
qí měi
  • Qimei;surpassingly (or unusually) beautiful
  1. 三星电子(samsungelectronics)是第一家与检方达成和解的公司,包括lgdisplay和奇美电子(chimeioptoelectronics)在内的其它5家液晶面板公司也已认罪。

    Samsung Electronics was the first to strike a deal with prosecutors , while five other LCD companies including LG display and Chi Mei optoelectronics , have also pleaded guilty .

  2. 奇美上月宣布与元太科技建立类似的合作伙伴关系,而友达光电此前已购得sipiximaging的31.6%股权,后者采用一种与eink竞争的技术生产电子纸。

    Chi Mei last month announced a similar partnership with PVI , and AU Optronics earlier took a 31.6 per cent stake in sipix imaging , which uses a rival technology to e ink to produce e-paper .

  3. 台湾证券交易所已要求奇美解释,为何在上周五发表声明,否认报纸有关该公司可能与群创或友达光电(auoptronics)合并的报道。

    Taiwan Stock Exchange Corp has asked Chi Mei to explain why it issued a statement on Friday denying a newspaper report about a possible merger with either Innolux or AU Optronics .

  4. 鸿海也持有台湾电视机面板生产商奇美电子(chimeiinnolux)的股份,但奇美缺乏夏普在面板制造领域掌握的先进技术。

    Hon Hai also has a stake in Taiwanese TV panel maker Chimei Innolux . But the latter lacks the superior technology of sharp in panel-making .

  5. 另一个网站是奇美博物管所提供的古典音乐网!

    The other one is the classical music from Chi Mei museum .

  6. 夏天,密西西比河上的日出奇美无比,

    One can never see too many summer sunrises on the Mississippi .

  7. 企业文化管理风格经营策略与绩效之关系(下)&奇美企业之个案研究

    Ralations of enterprise culture , Management style , management Tactics and benefit result ⅱ

  8. 我拍摄过奇美的自然

    I have photographed the wonders of nature

  9. 悲怆而奇美的女性精神世界

    Tragic but Beautiful Female Spirits World

  10. 资料显示,2010年奇美起诉索尼多项产品侵害其专利权;

    Statistics show that in2010 a number of Chi Mei sued Sony products infringe their patents ;

  11. 就在同一天,奇美还在否认了正在与群创进行谈判。

    Chi Mei also denied on the same day that the group was in talks with Innolux .

  12. 古老的传说启发了我们:九寨沟的奇美风光,就在于它有着天然生成的108个“翠海”;

    This ancient myth told us that the fantastic beauty of Jiuzhaigou lies in its108 natural green lakes .

  13. 行为挽歌与诗体挽歌的交织使挽歌在魏晋绽放出奇美的色彩。

    The elegy has deed and poem which make it show very beautiful color in Wei and Jin Dynasties .

  14. 这里恰恰是自然界最奇美的生物光影秀之所在。

    And this just happens to be the location of one of nature 's most impressive artificial light shows .

  15. 置身于群山之中,他诧异于自然的奇美,完全忘却了尘世的烦恼。

    Surrounded by the mountains , he marveled at the transcendental beauty of nature , totally oblivious of the secular unhappiness .

  16. 奇美表示,至去年年底,该公司仅动用了略超过三分之一的产能。

    Chi Mei said that by the end of last year it was using little more than one-third of its capacity .

  17. 城市的建筑和道路用的都是珍贵的材料,城市的居民长相奇美,衣着锦绣,装饰着骨质饰品和宝石。

    The inhabitants of this city were of enchanting beauty , dressed in silk and adorned with ornaments of bone and precious stones .

  18. 在合并交易消息的刺激下,奇美股价昨日上涨7%,达到涨停限制,创5个月新高。

    Shares in Chi Mei yesterday rose by their 7 per cent daily limit to a five-month high on the back of news of the deal .

  19. 新西兰是一个风景奇美的国度:冰川覆盖的山峦、水流湍急的江河、深邃清澈的湖泊、嘶嘶作响的间歇泉以及沸腾翻滚的泥浆。

    New Zealand is a country of rare beauty : glacial mountains , fast-flowing rivers , deep , clear lakes , hissing geysers and boiling mud .

  20. 那些奇形怪状、不可思议有时甚至吓人的形象,好象是个封神捏就的世界&有时却又是个超现实主义的奇美的世界。

    Fantastic , incredible , and sometimes frightening shapes , a world configurated by a mad god & and sometimes a world also of strange surrealist beauty .

  21. 奇美表示,期望今年面向大陆的发货量仍可以增长10%至15%,从而使大陆成为自己最大的市场。

    Chi Mei said it expects its shipments to China to still grow by 10 to 15 per cent this year , making the country its biggest market .

  22. 上周媒体报道,鸿海精密工业股份有限公司的一家分公司&佛山市奇美电子公司的一名实习生自杀身亡。富士康也同属鸿海公司旗下。

    Last week , a student intern reportedly committed suicide at Chimei Innolux Company in Foshan , a branch company of Hon Hai Precision Industry , which also owns Foxconn .

  23. 其花纹奇美,千资百态,有的似沧海巨浪,有的如碧空流水,有的像奇花异兽。

    Its pattern Chi Mei , 1000 capital phenomena , and some like sea waves , and some , such as blue sky water , and some like exquisite animals .

  24. 合并消息宣布前两天,奇美电子股票交易量飙升至正常水平的四至五倍,监管机构由此展开了调查。

    News of the probe emerged after trading in Chi Mei shares rocketed to between four and five times their normal volume in the two days before the merger was announced .

  25. 为此,千姿百态的灵幻便成为小说的外在主体,它逼真而深刻地展示了拉美民族的精魂,且形成了一种奇美而超绝的艺术品格。

    As a result , a variety of spirits and illusions became the subject of a novel , which showed deeply the Latin American 's spirits , and thus a marvellous artistic character formed .

  26. 云南25个少数民族因其独特的生产方式、生活环境、民族性格和审美意识,创造了种类纷繁、形态各异、精巧奇美的民族包。

    25 ethnic minorities in Yunnan Province because of its unique mode of production and living environment , national character and aesthetic awareness , creating numerous species , of various shapes , delicates national satchel .

  27. 我从沉黑的深渊拉出奇形奇美的东西&有些微笑般地发亮,有些眼泪般地闪光,有的晕红得像新娘的双颊。

    I dragged up from the dark abyss things of strange aspect and strange beauty & some shone like a smile , some glistened like tears , and some were flushed like the cheeks of a bride .

  28. 全世界的小岛屿国家共有居民6300多万,都以旅游胜地而著名:自然景观奇美,文化和音乐生机勃勃,令全球为之倾倒。

    The worlds small island nations , which are collectively home to more than 63 million people , are renowned as prized destinations : places of outstanding natural beauty , vibrant culture and music appreciated around the globe .

  29. 我将我之爱坐在高崖上,因为我能望见高处的奇美景观,不顾,跌下而死的威胁,我只想欣赏我生命中的风景。

    Seat my love upon a precipice , because I can see a beautyful and special view on the high place , although I might fall and die , I want to enjoy the view of my life .

  30. 规划区内可开发的生态旅游景点之密集、七夕文化物象之奇美、自然性布局之精巧,实属国内少见最具特殊性主题文化旅游资源品质,极具特殊性主题七夕文化旅游开发价值。

    The development of ecological tourist attractions of dense , Chinese culture and natural beauty of the object , the exquisite layout is the most special theme of domestic rare cultural tourism resources , extremely special subject quality through cultural tourism development value .