
  • 网络needs;basic need;Basic Requirements;Primary needs;basics
  1. 本文确定了一组最低功能,可以满足ESB与SOA的原则保持一致的基本需要。

    This article identifies a set of minimum capabilities that fulfill the most basic needs for an ESB consistent with the principles of SOA .

  2. 运用人类基本需要层次论成功的开展心理护理

    To Make Successful Mental Nursing by Operating the Human Basic Needs

  3. 和他人接触是人的基本需要。

    Contact with other people is a basic human need .

  4. 作为CAD程序不可缺少的重要组成部分,前处理功能的目的是给设计人员提供一个灵活、直观、高效的工具,满足工程设计中数据的产生、输入、处理和校核等操作的基本需要。

    As an important part of CAD program , the pre-process function is to meet the needs of creation , inputting , processing and correcting of data in structure design .

  5. VTS操作管理人员掌握VTS中的关键技术是提高自己的业务水平,使VTS能够可靠、正常运行并充分发挥功能的一个基本需要。

    VTS operators need to grasp its key technology to improve their professional level to make VTS reliable and normal operation .

  6. 通过调查,笔者认为G大学已经初步建立了就业指导课程体系,部分课程获得了用人单位和学生的认可,满足了学生就业指导的基本需要。

    Through the investigation , the author holds that the course in G University has basically constructed the system of career instruction course in high schools and parts of the course wins appreciation of the employer and students .

  7. 基本需要层次理论在临床护理教学中的应用

    Application of Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs Theory in Clinical Nursing Teaching

  8. 我们有相同的人的基本需要和关切。

    We have the same basic human needs and concerns .

  9. 他的收入不足以满足他的基本需要。

    His income is inadequate to meet his basic needs .

  10. 马斯洛理想人格的完成则有赖于基本需要的满足,以及在此基础上的存在性价值的驱动。

    Self-actualization needs Being-values that are based on satisfaction of basic needs .

  11. 该系统可以成功进行单脉冲磁刺激,可以满足单脉冲磁刺激技术研究的基本需要。

    This system can meet the primary need of single pulse magnetic stimulation .

  12. 睡眠、食物和水属于生物体的基本需要。

    Sleep and food and water are among the biogenic needs of the organism .

  13. 运用人类基本需要理论护理重度药疹患者1例

    Nursing a Patient With Severe Drug Eruption According to the Theory of Basic Human Needs

  14. 除属基本需要的衣物外,你不得接受从外间送来的任何其他东西。

    You are not entitled to receive from outside anything except the basic necessities of clothing .

  15. 种生命是基于物的本性下的人的基本需要。

    Under the kind of lifeis based on the nature of the basic needs of people .

  16. 另外80%的学校场地能满足其训练的基本需要。

    Another 80 % of the school grounds to meet the basic needs of their training .

  17. 因此,信息的自动化处理逐渐成为人类生产和生活中必不可少的基本需要。

    Therefore , the automatical information processing is gradually becoming the necessary requirement of our life .

  18. 基本需要信托基金方案

    Basic Needs Trust Fund Programme

  19. 对于银行业来说,充足的资本和合理的资本结构是维护公众对银行信心的基本需要,也是银行自身承受各种损失和风险的缓冲器。

    Adequate capital and rational structure is the bank fundamental demand to preserve public confidence and themselves .

  20. 对社会冲突调控的必要性产生于人类对社会秩序的基本需要。调控社会冲突、建立社会秩序可以通过社会控制来实现。

    The necessity of adjustment to social conflicts initiates from the basic demand of the social order .

  21. 障碍综合症:你不可能在一个月内进行彻底的经济改革并满足基本需要。

    The obstacle syndrome : you cannot transform the economy and satisfy basic needs in a month .

  22. 基本需要评估特派团

    Basic Needs Assessment Mission

  23. 同时,金庸也看到,帝王作为个体生命,有自己的基本需要得不到满足的不幸一面。

    Meanwhile , Yong Jin also think the emperor , as an individual , have their unfortunate side .

  24. 当前研究在社会排斥对基本需要、情绪和自尊有何影响上存在争议。

    The effects of social exclusion on basic needs , emotion , and self-esteem are still in the arguments .

  25. 自尊是个体人格的核心因素之一,也是人的基本需要之一。

    Self-esteem is one of the important element of personality , and also one of the basic needs of people .

  26. 主要是不能满足弱势群体对公共服务产品的基本需要。

    The main reason is that it can not meet the basic needs of public service products for vulnerable groups .

  27. 采用问卷法对我国西南边疆少数民族地区634名师专学生的18种基本需要进行调查。

    Basic needs of 634 normal college students from minority nationality regions of southwest China are investigated by way of questionnaire .

  28. 交通运输是经济发展的基本需要和先决条件,是社会经济的基础设施和重要纽带。

    Transportation is the basic needs and prerequisite of economic development , and is also the socio-economic infrastructure and important link .

  29. 历史上,动乱源于人们对于粮食、安全及继续生存的信心等基本需要感到不满。

    Riots throughout history have been driven by grievances which come down to basics : food , security , confidence about survival .

  30. 建立犯罪梯度,是实现罪刑相适应原则的基本需要。

    The setting up of the scale is essential to reach the principle of the balance between a crime and a punishment .