
  • 网络space technology
  1. 实际上,太空技术每天都在帮助地球上的人们。

    Actually , space technology helps people on earth every day .

  2. 他把所有与太空技术有关的书都买来了。

    He bought all the books that were related to space technology .

  3. TAEUS及其国际分公司的技术知识涵盖了所有技术领域:从高科技到卫生保健领域,从海底技术到太空技术。

    TAEUS and its international subsidiaries'technical expertise encompass all areas of technology : from high technology to health care , from undersea to space .

  4. 哈里森在一份声明中说:“太空技术的实际应用,比如成像卫星,可以帮助人们更加轻松地获取重要信息,因此能在SpaceX开发新的发射技术时,为它的成长提供支持,我们感到十分激动。”

    In a statement , Mr. Harrison said : " Space-based applications , like imaging satellites , can help people more easily access important information , so we 're excited to support SpaceX 's growth as it develops new launch technologies . "

  5. 实际上,太空技术给地球上人们的日常生活带来了便利。我们称之为“副产品技术”,即现在地球上使用的太空技术。

    Spin-off technology is space technology that is now used on Earth .

  6. 神舟宇宙飞船是从俄罗斯90年代末期的联盟飞船太空技术发展而来的。

    The Shenzhou spacecraft emerged from Russian Soyuz technology in the late1990s .

  7. 太空技术的飞跃不断地把人类送上了月球。

    Space technology has put men on the moon .

  8. 它体现了天文、航天,以及太空技术方面的探索发现的成果。

    It reflects the accomplishment and discovery of astronomy , astronautics and space technology .

  9. 太空技术创新至关重要。

    Space is crucial to technological innovation .

  10. 太空技术有助于抵抗污染。

    Space technology helps fight pollution .

  11. 至于我们要否花那么多钱在太空技术上,我们辩论很很久。

    We had a long debate as to whether we should spend so much money on space technology .

  12. 三方旨在通过太空技术和电子商务数据的帮助下进一步发展太空探索。

    These three parties aim to further develop space exploration with the help of both space technology and e-commerce data .

  13. 这儿还有交通、环境、太空技术,还有数学、物理、和化学的展厅。

    There are also rooms on transport , the environment and space technology , as well as maths , physics and chemistry .

  14. 王康16写道,“中国太空技术全球最可靠,可能真是钱烧出来的。”

    Wangkang16 wrote : " China has the most reliable space technology , which is achieved by a huge amount of money . "

  15. 一些分析家认为中国企图获得美国太空技术的意图与其说是促进其太空计划,不如说是提升其军事。

    Some analysts say that China 's attempts to access American space technology are less about boosting its space program than upgrading its military .

  16. 本教材针对许多相关书籍很少涉及太空技术应用,介绍了概念基础、飞行器和航空学。

    While many books lack coverage of space applications , Newman 's book provides the best balance of conceptual foundations , aircraft and aerospace .

  17. 除了想了解太空技术之外,在场的观众们还特别迫切地想听到关于外星人的相关消息,尤其是关于科学家们何时能够发现外星人这一话题。

    In addition to learning about space technology , the audience wanted to hear about aliens - specifically , when scientists might find them .

  18. 现今,中国对空间技术体系的认识已得到深化,中国的航天器进入太空技术已位居世界前列,中国的航天信息应用技术已取得显著效益。

    Now , the Chinese technology of spacecraft entering space has located in the front row of world , the Chinese aerospace information applications technology has acquired gain obviously .

  19. 计划进行合作的一些领域包括信息技术、技术转移、卫生、传统医药、太空技术、农业以及和平利用核能。

    Information technology , technology transfer , health , traditional medicine , space technology , agriculture and peaceful use of nuclear energy are some of the areas planned for collaboration .

  20. 我们研究这些指数技术从医学,生物技术,人工智能,机器人技术,纳米技术,太空技术,来发现如何能多项培训并利用这些技术去影响重大未实现的目标。

    And we look at these exponential technologies from medicine , biotech , artificial intelligence , robotics , nanotechnology , space , and address how can we cross-train and leverage these to impact major unmet goals .

  21. 他是两家科技术公司特斯拉电动汽车公司和太空探索技术公司的创始人,他正在将电动汽车引入大众市场,并使人们能在其他行星上生活。

    The founder of two tech companies , Tesla Motors and SpaceX , is bringing electric vehicles to mass market and enabling humans to live on other planets .

  22. 美国航空航天局(NASA)本周二宣布,在运送美国宇航员到国际空间站(InternationalSpaceStation)项目的竞争中,波音(Boeing)和太空探索技术公司(SpaceExplorationTechnologiesCorporation)成为了赢家。

    Boeing and the Space Exploration Technologies Corporation are the winners in the competition to carry Americans astronauts to the International Space Station , NASA announced Tuesday .

  23. 这是位于加利福尼亚州霍桑的太空探索技术公司(SpaceExplorationTechnologiesCorporation)——更多地被简称为SpaceX——制造的“猎鹰9号”火箭19次发射历史上的首次失败。

    It was first failure in 19 launchings of the Falcon 9 rocket built by Space Exploration Technologies of Hawthorne , California , better known as SpaceX .

  24. 美国太空探索技术公司将把一个穿着航天服的撞击试验人体模型送往国际空间站,这也是其CrewDragon载人宇宙飞船试飞任务的一部分。

    SpaceX will send a spacesuit-clad crash test dummy to the International Space Station as part of a trial flight for its Crew Dragon spacecraft .

  25. 周三,美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)公司的星舟火箭在返回着陆时发生爆炸。

    SpaceX 's Starship exploded during a return-landing attempt on Wednesday .

  26. 另一家是加州太空探索技术基地,拥有和经营的这家科技企业的是伊隆马斯克(Tesla的创始人)。

    The other company flying cargo for NASA is California-based Space Exploration Technologies , owned and run by technology entrepreneur Elon Musk .

  27. 问:经常有人把埃隆•穆斯克与电影《钢铁侠》的主人公托尼•斯塔克相比,而且《钢铁侠II》的部分情节就是在穆斯克的太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)里拍摄的,你俩见过面吗?

    Elon Musk has been compared to Tony Stark , and parts of Iron Man 2 were filmed at a SpaceX facility . Did you ever meet ?

  28. 美国航天局在SpaceX投资了大约4亿美元,用于开发太空航行技术。

    NASA has invested about four hundred million dollars in SpaceX to help it develop space flight technology .

  29. 美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)向国际空间站发射了更新、更大版本的“龙”号补给飞船。

    SpaceX has launched a newer , bigger version of its Dragon supply ship to the International Space Station .

  30. 位于加州霍桑的太空探索技术公司获得了一份26亿美元的合同,该公司更广为人知的名字是SpaceX。

    Space Exploration Technologies better known as SpaceX , of Hawthorne , Calif. received a $ 2.6 billion contract .