connotations in his thought of personality education .

  27. 孔子的教育伦理思想述评

    Comment on Confucius ' Educational Ethics Ideology

  28. 论孔子的素质教育思想

    On Confucius 's Thoughts about Quality Education

  29. 孔子的行政教育思想的表达形式主要是语录体,还缺乏现代学术的完美形式。

    Confucius ' administration education expression format is Ana , which is short of perfection formation .

  30. 论孔子和的教育思想对现代高教发展的启迪

    Implications of Confucius ' Idea on Education Based on " Harmony " for Modern Higher Education