
  • 【物】multimeter, universal meter
  1. 使用Access数据库实现对不同型号数字多用表的自动测试软件

    The Program of Measurement Multimeters with Access

  2. 三点Delta测量方法在6·5位数字多用表中的应用

    Application of Three-point Delta Method in 6.5 Digit Multimeter

  3. 用多用表研究RC电路实验的方案

    An Experimental Scheme on the RC Circuit Study by Using the Multimeters

  4. 针对6.5位数字多用表的电阻测量问题展开了测量方法的讨论,介绍了一种新的测量方法即三点Delta法;

    The methods of resistance measurement are discussed against 6.5 digit multimeter . A new measurement method , that is three-point delta method , is introduced .

  5. 有些数字多用表(DMM)提供了内置偏移补偿功能。

    Some DMMs provide a built-in offset compensation capability .

  6. 本设计对国内研究和开发数字多用表VXI模块,发展我国自己的VXI产品,满足国内需求,具有重要意义。

    The research is advanced in domestic measure field . Therefore , it is of great practical significance to develop VXIbus products and satisfy domestic needs in our country .

  7. 典型的寿命测试系统包括一台通信分析仪、电源、一个手机控制器、音频测试仪器和一台数字多用表(DMM)。

    A typical lifetime test system includes a communication analyzer , power supplies , a handset controller , audio test instruments , and a DMM .

  8. 结果表明,LXI数字多用表功能和各项技术指标符合设计要求。

    It is proved by results that the functions and technical indexs of the DMM all meet the system requirements .

  9. 简述数字多用表自动校准检定系统的组成,多种功能和系统软硬件的设计特点,并以HP34401A为例说明DMM的自动检定程序流程。

    Describes constitution , functions , hardware and software feature of automatic calibration / verification system for multimeter some details on HP 34401A 's automatic verification .

  10. 本文提出了一种用指针式和数字式多用表研究RC电路实验的方案,并且介绍一种自制的测量大电容值的装置,从而使实测的时间常数的精度大为提高。

    This paper presents an experimental scheme on the RC circuit study by using the analog and digital multimeters , and introduces a self made device for measuring the high electric capacity , so as to increase the accuracy of the measuring time-constant .

  11. 研究了GPIB仪器控制技术,编写了数据采集软件,利用带有GPIB接口卡的个人电脑以及两个型号为HP34401A的惠普数字多用表,建成一个自动化快速测量系统;

    We also have studied the technology to control GPIB instruments and have established data acquisition system include a personal computer with a GPIB board , two HP 34401A digital multimeters and a control software programming with C + + .

  12. 文中还阐述了IVI-COM驱动程序的实现过程。本文的最后在对仪器实际测试的基础上,对多用表的各功能进行了误差分析。

    The design of IVI-COM driver is also introduced in this paper . Finally , based on the practical tests of the instrumentation , the error of DDM is analyzed .

  13. 首先分析了心脑电图机检定仪定标电压的测量要求,在此基础上分析了用六位半数字多用表34401A测量定标电压的可行性,并给出了测量方法。

    Firstly , this article analyzes the requirement of the standard voltage for the ECG & EEG verification instrument . Then it analyzes the feasibility of measurement using 34401A multimeter and provides the test method .

  14. 供电采用JD-73、APS-1501直流稳压电源,观测采用FLUKE45型高精度多用表,供电与接收电极均采用普通铜棒。

    The supply power is DC power with the type of JD-73 、 APS-1501 . FLUKE 45 dual display multi-meter is used to read experiment result . Supply and receive electrode are common copper poles .

  15. 数字多用表检定技术能力比对的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty of Measurement on Comparison of Multimeters Verification Ability

  16. 恒流源在高精度数字多用表中的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Constant Current Source in the High-Precision DMM

  17. 智能测量仪器的自动化校准&34401A数字多用表自动校准系统

    Auto-calibration of intelligent instrument & 34401A Digital multimeter auto-calibration system

  18. 利用2次采样A/D转换技术实现的数字多用表

    Use twice sampling A / D change technique to realize digital multimeter instrument

  19. 数字式有效值多用表的设计

    The design of digital all-purpose meter measuring effective value

  20. 高精度数字多用表的测量不确定度评定与分析

    High Precision Digital Multimeters and Evaluation of Uncertainty Analysis

  21. 7150数字多用表的自动测试研究

    The Research of Automatic Measurement for 7150 Digital Multimeter

  22. 数字式工频多用表的设计与实现

    Design and Practice of Digit W - frequency Meter

  23. 数字多用表电容测量功能快速检定程序设计

    Design of the Rapid Testing Program for Capacitance Measuring Function from Digital Multimeter

  24. 数字多用表由于准确度高,功能多而广泛使用。

    Digital Multimeters are widely used because it has high accuracy and many functions .

  25. 数字多用表自动校准检定系统

    Automatic calibration / verification system for digital multimeter

  26. 1281型数字多用表测量交直流伏特表测量结果不确定度分析

    Uncertainty Analysis of Measurement for Measuring AC and DC Voltages Meter by 1281 Digital Multimeter

  27. 数字多用表校准注意事项

    Points for Attention in Calibrating Digital Multimeter

  28. GB/T15637-1995数字多用表校准仪通用技术条件

    Generic specification for calibrator of digital multimeter

  29. 数字式工频交流电参数多用表

    Digital Alternating Current Parameter Multi-Function Meter

  30. 现在的示波表一般都具有多用表功能,可以对电子元器件进行参数测量[1]。

    Modern DSO usually has digital multimeter , which can be used to measure electric elements .