
  • 网络Orinoco River;Orinoco Flow
  1. 奥里诺科河附近委内瑞拉东部港市。

    A port in eastern Venezuela on the Orinoco river .

  2. 委内瑞拉石油公司称,到2015年对奥里诺科河的投资将达到约1400亿美元。

    PDVSA says it will be investing some $ 140 billion in the Orinoco by 2015 .

  3. 幸亏有了他,中国扬子鳄和奥里诺科河鳄鱼才得以开始复苏;

    Thanks to him , the Chinese alligator and the Orinoco crocodile were just beginning to recover ;

  4. 而我的岛在南美洲北部海岸的奥里诺科河的河口。

    and that my island was in the mouth of the River Orinoco on the north coast of South America .

  5. 它们生活在沼泽,湿地和水流缓慢的溪流中,主要分布在亚马逊热带丛林和奥里诺科河盆地。

    Anacondas live in swamps , marshes , and slow-moving streams , mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins .

  6. 之后,查韦斯将委内瑞拉石油公司当成自己的提款机,拒绝提供公司扩大奥里诺科河勘探规模的必要投资资本。

    Chavez then used PDVSA as his own personal ATM , starving the company of the necessary investment capital needed to expand its operations in the Orinoco .

  7. 我后来知道这是特立尼达岛,而我的岛在南美洲北部海岸的奥里诺科河的河口。

    I learnt later that it was the island of Trinidad , and that my island was in the mouth of the River Orinoco on the north coast of South America .

  8. 我爱亚马逊河和奥里诺科河这样的大河,那儿摩拉瓦基乃之流的狂人在一只无顶的小船上漂过了梦和古老的传说,淹死在瞎眼的河口中;

    I love the great rivers like the Amazon and the Orinoco , where crazy men like Moravagine float on through dream and legend in an open boat and drown in the blind mouths of the river .

  9. 于是我立刻了解,他所说的是加勒比群岛,在我们的地图上,是属于美洲地区;这些群岛从奥里诺科河河口,一直延伸到圭亚那,再延伸到圣马大。

    From whence I easily understood , that these were the Caribbees , which our Maps place on the Part of America , which reaches from the Mouth of the River Oroonooko to Guiana , and onwards to St.