
  • 网络city sanitation
  1. 近代上海城市环境卫生管理初探

    A Primary Study on the City Sanitation in Modern Shanghai

  2. 城市环境卫生管理是近代上海城市管理近代化的重要标志之一。

    The city sanitation is a symbol of city management of modern Shanghai .

  3. 城市环境卫生信息数据库管理系统设计

    Design on Database Management System for Municipal Environmental Sanitation Information

  4. 这种状况可以通过城市环境卫生措施加以解决。

    These conditions can be tackled by urban sanitation .

  5. 城市环境卫生行业职工需求/激励因素研究

    Study on the Staff Need and Encouragement Factors in Urban Environmental Sanitation Trade

  6. 我国城市环境卫生经费及建设投资现状

    Status Quo of Expenditure and Construction Investments of Urban Environmental Sanitation in China

  7. 因此,如何做好城市环境卫生就给环卫管理部门提出了新的挑战。

    All of these put new challenges to the environmental and health management departments .

  8. 柳州市的城市环境卫生状况直接和明显地影响到邻近地区和本市居民的日常生活。

    Municipal sanitation directly and visibly impacts Liuzhou 's neighborhoods and the daily lives of its citizens .

  9. 第三章主要论述近代苏州壅业同业公会对近代苏州城市环境卫生建设的推动作用。

    Chapter III focuses on the role of Suzhou Dung Association in promoting the public health of the modern Suzhou .

  10. 本文是一篇新公共管理视域下的关于城市环境卫生管理的理论分析和实证研究论文。

    This is a paper to make the study and theoretical analysis of urban sanitation management in new public management field .

  11. 货币指标和实物指标的完整指标体系;是城市环境卫生行业技术标准体系的一个重要组成部分;

    It is an important part of environmental sanitation standard system , the essential basis of the composting plant design , construction and operation .

  12. 作者根据实践经验,提出建立城市环境卫生长效管理运行机制:由行政推动转向依法管理;

    The author , basing on practical experiences of his city , advances an operating mechanism for municipal governments to keep clean and tidy .

  13. 总之,近代苏州壅业同业公会在近代苏州城市环境卫生治理中发挥的功效是不容低估的。

    In short , the effectiveness played by Suzhou Dung Association in the governance of Environmental Health of modern Suzhou should not be underestimated .

  14. 城市环境卫生、保洁工作截止2001年底,城市道路清扫保洁面积184162万平方米。

    Urban Environmental Sanitation and Cleaning By the end of 2001 , the areas of the urban roads being swept and cleaned hit 1.84162 billion m2 .

  15. 城市环境卫生作为反映一个城市容貌面貌的重要窗口,其管理和运行的好坏直接影响城市的形象与城市居民的生活质量。

    As a window which reflects the appearance of a city , management of the environmental sanitation directly influence the city image and peoples quality of life .

  16. 本项目旨在通过加强污水处理、工业污染控制、改善城市环境卫生以及加强固体废物服务与管理,从而改善柳州市的环境状况。

    The project aims to help improve environmental conditions in Liuzhou by improving wastewater treatment , industrial pollution control , municipal sanitation and solid waste services and management .

  17. 城乡结合部和农村环境卫生设施建设与管理工作严重滞后,极大地影响城市环境卫生整体水平的提高。

    Sanitation construction and management in suburban areas is usually lagging behind the urban areas , thus it gives a minus impact on the sanitation development of the whole city .

  18. 首先阐述了城市环境卫生行业的基本概念和两大特征及具体的分类。

    Firstly , there is an expatiation of the marketing reformation theory from the basic conception of managing the environmental industry and the two main qualities to the detailed classifications .

  19. 城市环境卫生管理作为城市现代化不可或缺的标志与环节,在不断发展的社会化进程中越来越被人们所重视和关注。

    Urban environmental sanitation management , as an essential part of urban modernization and link , is more and more recognized and paid attention to by people in the process of continuous development of the society .

  20. 它不仅推动了近代苏州的城市环境卫生建设和市政建设,并且在一定程度上弥补了政府在城市环境卫生治理方面的不足。

    It not only promotes the construction of urban environmental sanitation and municipal Services of the modern Suzhou , but also makes up for the lack of government To some extent in the governance of urban environmental sanitation .

  21. 城市环境卫生是城市文明程度的标志之一,也是投资环境建设的重要内容,事关城市经济的发展和人民生活质量提高。

    As a sign of the municipal civilization level , enviromental sanitation in urban area , which involves city 's economic development and the increase of people 's living standards , is an important aspect of the construction of investment environment .

  22. 在倡导节能减排的大背景下,努力减少建筑垃圾的产生并尽量对其展开再生利用,不仅是城市环境卫生工作的需要,也是今后可持续发展的必然要求。

    Promote energy saving and emission reduction in the context of efforts to reduce construction waste generation and recycling of its deploying as possible is especially important , not only in urban environmental sanitation needs , but also a necessary requirement for future sustainable development .

  23. 受传统行政体制的影响,我国大部分城市的环境卫生治理这项工作主要由政府来实施。

    In the light of the traditional administrative systems , the environmental sanitation governance is conducted mainly by governments in most of the cities in China .

  24. 落实《北京市城市市容环境卫生条例》、《北京市城市绿化条例》等有关规定,进一步明确有关单位责任范围,定期开展检查和巡查。

    Beijing Municipal Provision on environmental sanitation , Beijing Municipal Provision on greening and other stipulations will be strictly enforced to further clarify the responsibility of relevant authorities and make regular check-up and inspections .

  25. 随意偷倒、乱倒渣土,车辆超载、未做好密闭措施造成渣土飞扬、撒落,严重污染城市道路环境卫生的现象在城市中也是一个重要问题。

    Free to steal down , Dumping sediment , vehicle overloading , caused by sediment measures are not well sealed flying , scattered , severe pollution , the phenomenon of urban roads in urban sanitation is also an important issue .

  26. 城市地下空间与环境卫生和基础设施建设

    Urban Underground Space , Environment Sanitary and Infrastructural Construction

  27. 城市生活垃圾的收集是城市环境卫生工作的重要环节。

    The collection of the municipal solid waste is an important link of the city environmental hygiene work .

  28. 城市生活粪便处理不好,会对城市环境卫生造成危害。

    Do household excrement disposal bears upon the environmental hygiene of city .

  29. 国家也逐渐重视体育公园的建设,体育公园的建设对保护城市生态安全、提供生态服务,维护城市环境卫生发挥着巨大的作用。

    Our country is also paying increasing emphasis on the construction of the sports park , The construction of the Sports Park has played a huge role in the protection of the urban ecological security , and provide ecological services and maintenance of urban environmental sanitation .

  30. 第一部分,从市政公所的建立、城市给排水系统、城市道路交通系统、城市环境卫生系统、城市公共空间系统、城市文化系统六个方面对城市的公共管理进行分析。

    Firstly , it analyzes the six aspects of urban public administration which is respectively establishment of municipal government , water supply and drainage system , urban road traffic system , urban environmental sanitation system , urban public space system and urban culture system .