
  • 网络entertainment weekly;ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY's
  1. 在印刷文本扉页上首先出现视频广告的出版物,是美国杂志“娱乐周刊(EntertainmentWeekly)”。

    The first video advert inside a print title has been published inside the American magazine Entertainment Weekly .

  2. 娱乐周刊说,他们正在“悄悄地准备B计划”,通过增加另一个经常性的女演员,以掩护巴顿,如果她无法返回。

    Entertainment Weekly says they 're " quietly readying a Plan B " by adding another recurring female cast member to cover for Barton if she 's unable to return .

  3. 去年,HBO的规划总裁凯西?布罗伊斯对《娱乐周刊》谈到了衍生剧的可能性。

    Last year , HBO 's programming president , Casey Bloys , spoke to Entertainment Weekly about the possibility .

  4. 本文作者ChrisLee曾任《娱乐周刊》、《洛杉矶时报》、《新闻周刊》和《野兽日报》等媒体的特约撰稿人,主要报道洛杉矶地区与娱乐、文化和商业有关的话题。

    Chris Lee is a former staff writer forEntertainment Weekly , The Los Angeles Times , NewsweekandThe Daily Beast . He covers entertainment , culture and business in Los Angeles .

  5. 当《娱乐周刊》(entertainmentweekly)的部分读者下月打开杂志时,将看到美国电视剧中的角色从嵌入页面的超薄显示屏上对他们说话。

    When some readers of entertainment weekly open their magazines next month , they will discover characters from US television programmes speaking to them from a wafer-thin video screen built into the page .

  6. 在ABC医疗剧《实习医生格蕾》中扮演实习生格蕾的旁派,在接受《娱乐周刊》采访时,被问到是否会继续出演第16季。

    In an interview with Entertainment Weekly , Pompeo , who plays Meredith Grey on the ABC medical drama , was asked if she sees herself continuing on the show beyond Season 16 .

  7. “他感到深深的愧疚感而变得歇斯底里,”PaulWesley在向《娱乐周刊》谈自己扮演的这个角色对这些事件的反应时说。

    " His guilt us so deep that he goes off the deep end ," Paul Wesley says to Entertainment Weekly of his character 's reaction to those events .

  8. 《娱乐周刊》上的广告将呈现cbs周一晚间档几部电视剧中的角色,并将通过视频宣传一款面向男性的百事健怡可乐。

    The ad in Entertainment Weekly will feature characters from several Monday night offerings on CBS , as well as a video promoting a Pepsi diet cola for men .

  9. 当她带着《娱乐周刊》的AdamB.Vary参观《生活大爆炸》的衣橱时,奎格利给了我们关于佩妮、艾米和伯纳黛特的鲜明风格的内幕消息。

    Quigley gave us the inside scoop on the signature styles of Penny , Amy and Bernadette when she took EW 's own Adam B. Vary on a guided tour of the Big Bang wardrobe closet .

  10. 《娱乐周刊》报道,曾在美国HBO电视网美剧《约翰·亚当斯》中扮演托马斯·杰斐逊的英国男演员StephenDillane将会在《权利的游戏》第二季中扮演Stannis。

    British actor Stephen Dillane , who portrayed Thomas Jefferson in HBO 's John Adams , will play Stannis , Entertainment Weekly reports .

  11. 根据《娱乐周刊》,回到《权游》的开播时间问题,多等待的时间会给作者GeorgeR.R.Martin来发布《冰与火之歌》系列新书——《凛冬的寒风》。

    Pushing back GOT 's screen time will give author George R.R. Martin more time to release the next book in his hit A Song Of Ice And Fire series , The Winds Of Winter , according to Entertainment Weekly .

  12. 《娱乐周刊》已经证实,帕森斯将和合作制片人托德·斯派沃克(也是他生活中的同性男友)制作一部新电视剧,电视剧改编自YouTube上讲述现实生活中的年轻天才的系列短片《Prodigies》。

    EW has confirmed that Parsons and producing partner Todd Spiewak are developing a TV series based on Prodigies , a YouTube series that highlights real-life young geniuses .

  13. 在《娱乐周刊》的访问中,Martin说,他认为自己的这部著作应该不止七季这样也会给他多空出一些时间来完成《冰与火之歌》的结局。

    During an interview with Entertainment Weekly , Martin says he thinks the series will need more than seven seasons & which also will give him some extra time to finish the A Song of Ice and Fire book series .

  14. 就在HBO宣布新剧计划的同一天,Deadline网站和《娱乐周刊》等媒体报道称,以长夜为主题的第一个《权游》前传计划已经取消。

    The news comes on the same day outlets including Deadline and Entertainment Weekly reported that the first " Game of Thrones " prequel idea , set around the Long Night , was no longer moving forward .

  15. 《娱乐周刊》的MichaelAusiello透露,托尼奖的获得者林-曼努尔·米兰达将在《豪斯医生》第六季开头几集扮演豪斯在疯人院中的室友!

    According to Michael Ausiello at EW , Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda has been cast as House 's roommate in the loony bin for the first couple of season 6 episodes .

  16. 据《娱乐周刊》报道,黑客侵入HBO公司系统,将几部电视剧的待播剧集以及至少一份所谓的电视剧剧本或脚本发布在网上,还威胁称接下来将公布更多内容。

    EW has learned that upcoming episodes of a couple series and at least one alleged script or treatment have been put online by hackers who breached the company 's systems - with more threatened to be coming soon .

  17. 《娱乐周刊》周三报道,权游的主创DavidBenioff和DanWeiss想请马丁来拍摄地北爱尔兰,在这季里客串一下,但马丁拒绝了。

    Entertainment Weekly reported on Wednesday that series showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss tried to get Martin to travel to North Ireland , where the show filmed , to do a cameo on the upcoming season , but Martin declined .

  18. 最早发布此消息的《娱乐周刊》报道,4月25日播出的《吸血鬼日记》将会出现一些新角色和一些新剧情,为在新奥尔良发生的即将到来的以Klaus为主角的衍生剧做铺垫。

    As EW first reported , the April 25 episode of " The Vampire Diaries " will establish some new characters and a new setting for a potential spin-off centered around Klaus ( Joseph Morgan ) in New Orleans .

  19. 2017年HBO节目总监凯西·阿洛伊斯向《娱乐周刊》解释道,HBO电视网计划利用这些宣传和它们的发展阶段,在最理想的情况下选出一部能够承担权游传承重任的“有价值的”杰出剧作。

    In 2017 , HBO programming director Casey Bloys explained to Entertainment Weekly that the network was planning on using the pitches , and their development stages , to ideally select just one standout series that was " worthy " of bearing the Game of Thrones mantle .

  20. “娱乐周刊”说印第安纳琼斯是史上第三大动作英雄。

    said Indiana Jones was its third favourite action hero ever .

  21. 不单单是《娱乐周刊》在为这些才华横溢的人们庆贺。

    But were not alone in celebrating these talented people .

  22. 你得到了普利策奖金提名,而他去给娱乐周刊工作。

    You get nominated for a Pulitzer he ends up working for the tabloids .

  23. 娱乐周刊《好莱坞之绿》展示名人对地球关注的生活。

    " Hollywood Green ," a weekly entertainment magazine , will showcase earth-conscious celebrities .

  24. 看来还是有人读娱乐周刊的啊。

    Somebody 's reading the tabloids .

  25. 有知情人向美国《娱乐周刊》杂志爆料称,在圣诞节前,两人就结束了这段持续时间为11个月的感情经历。

    Sources tell Us Weekly magazine the couple grew apart and ended its11-month romance before Christmas .

  26. 感觉棒极了,我爱极了这一刻。她对娱乐周刊的记者说道。

    It felt amazing . I love it , she told Entertainment Weekly at the time .

  27. 克里斯汀·斯图尔特带着她招牌式的撇嘴微笑,第三次为《暮色》登上了《娱乐周刊》的封面。

    Kristen Stewart gives her trademark sideways smile on the third Twilight cover of Entertainment Weekly .

  28. 而杰克逊向《娱乐周刊》表示,当他们看完整部影片,就知道什么叫哑口无言了。

    But Jackson told Entertainment Weekly people should bite their tongues until they see the entire film .

  29. 2007年,娱乐周刊把古鲁姆评为了第三个人们最喜爱的电脑合成角色。

    Gollum was named as the third favorite computer generated film character by Entertainment Weekly in 2007 .

  30. 《娱乐周刊》决定直接采访来自基德的代表,没想到,得到这样直接的回答。

    Entertainment Weekly decided to go straight to the source and got a surprisingly direct answer from Kit 's rep.