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  • gene exchange
  1. 从RAPD带型聚类图分析,普通桃类的遗传相似系数较高,基因交换频繁。

    Putong peach had higher genetic similarity and frequency of gene exchange by dendrogram of RAPD bands .

  2. 这种自然的基因交换既安全,又具有相当的可预见性。基因工程是在彼此毫无关系的物种之间,相互交换在自然条件下无法交换的基因。

    This type of natural gene exchange is safe and fairly predictable .

  3. cis基因交换形成RHD-CE(2~9)-D等位基因

    Generation of RHD-CE ( 2 ~ 9 ) - D Allele by Gene Conversion in cis

  4. 连续的基因交换将抵消选择的效果。

    Continued interchange of genes will counteract the effects of selection .

  5. 将基因交换频率与染色体上已知位点的遗传标记进行比较。

    The Crossover frequency of the gene is compared with genetic markers of known position on the chromosome .

  6. 黄颡鱼初级精母细胞的前期出现联会复合体,应是同源染色体之间进行同源基因交换的标志。

    The prophase of primary spermatocyte would appear synaptonemal complex , which should been the symbol that the homologous chromosome carried through the change of homologous gene .

  7. 范志勇说:在自然保护区修建公路,这永久性地破坏了大熊猫的栖息环境,阻碍它们迁徙、交配以及健康的基因交换。

    " The construction of highways at nature reserves permanently dissects the panda ` s habitat , obstructing migration , mating and healthy gene exchange ," Mr Fan said .

  8. 一些专家担心这样的基因交换可能产生新的禽流感病毒,这种新病毒可能更易于在人与人之间传播,并引发可能导致数百万人死亡的流感大流行。

    Experts fear that such gene swapping could create a new bird flu virus that can spread easily between people and spark a human flu pandemic capable of killing millions of people .

  9. 给予正确的版本作为模板,经检测,在断裂位点发生的重组事件中,11%的细胞用一个一个突变基因交换了一个正确的基因。

    Given the correct copy as a template , the recombination event occurred at the break site and11 percent of the cells tested had traded one copy of the mutant gene for the correct version .

  10. 转位将一条染色体上两段相邻的基因序列交换位置。

    Transposition is the operation which swaps the positions of two adjacent segments in a chromosome .

  11. 这在不利年份和生境较差时,会促进种群集群之间基因的交换。

    This will promote gene exchange among colonies of the population in unfavorable years and inferior habitats .

  12. 南粳15和中百4号均由两对连锁的显性基因控制,交换值为30%。

    Both Nan-Geng 15 and Zhong - Bai 4 have two linked dominant genes with crossover value 30 % operating in the 3 strains at booting stage .

  13. PAE突变能在世代间稳定传递,其产生机制可能为等位基因间的不等交换。推测其是由染色体不等交换形成嵌合体所致。

    PAE is stable over generations and has been suggested to be caused by unequal crossing-over . It might be due to the unequal exchange between chromosomes which was resulting in the production of a chimera .

  14. 重组质粒反复转化冰岛硫化叶菌,得到质粒整合到宿主染色体上的单交换菌株,但没有获得反螺旋酶基因缺失的双交换转化子。

    Based on the homologous recombination , the plasmid pRG of reverse gyrase gene knock-out was constructed and transformed into the Sulfolobus islandicus and the single crossover mutant was isolated .

  15. 结果表明,4号染色体上糯性胚乳基因与白米基因间的交换值为(28.9±4.4)cM;

    As a result , the exchange value between the waxy endosperm gene and white millet gene on chromosome 4 was ( 28.9 ± 4.4 ) cM ;

  16. 6号染色体上1066A不育基因与青米基因间的交换值为(23.2±1.8)cM。

    And the exchange value between the sterile gene of 1066A and cyan-millet on chromosome 6 was ( 23.2 ± 1.8 ) cM .

  17. 作为特殊的多基因家族成员,rDNA会受均一化力(homogenizingforces)的作用,通过基因转换、不等交换等机制,形成基因的致同进化(concertedevolution)。

    As a special type of multigene family , rDNA undergo concerted evolution by homogenizing forces through processes such as gene conversion , unequal crossing-over .

  18. 对于基因分布和结构的分析显示这些基因变种是猪链球菌整合外源基因的结果。我们同样发现了插入序列和polyG等与猪链球菌基因交换相关的遗迹。

    Our results suggested these variations resulted from integration of foreign genes and vestiges of genetic exchange such as insertion sequences and poly G were also found in some sequences .