
  • 网络Cantabria;Sierra de Cantabria
  1. 2015年,维拉在坎塔布里亚的CabezondelaSal大桥参加蹦极时,身上拴着绳子,但绳子另一端却没有系在桥上。

    Vera Mol had a rope attached to her , but it wasn 't tied to the bridge when she took part in the popular adrenaline-fuelled activity on the bridge of Cabezon de la Sal in Cantabria back in 2015 .

  2. 解说员评论他时总是说“天赋”,好像他还是那个在坎塔布里亚沙滩上用自制球棒玩卵石的七岁小孩。

    Commentators talked of natural genius , as though he was still a seven-year-old whacking a pebble with a home-made club on a beach in Cantabria .

  3. 在西班牙坎塔布里亚举行的自行车大赛上,一名参赛选手在临近终点的时候车轮胎被刺爆,此时对于紧随其后的选手奥古斯丁·纳瓦罗来说是绝好的机会,他尽可以加快速度,获得铜牌。

    When cyclist Agustin Navarro 's rival suffered a puncture near the finish line of a big competition , it was the perfect opportunity for him to speed into third place and win the bronze medal .

  4. 西班牙北部城市坎塔布里亚法院的法官们表示,这位教练本应该核对身份证件确认维拉是否满18岁,且他的英语真的“非常糟糕”。

    Judges in the court of Cantabria , northern Spain , say the instructor should have checked for ID to make sure Vera was 18 years old , adding that his English was ' macarronico ' , which translates to ' very bad ' .