
  • 网络Keele;keele university;University of Keele;Kiel
  1. 基尔大学(KeeleUniversity)的心理学家、博士理查德·史蒂芬斯(RichardStephens)所带领的团队进行了一项研究,发现咒骂可以让我们更有说服力,增加我们对疼痛的承受力,尤其是那些在日常生活中很少咒骂的人。

    While no studies have been done on this specifictopic , there is other research that suggests it might be . And , research led by psychologist DrRichard Stephens at Keele University in the UK showed that swearing can helpyou become more persuasive and increase pain tolerance , particularly for thosewho seldom swear in everyday life .

  2. 2009年,一群英国基尔大学的心理学家发现:骂人甚至有助于减缓疼痛。

    In 2009 , psychologists from Keele University in the UK found that swearing can even help relieve pain .

  3. 他是麦基尔大学(McGillUniversity)的博士研究生。他去希腊旅行出现时差反应后开发了这种算法。

    candidate at McGill University , who developed the algorithm after experiencing jet lag on a trip to Greece .

  4. 麦基尔大学(mcgilluniversity)蒙特利尔神经学研究所(montrealneurologicalinstitute)的研究员在一项脑成像研究中发现,在注入名为ghrelin的激素后,人类反应中枢对食物图像的反应更为强烈。

    In a brain-imaging study , researchers from the Montreal Neurological Institute at McGill University found that reward centres respond more powerfully to pictures of food in people who had been given an infusion of the hormone known as ghrelin .

  5. 西德基尔大学应用物理所的常规水文调查

    Conventional Hydrological Survey at the Institute of Applied Physics , Kiel University of West Germany

  6. 他在5所德国大学学过医学,于1876年成为基尔大学解剖学教授。

    He studied medicine at five German universities , and in1876 became professor of anatomy at kiel .

  7. 英国基尔大学的罗宾·哈德利发现,59%的男性和63%的女性表示自己想要小孩。

    Robin Hadley , of Keele University , found that 59 percent of men and 63 percent of women said they wanted children .

  8. VerenaSeufert就职于加拿大麦基尔大学,他是《科学》杂志上这份研究的主要作者。

    But most cannot . Verena Seufert at McGill University in Montreal , Canada , was the lead author of the study in the journal Nature .

  9. 基尔大学心理学学院的理查德·史蒂芬和他的同事们进行了一项研究,探究爆粗口是怎样影响人的疼痛耐受度。

    Richard Stephens and his colleagues at the Keele University School of Psychology conducted a study to demonstrate how swearing might help affect someone 's pain tolerance .

  10. 劳伦欧文是基尔大学的精神药理学家,同时也是宿醉研究小组的成员之一。

    Lauren Owen , a psychopharmacologist at Keele University and a member of the Alcohol Hangover Research Group , agreed that there was some scientific support for the idea .

  11. 英国基尔大学心理学院的研究人员们招募了71名大学生作为实验对象。大学生们在被要求进行一项冷水挑战的同时,一边反复说脏话或不说。

    Researchers at Keele University 's School of Psychology recruited 71 undergraduates who were asked to carry out a cold-water challenge while either repeating a swear word or a non-swear word .

  12. 妇女往往骂人较少,斯蒂芬斯,一位英国基尔大学心理学院的研究人员说。

    Women tend to swear less and that may make the words more powerful for them , says Stephens , a researcher in the school of psychology at Keele University in England .

  13. 方法随访了1985~1996年12年间在德国基尔大学骨科医院行胫骨高位截骨术的194例(215膝)膝内侧室骨关节炎的患者。

    Methods A retrospective study was made between 1985 and 1996 , of 194 patients ( 215 knees ) who had HTO in medial compartment osteoarthritis at the Orthopaedic Hospital of Kiel University .

  14. 基尔大学的资深心理学讲师理查德-史蒂芬博士说:脏话是一种非常情绪化的语言,我们的研究显示了适度地说一些脏话能有效而轻易地缓解短期疼痛。

    Dr Richard Stephens , a senior lecturer in psychology at Keele , said : Swearing is a very emotive form of language and our findings suggest that using swear words moderation can be an effective and readily available short-term pain reliever .

  15. 基尔大学的资深心理学讲师理查德-史蒂芬博士说:“脏话是一种非常情绪化的语言,我们的研究显示了适度地说一些脏话能有效而轻易地缓解短期疼痛。”

    Dr Richard Stephens , a senior lecturer in psychology at Keele , said : " Swearing is a very emotive form of language and our findings suggest that using swear words moderation can be an effective and readily available short-term pain reliever . "

  16. 来自西班牙巴塞罗那大学、加拿大蒙特利尔神经学研究所和麦基尔大学医院的研究人员发现,患这种病的人,他们负责处理声音的脑皮层区域与处理奖赏的皮层下区域之间的连通性较弱。

    Researchers at the University of Barcelona ( Spain ) and the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital of McGill University ( Canada ) have discovered that people with this condition showed reduced functional connectivity between cortical regions responsible for processing sound and subcortical regions related to reward .