
tài yánɡ wànɡ yuǎn jìnɡ
  • solar telescope
  1. 空间太阳望远镜中Hα双折射滤光器的设计

    H α birefringent filter design for the space solar telescope

  2. 空间太阳望远镜(SST)是我国独立发展的太阳磁场观测科学卫星;

    Space Solar Telescope ( SST ) is a magnetic field observation satellite .

  3. 基于FPGA的空间太阳望远镜图像相关算法实现

    FPGA Implementation of SST Image Correlation Algorithm

  4. 受存储容量和对地传输能力的限制,空间太阳望远镜(SpaceSolarTelescope,SST)15个CCD采集的科学数据必须在轨进行5倍的压缩。

    Due to the limited storage and down-link capacity , the data collected by 15 CCDs on Space Solar Telescope have to be compressed 5 times .

  5. 1m红外太阳望远镜光电导行系统的反馈控制分析

    Analysis of the Feedback-Control System of the Auto Guide System of the 1m Infrared Solar Telescope of the Yunnan Observatory

  6. 空间太阳望远镜(SST)是一颗对太阳进行观测的科学卫星,它使用FPGA芯片对每天采集的大量数据进行预处理。

    Space solar telescope ( SST ) is a scientific satellite that employs FPGA ( field programmable gate array ) to preprocess the huge data gathered by its sensors .

  7. 空间太阳望远镜(SST)系统采用图像积分方法提高太阳矢量磁图的信噪比(SNR)。

    In the space solar telescope ( SST ), the image integration method is used to increase signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) of the solar magnetic field images .

  8. 空间太阳望远镜EDAC系统的设计

    The Design of EDAC System for Solar Space Telescope

  9. 空间太阳望远镜(SST)的装校需要一个倒置的直径为1m的平面镜,此平面镜的面形精度决定了SST的装校成败。

    An inverted Φ 1m flat mirror was needed in alignment of space solar telescope ( SST ), the precision of face shape determined the success and failure of SST 's alignment .

  10. 空间太阳望远镜太阳磁场测量要求图象的信噪比为104.受CCD满阱电荷的限制,必须对CCD采集到的图象,在预处理单元进行图象积分以提高信噪比;

    Signal-to-Noise Ratio ( SNR ) requirement of Space Solar Telescope is 10 4.At the limits of CCD full well electron numbers , in order to improve SNR , the images collected by CCD must be accumulated in pre-processing unit ;

  11. 空间太阳望远镜(SST)是中国未来重要的太阳观测卫星,中国科学院国家天文台和航天部五院目前正在开展该卫星的研制工作。

    The Space Solar Telescope ( SST ), an important solar observing satellite in the future , is being developed under the corporation of National Astronomical Observatories , Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Airspace Department .

  12. LEST计划旨在建造一台大型地面太阳望远镜,它的口径为2.4米,将安置在大西洋Canary群岛的Tenerife。

    The LEST Project is for building a large ground-based solar telescope with a diameter of 2.4m to be installed on the Tenerife of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean .

  13. 空间太阳望远镜图像积分中1bit相关器的研究

    Study on 1 bit Correlator for the Image Integration of Space Solar Telescope

  14. 本文根据空间平台上高分辨率对日观测的需要,设计出一种可以在四个极紫外波段对日同时成像多光谱太阳望远镜(EUT);

    In this thesis we designed a EUV multi spectrum space solar telescope ( EUT ) based on the requirement of high angular resolution and wide field of view for solar observations ;

  15. 真空实验测试结果表明,系统在80min内,真空度即可达到5×10-4Pa的设计指标,满足极紫外波段检测太阳望远镜的要求。

    The test result shows the vacuum grade of the system is 5 × 10 ~ ( - 4 ) Pa after 80 min , and it can meet the test demands of the EUV solar telescope .

  16. 一米红外太阳望远镜狭缝扫描控制系统

    The Slit Scanning Control System of the 1 Meter Solar Tower

  17. 空间太阳望远镜太阳导行镜原理样机的研制

    Development of the Sun Guide Telescope prototype for Space Solar Telescope

  18. 空间太阳望远镜星载图像压缩系统的研究

    Study of onboard image compression for space solar telescope mission

  19. 空间太阳望远镜的热设计和热光学分析

    Thermal Design and Thermal-Optical Analysis of Space Space Solar Telescope

  20. 空间太阳望远镜主桁架的模态分析与试验

    Modal analysis and experiment on the main truss of Space Solar Telescope

  21. 空间太阳望远镜主镜支撑结构的优化设计

    Optimize and redesign the primary mirror supporting system of space solar telescope

  22. 空间太阳望远镜主构架的力学分析与优化

    Mechanical analysis and optimization of the main truss in Space Solar Telescope

  23. 空间太阳望远镜的星载固态存储器研制

    Development of Onboard Solid State Recorder for Space Solar Telescope

  24. 红外太阳望远镜封窗玻璃的变形分析

    Deformation Analysis for Hermetic Window Glass of IR Solar Telescope

  25. 空间太阳望远镜中图象压缩单元的硬件设计

    Hardware Design for Image Compression Unit of Space Solar Telescope

  26. 空间太阳望远镜星载偏振图像高速处理技术

    On-Board Polarized Images High-Speed Processing Technology for Space Solar Telescope

  27. 空间太阳望远镜高速数据传输系统

    High Rate Data Transmission System for Space Solar Telescope

  28. 空间太阳望远镜中的轻量化铍镜研究

    Study on lightweight beryllium mirror of space solar telescope

  29. 有限元分析技术在空间太阳望远镜结构设计中的应用

    Application of Finite Element Method to the Structure Design of the Space Solar Telescope

  30. 空间太阳望远镜星载数据处理系统中的动态可重构协处理器研究

    A Run Time Reconfigurable Coprocessor Research in Data Processing System of Space Solar Telescope