
dà tiān é
  • whooper swan
大天鹅[dà tiān é]
  1. 大天鹅的染色体组型

    The karyotype of whooper swan

  2. 本文提供了从1988年末至1992年初在新疆巴音布鲁克高山盆地内对大天鹅(Cygnuscygnus)越冬调查的结果。

    This paper gives the results of Whooper Swan ( Cygnus cygnus ) census in winter from 1988 to 1992 in Bayan Bulag Region ( 83 ° 40 ' - 84 ° 45'E , 42 ° 40 ' - 43 ° 05'N , an elevation of 2500m ) .

  3. 这个队的吉祥物是只大天鹅。

    The team 's mascot is a giant swan .

  4. 这是世界上最重要的大天鹅繁殖地

    It 's the world 's most important breeding site for whooperswans

  5. 散养状态下大天鹅繁殖习性的观察

    Observation on the Breeding Habit of Whooper Swan in the Semi-natural Environment

  6. 明天我要再去拜访那对大天鹅。

    I am going back tomorrow to visit the great swans again .

  7. 大天鹅,疣鼻天鹅东半球的一种叫声很高的天鹅(大天鹅)

    An Old World swan ( Cygnus cygnus ) having a loud cry .

  8. 这次发现是这批大天鹅在被戴上颈圈之后首次被人类观察到。

    This sighting is the first time the swans have been rediscovered since their release .

  9. 荣成大天鹅自然保护区泻湖湿地植物区系

    Lagoonal wetland flora in whooper swan ( Cygnus cygnus ) nature reserve in Rongcheng of Shandong

  10. 那只天鹅掠过湖面。大天鹅的越冬栖息地&荣成天鹅湖调查初报

    Winter habitat of Cygnus cygnus & a preliminary report on investigation of the Swan lakes in Rongcheng

  11. 该地区每年1112月有250400只大天鹅滞留,12月数量下降到100只左右。

    The total of Whooper Swans was 250 to 400 from Nov. to Dec. and about 100 from Jan. to Feb. ( Tab . 1 ) .

  12. 就在这时,十一只野天鹅飞落在地面,围绕在伊莉莎身边。大天鹅在野外和人工饲养不同条件下生态习性的比较

    Just then the eleven wild swans came down , and stood around her . The comparation with Cygnus who lives in open country and was raised by person about ecologic habits

  13. “好大的一只天鹅!”恶魔在血淋淋地呼喊!

    " Very big of a swan !" The devil is shouting bloodily !

  14. 大一广交会期间我在金苑酒店前台实习,大二在花园酒店餐饮部实习,大三在白天鹅宾馆实习。

    During my freshman Fair Jinyuan hotel reception practice , sophomore at Garden Hotel food and beverage internship , junior internship at the White Swan Hotel .