
  • 网络If We Could Be Together
  1. 如果我们能在一起,那就不在会感到离别的痛楚。

    If we could be united , ~ ~ we would feel this pain no longer .

  2. 如果能这样一直在一起就好了。

    I wish we could stay this way , together and forever .

  3. 如果能和主人在一起,它愿意睡在冰冷的地上,任凭寒风凛冽,朔雪飘零。

    He will sleep on the cold ground , where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely , if only he may be near his master 's side .

  4. 如果你能和在一起,我已经离开了,仍然没有失去对世界的爱与感激。我很感激有机会见到你和你别离,完成上帝创造的一首诗!

    I am grateful for the chance to meet with you and your parting , complete with a poem created by God ! Untold sorrow to our lives , we will never have to answer .