
Earthfill dam termit disaster and control of reservoirs in our province
Investigation and Evaluation of Reservoir Eutrophication in Chongqing City Zone
Prediction of the sand sediment volume in the reservoirs in Shandong Province
Dynamic management of flood level at large and medium-sized reservoirs
The preliminary assessment of seismic risk at reservoir dams in Guangdong Province
A comprehensive assessment of fish productivity of large-and middle-sized reservoirs in Shandong Province
Status of major defective and dangerous reservoirs on the Weihe River and counter measures
Studies of the large-and middle-sized reservoirs in Shandong province - ⅰ . zooplankton ecology
" Pareto optimal " with ecological protection of large and medium reservoirs and industry development
Research of Flood Control Program and Level for Big and Medium Reservoirs in Beijing Workshop
Studies on the Fishery Potential of Food Organisms in Large and Middle Reservoirs in Hubei Province
Analysis on Statistical Properties of Maximum Annual Water Levels of Reservoirs with Large and Middle Size
Heavy metal contents analysis and potential ecological risk appraisal to sediments of large and medium-scaled reservoirs in Guangdong Province
Analysis on Causes of Calvert Leakage below Earth-rock Dam of Large and Middle Reservoirs in Shangrao City and Methods to Its Treatment
The soil and water conservation programme for large and medium scaled reservoirs and some problems concerning arrangement of the programme were discussed .
The basic mechanism of heavy metals density increasing in large and mediumsized reservoirs and control measures in the central east of Jilin Province
Special Plan for the province included in the state there are 124 large and medium reservoirs and 510 small focus of a reservoir .
The assessment of the present eutrophication status of the 65 large and medium reservoirs in Liaoning Province indicates that 44.6 % of these reservoirs are under eutrophication condition .
A study on the hydrochemical characteristics of middle - and large-sized reservoirs in Shandong Province ── the variations of major chemical factors and their usefulness for fish productivity assessment
The results of the paper provided a complete pattern for other researches on water environment protection of big reservoirs in China , which has important use for reference .
At present , there are about 1 / 4 large and mediums 2 / 5 minitype reservoirs and dams have safety problems of different degree , especially do the earth-tock dam .
Since the founding of New China , China has built a number of water conservancy and hydropower projects , forming a large number of reservoirs , resulting in a large number of reservoir resettlement .
Medium-large size reservoir in north semi-arid and arid areas adopted dynamic flood control level could greatly advance the utilizing level of flood resources in flood season , but the risk that have brought correspondingly increased too .
The relationship between total phosphorus ( TP ), water clarity ( SD , called Secchi disk depth ) and chlorophyll-a in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area-including 16 tributaries and 35 big or middle reservoirs in Chongqing City-was studied .
Based on the biomass calculation of the natural food organisms , this paper deals with the fishery potential of large and median reservoirs in Hubei Province . In addition , some suggestions for fish farming are presented here .
A phytoplankton and water quality survey was conducted in flood and dry seasons in 2000 in 19 typical reservoirs in Guangdong Province , China , in order to evaluate the trophic state and blue-green algae ( cyanophyty ) pollution .
Accompanied by the large and medium-sized reservoirs ' reinforcement projects being carried out , in this paper the research achievement of seepage safety monitoring model will have the popularization and application value and generate significant social and economic benefits .
Under the product of planning , many river renovating and dike construction engineering and reinforcing engineering of large or middle scale reservoir and security construction engineering of flood detention areas and sea wall dike construction engineering and chain system of command .
The principle and method of fuzzy mathematic multi level and multi factor comprehensive evaluation are used to quantify scientifically the water resources of rivers and lakes in 29 cities , and 67 large and middle sized reservoir resources near the cities .
Large and middle reservoirs in parallel in the upstream and insufficient hydrologic data complicate the hydrologic analysis . The computation of design flood at the crossing section is typical of this kind along the main canal of Middle Route Project for S N Water Transfer .