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wài bian
  • outside;out;a place other than where one lives or works
外边 [wài biān]
  • (1) [outside]∶超出某一范围的地方

  • 到外边去

  • (2) [a place other than where one lives or works]∶指外地

外边[wài bian]
  1. 外边停着二十几辆汽车和几辆出租车。

    Several cabs and a score of cars were parked outside .

  2. 你从外边打不开这个门。

    You can 't open the door from the outside .

  3. 今晚到外边吃饭,怎么样?

    What do you say to eating out tonight ?

  4. 去外边看看是否下雨了。

    Go outside and see if it 's raining .

  5. 外边天黑了,把窗帘拉上。

    Pull the curtains ─ it 's dark outside .

  6. 他就在禁区外边拔脚射门。

    He shot from just outside the area .

  7. 算他倒霉,警察已接到报告,就在外边等着。

    Unfortunately for him , the police had been informed and were waiting outside .

  8. 我们把全部计算机技术工作包给外边去做。

    We outsource all our computing work .

  9. 她有点自私,就盼着能够离家在外边度个周末。

    She looked forward , a little selfishly , to a weekend away from her family .

  10. 外边冷极了。

    It 's perishing outside !

  11. 外边下雨了。

    It 's wet outside .

  12. 我们告诉他在外边等着,不要熄火。

    We told him to wait out front with the engine running .

  13. 窗户外边是一块草地,高高的草随风摇摆。

    The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass .

  14. 外边有个拿着枪的疯子。

    There 's some nut out there with a gun .

  15. 他把口袋扎紧,拿到外边。

    He tied up the bag and took it outside .

  16. 那个傻瓜现在在外边干什么呢?

    What 's that prat doing out there now ?

  17. 他去外边拿杜松子酒了,烟不知放哪儿了。

    He had gone out to get the gin . The cigarettes were nowhere .

  18. 围着房子走一圈,从外边好好看一看。

    Walk around the property and take a good look at it from the outside

  19. 他把她送到外边门口。

    He saw her to the outer door .

  20. 这肉放在外边已有好几天了,都开始有臭味了。

    The meat had been left out for days and had started to smell .

  21. 外边天已经发白了。

    Outside it was getting light .

  22. 麻雀在外边叽叽喳喳地叫。

    Sparrows are twittering outside .

  23. 把这些花放到外边去。

    Put these flowers outside .

  24. 把鞋拿到外边儿去磕打磕打吧!

    Take your shoes outside and knock the dirt out of them .

  25. 大家都觉得她十分可怜,便把她带到法庭外边去。

    With much commiseration she taken out of court .

  26. 行李卷儿外边再裹一层塑料布。

    Wrap a plastic sheet round the bedroll .

  27. 他买了十个煎包儿,里边全是白菜帮子,外边又“皮”又牙碜。

    So he bought ten gritty , underdone fried rolls stuffed with thick cabbage leaves .

  28. 她儿子在外边工作。

    Her son works away from home .

  29. 他在外边朋友多,遇事总能逢凶化吉。

    He has many connections , and he can always find some way of tiding over a crisis .

  30. 写下你关于那些花园最强烈的记忆,然后到外边去设计一个方案,将你的童年回忆转换成你成年版本的花园。玩得开心!

    For each of those gardens , writer down the strongest memory you have then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden . Have fun .