
rú yuàn
  • have one's wish fulfilled;do as one wishes
如愿 [rú yuàn]
  • [in keeping with ones wish] 符合心愿

  • 如愿以偿(愿望实现)

  1. 我们期望你如愿得到这份工作啊。

    Let 's hold thumbs that you get the job .

  2. 她几次想见他都未如愿。

    She made several unsuccessful attempts to see him .

  3. 他很想当艺术家,但未能如愿。

    He 's really an artist manqu é .

  4. 她曾想写一部成功的小说,但从未如愿。

    She wanted to write a successful novel , but it was not to be .

  5. 在这个问题上,总统未能如愿。

    The President has been snookered on this issue .

  6. 但是,两年半之后,事情并未如愿发展,斯坦利追求名利的梦想完全破灭了。

    But , two-and-a-half years later , things haven 't quite gone to plan and Stanley 's dreams of fame and fortune lie tattered and torn .

  7. 联合使用它与map函数,我们就能如愿地得到一个整数序列。

    Using this with the map function , we get a sequence of integers , just as we wanted .

  8. 我们知道,不朽内存永远不会还原,因此无法如愿地继续创建Measurement对象,因为那样将耗尽内存。

    We know that immortal memory is never recovered , so we cannot keep creating Measurement objects at will because we would run out of memory .

  9. 我最近几周发现,诸如必须获得X公司面试机会一类的目标似乎总不能如愿实现。

    In recent weeks , I 've found that setting goals like : It 's necessary to get an interview with X company , seem to end in frustration .

  10. 钟彬娴当时接到的任务是,打造一个全球化的雅芳品牌,三年后,她出色地完成了任务,成为公司CEO的热门人选,但最后却未能如愿。

    Jung was assigned to create a global Avon brand and did that so impressively that she was considered for the top job three years later .

  11. 7月,她如愿成为赫斯特集团(Hearst)的一名律师。

    By July , she was a lawyer at Hearst .

  12. 随后服务员将单子递给TheCapital地下室的工作人员,他们叫做“寻酒师”,他们会为顾客找到相应的酿品,最后顾客如愿喝到他们点的酒。

    The waitress passes the order to The Capital 's underbelly , where a " beer finder " locates the brew . He places it on a vertical conveyor belt that runs up behind the bar , and it 's served .

  13. 尽管如此,他在爵士还是打出了出色的职业生涯,并在爵士迁到盐湖城之前如愿从NBA退役。

    Despite this , Goodrich had a good career with the Jazz , and would retire from the NBA before the team moved to Salt Lake City .

  14. 第二项尝试与上述相比显得更成功一些;它如愿使用了OSGi,然后提供了OSGi服务来与组件交互。

    The second attempt was much more successful ; use OSGi as it is intended , and then provide OSGi services to interact with the components .

  15. 与此同时,对《塞尔玛》(Selma)、《模仿游戏》(TheImitationGame)和《狐狸猎手》(Foxcatcher)来说,这是个痛苦的夜晚。这几部出色的影片本来似乎有可能夺得大奖,但最终未能如愿。

    Meanwhile , it was a tough night for " Selma , " " The Imitation Game " and " Foxcatcher , " prominent films that had seemed in line for major awards but didn 't win .

  16. 在我对申请资料和面试做了充分的准备之后,2007年8月16日,我如愿进了Culver。

    I prepared for all the application materials and the interview . August , 16th , 2007 . I arrived at Culver .

  17. 如果HTCVive原本在你的圣诞购买清单上的话,现在看来就算圣诞老人也不能让你如愿了。

    If you had an HTC Vive on your Christmas list , it looks like even Santa won 't be able to get it to you in time .

  18. 此次研究的作者之一、哈佛大学经济学家劳伦斯•卡茨(LawrenceKatz)也认同研究对象中的大多数家庭都没能够如愿搬进更好的学区。

    Harvard economist Lawrence Katz , one of the study 's authors , agreed that most families in the study hadn 't been able to move to better school districts , as initially hoped .

  19. 国民消费者法律中心的DeanneLoonin就有一个客户因未能如愿成为飞行员而欠下了30万美金的债务。

    Deanne Loonin of the National Consumer Law Centre has one client with $ 300,000 in debt from a failed effort to become an airline pilot .

  20. 据地产经纪人拉里称,该男子本想在当地的税收拍卖季即上千所丧失抵押品赎回权的房子涌入房产市场之前卖掉这所房子,可一直未能如愿,于是决定将房子标价从最初的5000美元降低为一部新iPhone6的价格。

    The owner has dropped the asking price on a three-bedroom home in east Detroit from $ 5000 to a new iPhone 6 as the owner is desperate to sell ahead of the area 's tax auction season where " thousands " of homes near foreclosure will flood the market , real estate broker Larry Else told ABC News .

  21. Largey在报告中写到,如果收益真低到这个水平,阿塞洛-米塔尔可能会面临违背其(有关债务偿付的)金融合约的风险,即使假定其减债计划能如愿进展。

    If earnings went this low , ArcelorMittal could be at risk of breaching its financial covenant [ over repayment of debts ] even assuming its debt reduction programme goes as planned , Mr Largey wrote .

  22. 她不会老,虽然你不能如愿所偿。

    She cannot fade , though thou hast not thy bliss .

  23. 我慨叹许多未曾如愿之事,

    I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought ,

  24. 希望你今年可以如愿到欧洲去。

    I hope you get to go to Europe this year .

  25. 每件事都会如愿的,不是么。

    And every my was gonna , to be all right !

  26. 通常她不需要滥用职权便能如愿。

    She usually gets her way without needing to pull rank .

  27. 为了爱,让我的爱如愿吧,心肝。

    Thus far for love my love-suit , sweet , fulfil .

  28. 而一旦如愿,我便十倍地快乐逍遥。

    This wish I have ; then ten times happy me !

  29. 如果您的样式表未能如愿地工作,请按照以下几方面进行检查

    If your stylesheet does not work as expected , review the following

  30. 我本来希望出国留学,但天意弄人,不能如愿。

    I hoped to study abroad , but fate had decided otherwise .