
  • 网络Foreign currency transaction;currency transactions
  1. 据斯里兰卡央行表示,该国允许的其它13种外币交易不包括印度卢比。

    According to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka , the Indian rupee is not among the 13 other foreign currency transactions permitted in Sri Lanka .

  2. PDOC不将对任何的外币交易增益或被厂商招致的损失是有义务的和有责任的。

    PDOC shall not be liable and responsible for any foreign exchange gain or loss incurred by the Vendor .

  3. 外币交易业务汇兑损益会计处理方法的探讨知识交易

    A talk about accountant dealing with means of foreign currency trade operation exchange Knowledge Transaction

  4. 此外,尽管以价值衡量,外币交易仍占主导地位,但以交易数量衡量,中国本地基金正在掌握主动权。

    And while foreign currency deals still dominate by value , local funds are wresting the initiative by volume .

  5. 以外币标价交易的会计和报告;

    Accounting and reporting for transactions denominated in foreign currencies ;

  6. 由于B股是以外币进行交易,因而B股的放开肯定会对人民币汇率带来一定冲击。人民币汇率升值对我国股票市场的影响分析

    The Influence Analysis on the Renminbi Exchange Rate Upvaluation to Our Country Stock Market

  7. 我们会继续加强推广工作,特别是在内地方面,因为内地涉及外币的金融交易正不断增加。

    We will be stepping up our marketing effort , particularly on the mainland , where financial transactions involving foreign currencies are increasing .

  8. 文章分别就设计中的银行间外币买卖业务的交易模式、清算机制、网络技术支持等问题,以及政策出台的背景和意义进行了较为详细的阐述。

    Concerning the interbank foreign currency trading service still under construction , this paper elaborates on the trading pattern , clearing mechanism and technical network support , as well as on the .