
  • 网络Balance Education
  1. 目前,均衡教育只能逐步推进。

    And now , balance development can only be proved gradually .

  2. 第五,落实科学发展观,实现均衡教育;

    Fifth , to carry out scientific views of development , achieve equilibrium of education .

  3. 本文就如何实施均衡教育谈谈我个人的看法。

    How does the article carry out balanced education to talk about the view of my individual .

  4. 受资助的计划主要属于以下各类:提高学习成效、均衡教育、校本管理及教育研究。

    Projects mainly fall within the categories of effective learning ; all-round education ; school-based management ; and education research .

  5. 开放教育资源在我国不仅能够提高高等教育质量,并对普及高等教育,均衡教育发展的地区间不平衡,推动教育公平有重要意义。

    OER in China can not only improve the quality of higher education , but also can to universal access to higher education , make a balanced development between areas and promote fair of education .

  6. 优质教育基金继续为各项一次过的计划和具创意的计划提供另一个资助途径。这些计划涵盖的范畴包括提高学习成效、校本管理、均衡教育、资讯科技及教育研究。

    The quality education fund has continued to provide an additional source of resources for one-off projects and innovation in the areas of effective learning , school-based management , all-round education , information technology and education research .

  7. 基金资助的计划主要分为下列类别:有效学习、均衡教育、校本管理、教育研究、利用资讯科技教学,以及表扬杰出学校的计划。

    The projects funded by the QEF fall mainly in the following categories : effective learning , all-round education , school-based management , education research , application of information technology in education and schemes that recognise excellence in the performance of schools .

  8. 同时,西南地区民族形态文化符号在当下统筹城乡、均衡教育、新课程改革及国家相关教育政策法规的制定大背景下有着重要意义。

    Meanwhile , the cultural symbols of ethnic groups in southwest China have a significant function with the backgrounds of balanced development between urban and rural areas , education balance , reforms of new curriculum and establishment of national education laws and regulations .

  9. 目前我国教育发展不均衡,教育资源配置失衡、重点学校制度、教育政策中的城市取向以及教育腐败都严重损害了教育公平。

    At present , educational development is imbalance , so is the disposition of educational resources .

  10. 目前,我国经济社会发展非均衡和教育资源配置非均衡共同存在,并且相互作用于彼此。

    At present , the inequality in economic development and education resource allocation disequilibrium coexist and interact with each other .

  11. 只有教育供求实现社会均衡,教育才能协调发展,社会目标才能达成。

    The harmony development of education and social goal can be realized only when education demand and supply reach social equilibrium .

  12. 理想的做法是,学校应该提供学生非常均衡的教育,以帮助他们培养各项技能。

    Ideally , a school should provide its students with a well-balanced education that helps them develop all of their skills .

  13. 论经济发展不均衡和教育产业化对国民享有高等教育机会均等性的影响

    Discussion the Impact on the Rights of Citizens Sharing the Equal Opportunity of Higher Education Owing to Asymmetric Economy Development and Education Industrialization

  14. 做到城市教育反哺农村、均衡分布教育资源以及建立有效的利益平衡机制和转移支付制度等。

    Meanwhile , let city help countryside , and make educational resources dispose reasonably , and set up effective system and convert pay system .

  15. 均衡发展教育,让每一个适龄儿童都能享受到同等优质的教育,则是达到统一质量标准的前提条件。

    Balanced development of education , so that every school-age children can enjoy the same quality of education , the prerequisite is to achieve uniform quality standards .

  16. 投资于基本的教育公共服务与基础设施并均衡配置教育资源,提供有质量的教育,尽可能地维护教育过程的公平;

    Investment in the basic educational public service and fundamental facilities with equilibrium deployment of educational resources to offer qualified education and maintain the equity of educational course as much as possible ;

  17. 其原因是多方面的,如经济与社会发展不均衡、教育领域的效率优先&精英教育政策导向、重普教轻职教观念的影响等。

    The reasons are multi-faceted , such as the imbalance between economic and social development , improper distribution of resources and the conceptual influence of preference to general education over professional education .

  18. 这不仅仅凸显出教育资源不均衡、教育发展不协调、教育享用不公平等问题,还极容易产生教育腐败、社会不和谐等重大问题。

    This not only highlight education resources disequilibrium , education development uncoordinated and education enjoy injustice problem , also very easy to produce education corruption , a harmonious society and other major issues .

  19. 从微观层面分析是学校教育过程包括内部课程教学资源配置的均衡、教育结果的均衡以及教育评价的均衡。并从利益集团、寻租理论、制度等理论进行分析。

    Viewing for micro analysis , it is the balance of school teaching process including the internal curriculum teaching resource disposition , and the balance of educational results as well as educational evaluation .

  20. 这两部著作所体现出来的犹太人既重视数量又重视质量的生育观、既讲究卫生又讲究科学的饮食观;既视教育为第一位又主张均衡全面教育的教育观在今日仍然适用。

    Namely , paying much attention to the quantity and quality of procreation , being particular about clean and science of food , and putting education first as well as making much of all-sided education .

  21. 扩招降低了进入大学的学习成本,导致了教育信号的过度投资及分离均衡的教育水平提高(即就业门槛提高),文凭的信号作用贬值。

    Increased enrollment of higher education reduces learning cost entering college , will cause signal over-investment , enhance education level of separate equilibrium that is enhancing the employment threshold , depreciates signal effect of diploma .

  22. 让所有孩子共享同一片蓝天,让每个孩子都能享受均衡的教育资源,是亿万家庭的殷切期盼,也是让全体人民共享改革发展成果的重要体现。

    How to make all the children share the same piece of blue sky and let every child enjoys balanced education resources is expected by millions of families . It also lets people share the fruits of the important reform .

  23. 为了提高我国农村基础教育水平,均衡城乡教育资源,我国从2003年起在全国广大农村地区实施农村中小学远程教育工程,为农村中小学配置设备和环境建设。

    In order to improve the level of basic education in rural areas and balance the urban and rural education resources , China implemented its modern distance education in rural primary and secondary schools , allocating equipment and starting environmental construction since 2003 .

  24. 在分析经济发展水平不均衡对义务教育的影响上,文章采用Pearson相关系数法,得到了教育投资与GDP总量之间高达0.9759的相关系数。

    On the way of analyzing the influence that the unbalanced development of economy put on the compulsory education , the article uses Pearson correlation , and obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.9759 between the education investment and the total quantity of GDP .

  25. 负载均衡在远程教育应用平台部署中的实现

    Implementation of the load balancing in application platform of distance education

  26. 师资配置达到均衡是实现教育均衡的一个关键途径。

    Configuring the teachers is the key to achieve the balance of education .

  27. 基础教育师资配置均衡化:教育公平的必然要求

    Balance of Teacher Disposition in the Elementary Education : the Necessary Precondition of Education Fairness

  28. 区域义务教育均衡发展是教育政策的必然取向。

    The balanced development in compulsory education in a region is the inevitable orientation of the education policy .

  29. 区域教育资源分布不均衡,农村教育质量低于城市教育质量,这是我国不容置疑的社会现实。

    It has become a serious social phenomenon that rural education quality is lower than the urban education quality in our country .

  30. 教育投资均衡评价只是教育投资评价体系中的一个部分。教育投资评价包括对社会、个人教育投资的评价。

    Investment balance evaluation in education is a part of investment evaluation system in education , which includes social and personal investment evaluation .