
  • 网络Diversity Management
  1. 组织变革的多样性管理:一种系统性框架

    Diversity Management in Organizational Change : Towards a Systemic Framework

  2. 不过,正如两位作者所指出的那样,女性不容小觑,性别敏感性不是多样性管理的问题。

    But , as the authors argue , women mean business , and gender sensitivity is not about diversity management .

  3. 通过BMAS(生物多样性管理面积选取)模型与GIS(地理信息系统)的结合,可以用尽可能少的土地资源实现一定水平的生物多样性的保护。

    By integrating the BMAS ( Biodiversity Management Areas Selection ) model with GIS , one can streamline the strategy to determine the minimum area for a given level of biodiversity conservation within a region .

  4. 社区共管在云南生物多样性管理中的作用&以云南省FCCD项目实施的保护区为例

    The Role of Community Condominium in Biodiversity Management in Yunnan Province & A case study of FCCD nature reserve program implement in Yunnan , China

  5. 生物多样性管理与农民土地权益保护

    Biodiversity Management and Villagers ' Land Interests Protection

  6. 我们所面临的挑战之一就是对如此之多的活动及其多样性进行管理。

    One of our challenges is managing this much activity and diversity .

  7. 概括了其管理对象复杂性与能动性、管理主体多样性、管理手段局限性等特点及员工职业生涯发展中断等方面的难点。

    Summarize the features of franchise chain management and difficulty in Employ Career Development .

  8. 中国生物多样性数据管理能力建设

    Biodiversity data management capability building in China

  9. 只有作好生态环境恢复和建设,并施行生物多样性动态管理,才能达到持续有效的控制。

    The sostenuto and effectively controlled may achieve by renewed good entironment and dynamic management of biodiversity .

  10. 理解物种形态和遗传变异的海拔格局对于物种多样性的管理和保护是非常重要的。

    Understanding altitudinal pattern of morphological and genetic variation at a species is important for the management and conservation of species diversity .

  11. 哈尼族龙山林和集体林植物多样性及管理利用&以西双版纳大卡老寨为例

    Plant Diversity of Community Forest and Holly Hill Forest - A Case Study from Daka Village of Xishuangbanna , South Yunnan , China

  12. 其中,主体层和客体层构成了生物多样性资源管理的实体部分,而目标层则是生物多样性资源管理的参照体系。

    The subject layer and object layer are entitative components of the management , and the target layer is the frame of reference .

  13. 从管理内容的系统性、管理方法的多样性、管理效益的目的性3个方面评述《图书馆管理理论与实践》一书的特点。

    Makes a comment on The Theory and Practice of Library Management from the aspects of systematization of the management content , the variety of management methods and the purpose of management benefits .

  14. 浑河(抚顺段)水生生物多样性及资源管理

    Qn Diversity of Hydrobios and Control of Resources in Fushun Section of Hunhe River

  15. 中职生的多样性特征及其管理建议中职学校女生体育学习兴趣的调查及分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Learning Interests of Physical Course of Female Students in Secondary Vocational School

  16. 网络终端设备自身的复杂性和业务的多样性对终端管理提出了更高的要求。

    It need more efficient management for the equipments because of their complexity and the diversity of business .

  17. 比如,要解决粮食安全问题,不考虑土地退化与生物多样性、水源管理和生物燃料生产之间的关系是绝对不行的。

    For example , it would be impossible to address food insecurity without also thinking about land degradation and biodiversity , water management and biofuel production .

  18. 团队多样性是组织管理研究的一个重要的议题,已有研究提出认知益处与团队整合之间的矛盾。

    Team demographic diversity is an important issue of the organization and management research and previous research proposes the paradox of cognitive benefits and integration in demographic diversified teams .

  19. 对于与技术和政治经济领域中的变化速度相结合的现代企业环境的随机性和波动性特点,只能通过与当代全球社会经济和技术系统的要求特性相应的、必要的多样性进行妥善管理。

    The stochastic and volatile character of the modern enterprise environment combined with the speed of change in technical and political economic spheres can only be properly managed with the requisite variety corresponding to the demands characteristic of the contemporary global socioeconomic and technological systems .

  20. 针对在自然保护区发展生态旅游存在许多问题,诸如自然环境破坏、自然资源匮乏、环境污染、生物多样性减少、管理不完善等问题,提出了在自然保护区发展生态旅游的基本原则。

    There are many problems existing in developing Eco-Tourism in Natural Conservation Areas , such as resources shortage , environment pollution , and bio-diversity decreasing . In terms of these problems , this paper put forward some basic principles on management plan of Eco-tourism in Natural Conservation Areas .

  21. 本文从两个方面论述了mtDNA在动物保护生物学中的应用:一是对物种进行遗传多样性的检测与管理,二是进行与种群统计学数据相关的遗传分析。

    In this review , we discuss two applications of mtDNA analysis in zoological conservation biology . One is to describe and manage genetic diversity , an issue more relevant to long term planning for conservation .

  22. 生物入侵对水生生物多样性的影响及管理对策探讨

    Discussion on Biological Invasion Effect on Aquatic Organisms Biodiversity and Management Countermeasure

  23. 中国海洋生物多样性的保护和管理对策

    Marine biodiversity and conservation strategies in China

  24. 多样性将如何影响管理者?

    How does diversity affect supervisors ?

  25. 领域知识和术语的复杂性和多样性是影响知识管理系统成功的关键。

    The complexity and diversity of domain knowledge and terminology is the major hurdle for a successful operation of knowledge management system .

  26. 随着经济环境的变化,企业的发展,员工的多样性,企业现代化管理的需求也越来越迫切。

    With the change of the economy environment , development of enterprises and diversity of staff , the requirements of modernized management are pressing gradually .

  27. 阿什比的必要的多样性定律指出,管理系统的复杂性需要与管理对象系统的复杂性相适应。

    In his Law of Requisite Variety , Ashby pointed out that the complexity of a management system would be bound to correspond to the complexity of the controlled object system .

  28. 物种保护者在为生物多样性公约以及衍生管理规定辩护的时候也有一个理由,即它们是保护当地动物群和植物群的一个至关重要的武器。

    Conservationists also have a case when they defend the CBD , and the regulations flowing from it , as essential weapons in the fight to conserve native fauna and flora .

  29. 在库克雄辩地捍卫平等之际,美国同性恋婚姻运动遭遇了不顺的一年,也恰逢舆论正激烈批评包括苹果在内的硅谷公司的管理者缺乏多样性,而这些管理者对美国文化具有巨大的影响力。

    His eloquent defence of equality came after a year of faltering progress on gay marriage in the US and as arguments rage about the lack of diversity among the people running the Silicon Valley companies , including Apple , who shape so much of our culture .

  30. 是否具备完备的生物多样性保护法律体系,是衡量一国生物多样性保护和管理水平的一个重要标志。

    Whether a nation has the perfect biodiversity protection law system is an import mark to measure the biodiversity protection and management level of the country .