
tiān tǐ yínɡ
  • nudist camp
  1. “StephenBayne”我像一只飞入天体营的蚊子一样,我知道该做什么,但不知该从哪里开始。

    I am like a mosquito in a nudist camp . I know what I ought to do , but I don 't know where to begin .

  2. 父母亲带著儿子到天体营海滩度假。

    Two parents take their son on a vacation and go to a nude beach .

  3. 你知道天体营最受欢迎的两个人是谁吗?

    Do you know which two people at a nudist colony are the most popular ?

  4. 近来总统声称格林利夫去天体营度假

    In recent days , the president has aired ads claiming Greenleaf has vacationed at a nudist colony .

  5. Richard,也就是这位编程人员,差不多算是纽约天体爱好者协会的头头,经常组织4到30人的团到各大天体营旅游胜地去游玩,包括坦帕市、棕泉市、圣马丁以及缅因州等等。

    Richard , the programmer , is a sort of ringleader for New York City nudists , making frequent trips to naturist resorts in Tampa , Palm Springs , St. Maarten 's and Maine , bringing along groups of four-to-30 people .