
wài shī
  • External dampness;exogenous damp
外湿[wài shī]
  1. 结果表明,外湿组T辅助/诱导(Th/i)与正常组比较,显著降低(P<0.05),外湿组IL-2活性降低(P<0.05),提示外湿可降低机体免疫功能。

    The results showed that Th / I and the activity of IL-2 in Damp group were lower than those in normal group ( P < 0.05 ), which suggested that the dampness could reduce the immune function of the body .

  2. 外湿对正常小鼠过氧化与抗氧化影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study of the Peroxidation-antioxidation Effect of Exopathic Dampness on Normal Mice

  3. 采用外湿+内湿+生物致病因子综合因素复制湿热泄泻模型。

    Use " outside Wet + inside Wet + biological pathogenic factor " combination factors copy Damp-heat diarrhea model .

  4. 在外湿理论指导及前期实验基础上,采用人工气候箱,模拟不同自然环境。

    Under the direction of dampness theory and in earlier period experiment foundation , uses the artificial climate box to simulate different natural environment .

  5. 本实验对劳倦过度加饮食失节法研制的脾虚小鼠模型、模拟潮湿环境因素研制的外湿小鼠模型及脾虚兼外湿小鼠模型在机体过氧化与抗氧化方面进行了比较研究。

    This experiment is a comparative study on the mice with spleen deficiency modeled through over-strain plus irregular diet , with exopathic dampness , with spleen deficiency plus exopathic dampness on bodies ' change of peroxidation-antioxidation .

  6. 春季时令病邪与空气微生物及呼吸道微生态相关性初步研究本课题主要探讨外湿致病与空气微生物问的关系,以及由此可能形成的病理基础及规律。

    Studies on Relationship between Seasonal Exogenous Pathogenic Factors in the Spring , the Microbe in the air and the micro-ecology of Respiratory Tract These experiments discussion the correlation of the mechanism of external dampness and microorganism .

  7. 将健康大鼠分别在外湿、寒湿、湿热、寒冷、温热、正常及无菌(相对无菌)等环境中造模30天。

    Healthy rat were divided into seven groups such as external dampness , cold-wetness , heat-wetness , cold , heat , normal and aseptic ( relatively aseptic ) and so on in the environment makes mold for thirty day .

  8. 在应用中要注重化内湿,同时祛外湿;同时治疗中要注意抓主证,结合其兼杂之邪,辨证治疗。

    In the application necessary to pay attention Insider wet , remove the same time outside the wet ; same treatment should pay attention to catch the main card , combined with its mixed evil Jian , Differential Treatment .

  9. H2、空气反应气均采用外增湿,使用循环冷却水排出电堆产生的热量。

    External humidification was used and recirculating cooling water was used to remove the heat from reaction .

  10. 将PEMFC的活性面积放大到140cm2,电池仍可以在气体逆流、80℃和无外增湿条件下稳定工作。

    Moreover , the PEMFC can still be operated steady in counter flow at 80 ℃ without external humidification when its active area is extended to 140 cm 2 fabricated with Nafion 112 membrane .

  11. 无外增湿操作质子交换膜燃料电池

    Operating proton-exchange membrane fuel cells without external humidification

  12. 采用内、外增湿相结合的方案来实现电池堆内部的湿度管理;

    And humidity of the stack was managed by humidifying from both interior and exterior .

  13. 国内外针对湿硫化氢环境下的应力腐蚀问题,已经有了广泛的,深入性的研究。

    The stress corrosion problems on stress corrosion in wet hydrogen sulfide environment of the word had been extensive , in-depth studied .

  14. 文章介绍了国内外导湿快干系列纤维和纱线的研制开发现状,以及导湿快干纤维种类、导湿快干机理&毛细管效应、以及纺丝方法、应用范围等。

    The status quo of research and development of moisture-transfer and fast drying fiber & yarn are introduced , as well as the kinds of fiber , moisture-transfer and fast drying mechanism-capillarity , the method of spinning and application range .

  15. 邪实则有外邪、湿浊热毒、瘀血等。

    There are external evil , such as damp-heat , blood stasis etc in excess syndrome .

  16. 结果西北燥证中燥邪与湿邪相互转化的病机关系凡四一为燥滞营卫,外燥内湿;

    Results : The pathogenesis relation of damp and dryness pathogen in Northwest Dryness Syndrome changing each other had four types : first , dryness pathogen stagnated nutritive and defensive Qi , furthermore , the outside was dryness and the inside was damp ;

  17. 本文在调研国内外固体气溶胶湿清除理论研究成果的基础上,从反映物理机制和实际可应用性两方面出发,考虑集成沙尘模式系统自身特点,设计了一个沙尘湿沉降参数化方案。

    Based on studying the domestic and international theory of solid aerosol 's wet cleansing , and considering the physical mechanism , practicability , and the characteristics of a " Integrated Dust Model System ", we designed a parameterized scheme for dust aerosol 's wet deposition .

  18. 对照组应用0.2%薄荷淀粉液或羊毛脂(干性皮炎)、用2%龙胆紫、冰片蛋清外涂(湿性皮炎),用0.02%呋喃西林液或朵贝尔氏液漱口治疗口腔炎。

    In the other group , the controls were treated with 0.2 % peppermint or suint ( for dry dermatitis ), 0.2 % gentian violet and borneol egg white ( for wet dermatitis ) and 0.02 % furacilin solution or Dobell 's gargle ( for stomatitis ) .

  19. 同时,对国内外研究者对湿H2S环境下的腐蚀研究进行了概述。

    At the same time , the situation of corrosion study in the enviroment of wet H2S were sketched .

  20. 国内外高分子电容式湿敏材料研究现状

    Research on a High Polymer Capacitive Humidity Sensor

  21. 高分子湿度传感器的研制国内外高分子电容式湿敏材料研究现状

    Research on High Polymer Capacitive Humidity Sensor The Researching Development of Polymer Capacitive Humidity - sensitive Material

  22. 竹浆纤维因其加工方法不同,除吸湿能力优于竹原纤维外,其放湿速度慢、吸湿溶胀率小、耐热性能也比竹原纤维差。

    The bamboo pulp fiber has worse properties of swellability , moisture absorption and liberation rate and thermal stability except hygroscopic capacity .

  23. 经纱的预湿可以通过预湿浆槽或者喷淋预湿来实现,目前国内外均以预湿浆槽为主。

    Pre-wetting can be achieved by a pre-wetting size box or spraying . Pre-wetting size box is used usually at home and abroad .

  24. 结果表明,株高及各节间长度除穗下节间外与产量均呈负相关,除穗下节间外与蛋白质、湿面筋含量均呈正相关;

    The results indicated that uppermost internode length ( HL1 ) was positively correlated with grain yield , but negatively correlated with protein and wet gluten contents .