
dà fù
  • grandfather
大父 [dà fù]
  • [grandfather] 祖父

  • 大父未死而有二十五孙。--《韩非子.五蠹》

  1. 愚昧无知的人民,你们就这样报答上主吗?他不是生育你,创造你,使你生存的大父吗?

    Is this the return thou makest to the Lord , O foolish and senseless people ? Is not he thy father , that hath possessed thee , and made thee , and created thee ?

  2. 他因为领导科技工作所做出的优异成绩而被誉为美国大科学之父。

    Because of his excellent achievement in science and technology , he was known as the father of American Giant science , and the man to decide the war .

  3. 或两个大男人,或父与子,

    or two men who are friends , or a man and his son ,