
  • 网络applied voltage
  1. 本文对所得到的实验结果,即油中电荷密度随外施电压的增加而增加,以及在局部放电的情况下发生突变的现象进行了理论解释。

    The achieved experiment result , namely , the charge density in oil increased with the increasing applied voltage and phenomena was sported suddenly at the PD condition , was explained academically .

  2. 实验结果显示放电时延的统计学分布与外施电压有关,电压增大,时延缩短。

    The measurement with step voltages , using CIGRE ⅱ electrode system , showed that the statistical distribution of the discharge time lag depends on the applied voltage , the time lag being shorter with increasing voltage .

  3. 用直接积分法推理出电磁力与外施电压的解析关系表达式。

    By means of direct integral method , an analytic expression related the electromagnetic force with the applied voltage to the motor is deduced .

  4. 结果表明,老化后损耗角正切随外施电压的变化而变化,且损耗电流与外施电压的关系呈现非线性。

    And it is found that loss changes vs varied voltages and the relation between loss current and voltage is nonlinear when PE and XLPE slice are water tree aged .

  5. 此外,在三种外施电压作用下,油纸绝缘介质失效前均会出现平均放电量、放电次数和总放电量骤增的现象。

    Besides , there is an apparent growth of the number of PD , the average PD capacity and the total PD capacity before the medium failure , in all the three types of PD evolution .

  6. 利用油流带电模拟系统测量了不同油流速度、油温和外施电压下的泄漏电流,并对实验结果进行了理论分析。

    The leakage current is measured by using an simulated oil flow electrification system in the cases of different oil flow rate , oil temperature and AC applied voltage , and the experimental results are analyzed in the theory .

  7. 实验数据显示,在相同换热面积和相同工质流量条件下,在冷凝器内对换热流体施加高压电场,凝结换热系数随着外施电压的升高而增加。

    The experimental results indicated that the condensation heat transfer coefficient increased with the applied voltage when the high-voltage electric field was exerted on the fluid in condenser under the condition of the same heat transfer surface area and flow rate of working fluid .

  8. 研究了外施直流电压极性、幅值、作用时间和外界气象条件对表面电荷积聚的影响。

    A research on the effects of amplitude , polarity and the stressed duration of the applied voltage on the surface charge accumulation is carried out .

  9. 电磁装置(如变压器)的外施激励大多为电压源,用有限元方法求解其电磁场时,一般需要采用场路耦合的方法。

    As most driving sources applied to electrical devices ( such as transformers ) are voltage sources , field-circuit coupling methods are generally used in solving electromagnetic field of electrical devices .