
  • Soldiers Sortie
  1. 符号化传播的魅力&从媒介批评的角度析《士兵突击》的文化影响

    The Charm of Symbolic Communication & An Analysis of Cultural Effects in The Soldiers Sortie in Terms of Media Criticism

  2. 电视连续剧《士兵突击》在全国电视台陆续播出后,引起了社会的强烈反响,并在媒体上引发了热烈的讨论。

    After being shown on some TV stations of China , the TV series " Soldiers Sortie " caused a strong reaction of the whole society and started a heated discussion on medias .

  3. 编码、解码与《士兵突击》的接受效果

    Coding Decoding and the Acceptance of " Soldiers Strike "

  4. 从文本与传播两个方面对《士兵突击》的特点进行分析。

    This paper analyses the Soldier Attack in terms of text and transmission .

  5. 本文通过对《士兵突击》剖析麻雀式的方式,从剧本、图像以及受众心理方面进行深入分析。

    Like sparrow anatomy , this essay deeply analyses the scenario , images and the masses mind .

  6. 大多数的战斗都出现在主要补给线两侧的高地上,但偶而也会有一些中国士兵突击到公路上。

    Most of the fighting was on the high ground on both sides of the MSR , but occasionally the Chinese reached the road .

  7. 电视荧幕上,《士兵突击》、《我的团长我的团》等军旅剧都曾大获成功,然而中国电影银幕上却鲜有叫座的现代军事题材作品。

    While TV dramas like Soldiers ' Sortie and My Chief and My Regiment have won big success on the small screen , we seldom see hit Chinese films about modern military warfare .

  8. 虽然快考试了,但是却没有一点状态,发呆时,看了看《士兵突击》又重新看了一下《奋斗》,想。

    Although the rapid test , but did not state that , in a daze , looked at the " shock troops " to re-look at the " struggle ", would like to .

  9. 自2007年起,一部描写普通士兵成长历程的军事题材电视剧《士兵突击》先后在各级电视台热播,引发了一股收视热潮。

    From 2007 , " Soldiers ' Assault " which is a series of TV plays of military themes describes the ordinary soldiers ' growth course , began broadcasting at all levels broadcaster in succession and aroused a ratings boom .