
  • 网络entertainment;Entertainment Projects
  1. 别把电视和YouTube当成主要的娱乐项目。

    Do not become overly comfortable with TV and YouTube as your primary sources of entertainment .

  2. 但金门县长李炷烽(lichu-feng)表示,尽管战争遗迹是不错的娱乐项目,但地雷必须排除。

    But while the War legacy makes for good entertainment , the mines must go , says Li Chu-feng , the county magistrate .

  3. 在所有简单无害的娱乐项目背后都隐藏着危险,特别是对儿童而言。

    Under all the innocent fun , there are hidden dangers , especially for children

  4. 别具一格的日式乡村温泉,古埃及桑拿浴室,阳光温泉SPA,室内外连通的温泉泳池,私家豪华影院、各式海上娱乐项目等将为您在公务之余提供完美的休闲度假体验。

    In & Out-door Swimming Pools , Japanese Hot Spring , Ancient Egyptian Sauna Rooms , Sunshine SPA and a private cinema * all these will bring the most relaxation for your business trip .

  5. 演出结束后,他们四处闲逛找寻其他的娱乐项目。

    They went around seeing other entertainments around after the show .

  6. 纽约市有一系列娱乐项目可供选择,数量之多令人惊叹。

    New York has an amazing array of entertainment options .

  7. 消遣每一个能想象得到的娱乐项目,从跳跃障碍赛到塑料充气城堡

    every conceivable distraction from show jumping to bouncy castles .

  8. 女老少皆可以玩的娱乐项目。

    Women and children of all ages for recreation .

  9. 该俱乐部提供多种娱乐项目。

    The club provides a wide choice of entertainment .

  10. 一个很大的露天场地,可进行野外运动或娱乐项目。

    A large structure for open-air sports or entertainments .

  11. 它也很可能是有史以来开发的最昂贵的单个娱乐项目。

    It could easily be the most expensive single attraction ever to open .

  12. 主要表现在四个方面:第一,休闲偏好、目的影响娱乐项目的发展类型。

    First , leisure preference and purpose influences the development types of recreational items .

  13. 要是我的话,宁愿放弃决赛的位置去看一些传统的荷兰娱乐项目。

    I would trade a place in the final for some traditional Dutch entertainment .

  14. 对岛上环境特点的综合运用产生了一个无与伦比的娱乐项目。

    The synthesis of the island 's environmental features creates an unparalleled recreational program .

  15. 乒乓球运动己成为的高校大学生一项重要健身休闲娱乐项目。

    Table tennis of the college students has become an important recreational fitness projects .

  16. 游艇俱乐部是近些年在我国逐步兴起的高档体育娱乐项目。

    As a new recreation item , yacht club has been gradually appearing in China .

  17. 这里当然也少不了水滑梯,以及其他老少皆宜的娱乐项目。

    There are also several water slides and other activities that people of all ages can enjoy .

  18. 这是个不错的娱乐项目,你需要一定的技巧才能跳得动人。

    It 's a good entertainment , and you need a level of skill to make it presentable .

  19. 在这一全民性娱乐项目的起源、繁盛以及衰亡的过程中,宗教因素一直贯穿其中。

    Religious factors run through the whole course of the origin , development and decline of this universal entertainment .

  20. 大学生竞技舞龙运动是由中国民间娱乐项目挖掘而来的一项传统体育项目。

    The university student competitive Dragon Dance movement is a traditional sport , which comes from the Chinese folk entertainments .

  21. 去玩水上娱乐项目,它与温泉养生区毗邻,走过一条长的玻璃走廊就到了。

    Walking along a long vitreous passage from the Health Preservation Area , you can get to the Entertainment Area .

  22. 你可以压缩晚上的休闲娱乐项目,比如说看电视,反正你其实并不需要随时盯着它。

    You can cut down on other evening activities like watching TV-shows you don ´ t care for that much anyway .

  23. 随着多媒体计算机的日益普及,观看多媒体计算机播放的影视节目已成为许多家庭重要的娱乐项目。

    With the popularization of multimedia computer , watching movies through multimedia computer has become a important recreation in many families .

  24. 还有一些视觉娱乐项目,如卡巴雷歌舞及各种各样的表演等也会需要一群音乐人在剧场里伴奏。

    And smaller groups of musicians were needed in theaters as accompaniment to visual entertainment , like cabarets and variety shows .

  25. 因而,在此基础上,我国的休闲体育得到了可喜的发展,休闲体育娱乐项目也逐渐变得丰富多彩起来。

    Therefore , the recreational sports in our country got welcome development , leisure sports entertainment project gradually becomes rich and colorful .

  26. 许多人认为通讯的基础设施将成为哑管道,而内容和/或硬件公司将会赢取家庭的资讯娱乐项目。

    Many have thought that communications infrastructure would become dumb pipes and the content and / or hardware companies would win home infotainment .

  27. 人们期待你成为教育工作的负责人,从事娱乐项目,或者关于年轻人或孩子们的工作。

    People expect you to be responsible for teaching , working on an entertainment project , or dealing with young people or children .

  28. 网球、羽毛球、乒乓球、沙滩浴场、水上竞技等休闲娱乐项目,时时兴奋着您的神经,让您的肌体更加矫健。

    Tennis , badminton , ping-pong , sand beach bathing , and other aquatic sports will spirit you up and bring you fitness .

  29. 要挖掘地方文化,创造高品位的茶文化环境,安排有特色的茶休闲娱乐项目。

    To scoop out the mainland culture , create the tea cultural environment , arrange the tea leisure amusement which has special features .

  30. 将个性化推荐系统应用到实际的项目中,实现智能家居中的娱乐项目的个性化推荐系统,对智能家居的研究有了进一步的推进作用。

    Realize entertainment project personalized recommendation system of the intelligent household , which brings a further boost for the study of intelligent household .