
  1. 按对外购固定资产处理方式的不同,增值税可以分为生产型增值税、收入型增值税和消费型增值税。

    According to the difference of the treatment of the Purchased fixed assets , value added tax can be divided into production-based VAT , income-producing VAT and consumption-based VAT .

  2. 尤其,自2009年1月1日起,我国在全国范围内施行消费型增值税,允许外购固定资产的已纳增值税额从企业销售产品应纳税额中扣除。

    In particular , since January 1 , 2009 , we have nationwide enforced the consumption-type VAT , and allows businesses to deduct the VAT which is contained in the purchased fixed assets in one time .

  3. 消费型增值税,允许外购固定资产的已纳税金在当期一次性全部扣除,如此便可发挥增值税鼓励投资、加快设备更新的作用。

    Comsumption-based value-added tax allows purchase to pay taxes gold disposable all deducted in current period already fixed assets outside , so it can play a role in value-added tax ' encouraging investment and accelerating the renewal of equipment .

  4. 企业外购生产用固定资产支付的增值税,按照抵扣政策不同分为消费型增值税、收入型增值税和生产型增值税;

    The VAT ( Value Added Tax ) paid for fixed assets by enterprise used for production can be divided into consumption VAT , income VAT and production VAT .