
bì qiú
  • Squash;racquetball;WSF
  1. 你跟她打过壁球没有?

    Have you played her at squash yet ?

  2. 我喜欢打网球和壁球。

    I enjoy playing tennis and squash .

  3. 所设活动项目包括壁球、射箭、游泳等等,不一而足。

    Activities available include squash , archery and swimming , to name but a few .

  4. 这家俱乐部的活动丰富多彩,诸如网球、游泳、壁球等。

    The club provides a wide variety of activities including tennis , swimming and squash .

  5. 在壁球场上他的主要目标就是击败我。

    In the squash court his chief aim is to flatten me

  6. 休是英国新一代的女子壁球运动员,她们的影响正在显现出来。

    Sue is one of the new breed of British women squash players who are making a real impact

  7. 他一整天都在海滩玩壁球,再没有比这更不入流的运动了。

    He spent all day playing rackets on the beach , a plebeian sport if there ever was one .

  8. 我玩壁球,也玩冰球,这两种都是非常讲究速度的运动,我绝不会放弃这两种运动。

    I play squash and ice hockey , two very fast sports , and I wouldn 't give them up for the world .

  9. 不久前,我在曼哈顿的“当今女性”(WomenintheWorld)会议上遇到一位年轻的壁球冠军。

    A few weeks ago , I met a young squash champion at a conference in Manhattan called " Women in the World . "

  10. 除了闲暇时打会儿壁球,他把全部热情都投入到了业务流程管理和SOA标准的研究之中。

    In between games of squash racquets , his passion is Business Process Management and SOA standards .

  11. 直到某一天,加拿大壁球名将乔纳森•鲍尔(JonathonPower)回应了她。

    One day , Jonathon Power , a Canadian squash luminary , answered her call .

  12. 承受周期性内压的Kelvin固体厚壁球壳

    Thick_walled spherical shell of Kelvin solid subjected to periodic internal pressure

  13. 他是备受争议的英国运动服饰公司SportsDirect创始人,尽管拥有夺人耳目的纽卡斯尔足球俱乐部,却仍试图保持低调不露锋芒。二十世纪七十年代,他曾在县级壁球赛事中表现活跃而后退为一名教练。

    The controversial Sports Direct founder , who tries to keep a low profile despite his very high-profile ownership of Newcastle United football club , was a squash coach in the 1970s after playing at county level himself .

  14. 他在宾夕法尼亚大学(Penn)打了四年壁球,取得的成绩包括最佳球员、副队长,曾入选常春藤联盟与全美第一阵容。

    He played four years at Penn , including being the No. 1 player , a co-captain , and a first-team All-Ivy and All-American .

  15. 后来,她们家搬到白沙瓦(Peshawar),图帕凯也试着玩巴基斯坦流行的壁球。

    Then , when her family moved to Peshawar , Toorpakai tried squash too , a popular sport in Pakistan .

  16. 其他记忆食物含有大量的omega-3脂肪酸包括亚麻籽,核桃,鲑鱼,大豆,大比目鱼,虾,鱼,豆腐,扇贝,和冬季壁球。

    Other memory foods that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed , walnut , salmon , soybean , halibut , shrimp , snapper , tofu , scallop , and winter squash .

  17. 厚壁球壳冲压回弹过程的数值模拟及试验

    Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Pressing and Springback Caliber-thick Hemispherical Shell

  18. 厚壁球壳冲压成形过程的热力耦合分析

    Coupled thermal-mechanical analysis on stamping forming process of thick spherical shell

  19. 哈利打完壁球比赛回来,一身热汗,满脸通红。

    Harry came back from his squash match hot and flushed .

  20. 每次打完壁球之后,我都感到很累。

    We are always bushed after a hard game of squash .

  21. 与某人比赛彩色台球、壁球、网球等

    Take sb on at snooker , squash , tennis , etc

  22. 用力直接回击(例如在网球或壁球上)。

    A hard straight return ( as in tennis or squash ) .

  23. 壁球运动中使用的有长手柄的小球拍。

    A small racket with a long handle used for playing squash .

  24. 这是壁球,包括南瓜和葫芦的物种。

    This is the species of squash that includes pumpkins and gourds .

  25. 你有没有想过成为我们壁球俱乐部的成员?

    Have you thought about becoming a member of our squash club ?

  26. 壁球选手把球击向球场边的墙壁。

    Squash players hit the ball against the walls of the court .

  27. 本人打了埃德对本人的表哥上周壁球竞赛。

    I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week .

  28. 厚壁球壳的杂交/混合有限元分析

    Hybrid / Mixed Finite Element Analysis of a Thick-Wall Sphere

  29. 拉压异性材料厚壁圆筒和厚壁球壳的极限载荷分析

    The limiting load of thick cylinder and thick sphere in strength-differential material

  30. 我在那场壁球比赛后筋疲力尽。

    I was completely stonkered after that game of squash .