- 名the majority;the majority party

The majority party would be unwise to deviate far from the principles it had laid before the electors
Leader of the majority party in a legislature .
In the event of a hung Parliament he would still fight for everything in the manifesto
The memberships of this committee are stacked to give the majority party substantial control .
Backed by the Conservative majority , the measures would likely be passed easily by the House of Commons .
Harry Reid , the Senate majority leader from Nevada , is a strong ally of the gun lobby .
Under PR , most parliaments would probably be hung , and Lib Dems could dream of playing a pivotal role in endless coalitions .
Is it true , a Chinese contact asked this week , that Mr Schumer wanted to be majority leader if Harry Reid lost in the autumn ?
Doing nothing is not an option , said Senate majority leader Harry Reid , while Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called the Democrat 's bill fundamentally flawed .
This is a very important day for our country , declared Senator Mitch McConnell , Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader .
" Recipients of these bonuses will not be able to keep all of their money ," declared Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in an unusually strong threat delivered on the Senate floor .
Mr Obama 's next priority is to ensure that Harry Reid , the Senate majority leader , wins a closure vote this afternoon to put an end to further debate in the Senate .
In a perfect world , here 's what Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. John Boehner might have said when confronted last week with the revelation that China stitches together U.S. Olympic uniforms : ' Small potatoes .
Harry Reid , the Democratic majority leader , after a bitter debate in a packed chamber , won the battle to change rules that required nominees to get 60 votes in the 100-member chamber for confirmation .
In the US , Mitch McConnell , the Republican Senate majority leader , questioned the Paris deal , saying that the US portion relied on measures championed by president Barck Obama that were being challenged in the courts .
NPR 's Craig Windham reports Senate majority leader Harry Reid is accusing Republicans of being completely inflexible for refusing to consider closing tax loopholes and reducing subsidies as a part of the plan .
John Boehner , the Republican House speaker , said he was committed to working with Mr Obama , but struck a combative tone , calling on the president to disavow reports that he planned to launch a ' counterattack ' on the new majority .
Mitch McConnell , Senate majority leader , said Congress would investigate the allegations following the disclosure of a Central Intelligence Agency report which concluded that Russia hacked into Democratic National Committee servers in an effort to sway the election outcome in Mr Trump 's favour .
But Republican leaders said they would go no further , at least at the outset , although Senator Mitch McConnell , Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader , promised Democrats the chance to amend the legislation .
Among the fiercest critics is Senator Mitch McConnell , Republican of Kentucky , who is expected to take over as majority leader in the next Congressional term and whose home state is a major producer of coal .
In a question and answer session , which Mr Obama said had not been screened , he took a question alleging double-standards for having nominated Tom Daschle , the former Senate majority leader , in spite of his $ 140,000 in tax arrears .
The first half of 2014 has unfolded in unpredictable ways : House majority leader Eric Cantor lost a primary election , the U.S. soccer team made it to the Round of 16 in the World Cup , and " Game of Thrones " was actually bloodier than the year before .
But Mitch McConnell , who will lead a Republican Senate majority in the new Congress next year , has said one of his priorities is to try to do whatever I can to get the [ EPA ] reined in .
Majority leader Harry Reid agrees a full investigation is needed .
On the style of majority leadership in U. S. Congress
The labour candidate unexpectedly overturned the long-standing Tory majority .
She is married to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell .
Every Tuesday I sit down with the speaker and the majority leader
Why don 't you want majority leader for yourself ?
and we are fighting to keep our majority here .