
  • 网络spaceport;Space Port
  1. Malcolm,你曾负责太空港的案子?

    Malcolm , you worked on the Spaceport project ?

  2. 我们早就建好一个太空港了,和我们对整个宇宙的理解一样,太空港的外形颇具未来主义风格。

    We already have a spaceport that looks as futuristic as our whole notion of the universe .

  3. 根据Euromonitor的资料,非洲有潜力成为未来的太空港,因此在提供这类设施方面较美洲和中东地区非常有吸引力。

    According to Euromonitor , Africa has the potential to become a future space port , challenging the Americas and Middle East in offering such facilities .

  4. 虚拟太空港-数字媒体时代的航天文化创意

    Virtual Spaceport-Space Culture and Originality in the Digital Media Era

  5. 莫哈韦机场已经申请执照,要成为首家持证的内陆“太空港”。

    Mojave Airport has already applied for a licence to become the first certified inland " spaceport " .

  6. “你是在开玩笑吧,对吧?”车子开进太空港的同时,他问我。

    " You 're serious about this , aren 't you ?" he said as we pulled into the spaceport .

  7. 这是迄今为止头一个已经完成12项飞行使命的商业太空港,入驻这里的是世界著名太空飞行公司,如美国犰狳航空航天公司、UP航空航天公司、维珍银河太空旅行公司等。

    This is the first commercial spaceport that has launched 12 missions so far . The tenants are the worlds famous spaceflight companies , such as Armadillo Aerospace , UP Aerospace and Virgin Galactic .

  8. 这位官员说,中国正在稳步开创第四个太空港,文昌卫星发射中心在海南岛,在未来几周内,推出的第一个长征7火箭的。

    The official said China is on track to inaugurate its fourth spaceport , the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center on Hainan Island , in the coming weeks with the launch of the first Long March 7 rocket .

  9. 理查森表示,新墨西哥州已承诺出资3亿美元,用于建造太空港,维珍银河的首批飞航将从那里发射升空。他还表示,该州为能率先进入第二个太空时代而感到自豪。

    Mr Richardson said New Mexico had pledged $ 300m to invest in a spaceport from which the first Virgin Galactic flights will be launched and said the state was proud to be on the ground floor of the second space age .