
dà zì bào
  • big-character poster;Dazibao;Bigcharacter poster
大字报 [dà zì bào]
  • [big-character poster] 发表意见的文字,一般用大字写成贴出,曾被认为是社会主义大民主的形式之一,文化大革命时颇为流行,后被取缔

大字报[dà zì bào]
  1. 大字报的泛滥时期(1966-1976);

    The period of its bad prosperity ( 1966 - 1976 );

  2. 大字报的衰落时期(1976-1980)。

    The period of its decline and fail ( 1976-1980 ) .

  3. 这个大字报不传下去呀?

    Won 't the big-character poster be handed down to posterity ?

  4. 大字报必须要让群众反驳。

    Give the masses a free hand in refuting the Rightists ' big-character posters .

  5. 大字报是没有阶级性的,等于语言没有阶级性一样。

    Like language , it has no class nature . Our vernacular has no class nature .

  6. 因此,大字报这个工具有利于无产阶级,不利于资产阶级。

    Therefore , the big-character poster as an instrument favours the proletariat , not the bourgeoisie .

  7. 那些抗议故事没有像其他地方一样在阿根廷着重的登上大字报。

    The story has not grabbed the headlines in Argentina as strongly as it has elsewhere .

  8. 有人躲在背后,教娃娃们出来写大字报,这是什么品质?

    Someone behind , to teach children to write big-character posters , what is the quality ?

  9. 这回经过报纸,经过座谈会,经过大会,经过大字报,就是展开辩论。

    And now we are unfolding the debate through the newspapers , forums , mass rallies and big-character posters .

  10. 除四害也要搞大鸣、大放、大辩论、大字报。

    To exterminate the four pests also calls for the free airing of views , great debate and big-character posters .

  11. 什么大鸣、大放、大字报,右派也可以搞。无产阶级可以用大字报,资产阶级也可以用大字报。

    The Rightists too can use it . The big-character poster can be used by the bourgeoisie as well as by the proletariat .

  12. 大字报是作战的武器之一,象步枪、短枪、机关枪这类轻武器。

    The big-character poster is one of the weapons used in fighting , like small arms such as the rifle , the pistol and the machine-gun .

  13. 现在看来,大字报上街危害性越来越多,越来越吓人,水平越来越低,字越来越大!

    Now , the big-character poster Shangjie harmfulness is increasing , more and more frightening , the level is lower and lower , the word more and more !

  14. 现在整风找出了一种形式,就是大鸣,大放,大辩论,大字报。

    A form has now been found for the rectification movement , namely , speaking out freely , airing views fully , holding great debates and writing big-character posters .

  15. 对大鸣、大放、大辩论、大字报,主要有两怕:一个是怕乱。

    There are chiefly two fears when it comes to speaking out freely , airing views fully , holding great debates and writing big-character posters . One is fear of disorder .

  16. 大字报,除商店的门市部、农村(区乡)、小学、军队的营和连队以外,都可以用。

    The big-character poster can be put to use everywhere except in the salesrooms of stores , rural areas ( districts and townships ), primary schools , and the battalions and companies of the armed forces .