
  1. 与振动流化床地区提供固定崩溃时区是外树形象;

    Fixed crash with VFB region render when region is outside of image ;

  2. 我们的奋斗目标:内强素质,外树形象,把利迅科技建成一流的现代化科技制造企业。

    Our goal : a strong-the quality of the image outside , the unison into first-class science and technology of modern technology manufacturing companies .

  3. 建校以来,学校注重“内抓质量,外树形象”,大力实施教师培训工程,狠抓教师队伍建设,教师的师德素养和教学水平不断提高;

    Since the establishment , the school has paid attention to both quality and images , the teachers'quality and the teaching level enhance unceasingly ;

  4. 新余一中发展壮大之根源,主要得益于营造氛围,外树形象,内铸校魂的办学理念的指引及其在实践中广泛而深入的运用。

    The Xinyu First Middle School has been expanded because of its schooling ideas of creating atmosphere , setting up good image outside and casting the school soul inside and their application in the practice .

  5. 需要建立与健全与住房信贷保险相关的法律法规;提高公众参与住房信贷保险的意识;外树形象、内练硬功;创新保险营销模式;不断聚集人才,提高保险从业人员素质等。

    We need to establish and improve housing credit insurance-related laws and regulations , improve the awareness of public participation in housing credit insurance ; perfect this industry all around ; create insurance marketing mode , continue to gather talents , and improve the quality of insurance practitioners .