
  • 网络APC;Compound Aspirin Tablets
  1. 复方阿司匹林片诱发双肾破裂

    Rupture of kidneys induced by compound aspirin tablets

  2. 目的建立复方阿司匹林片中低浓度阿司匹林的溶出度测定方法。

    OBJECTIVE To establish the dissolution determination method of low dose asprin in compound asprin tablets .

  3. 复方阿司匹林缓冲双层片的稳定性和胃刺激性考查

    Studies on stability and irritation to stomach for compound aspirin double-layered tablets

  4. 复方阿司匹林控释片释放度检测方法的研究

    Determining Method of Dissolution of Compound Aspirin Retard Tablet