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  • subway station;metro station
  1. A:我完全同意你的看法。那么我们在地铁站见面吧。

    A : I can ' t agree with you more.Then we can meet at the subway station .

  2. 地铁站综合开发将成为未来地铁站建设的重要开发形式。

    The comprehensive development of subway station will be a very important subway development pattern .

  3. 那是沃里克路,就在伯爵宫地铁站对面。

    That 's Warwick Road , just opposite Earls Court tube station .

  4. 第二次爆炸后,伦敦所有的主要火车站和地铁站都关闭了。

    After the second explosion , all of London 's main train and subway stations were shut down

  5. 这是北京最忙碌的地铁站之一。

    This is one of the busiest underground stations in beijing .

  6. c:利斯将要去南部地铁站。

    C : The Lis are going to South underground station .

  7. MediaSummary在中国北京城乡交界的一个地铁站(龙泽站),人们排着队准备搭乘地铁上班。

    Longze underground station on the outskirts of Beijing , people queuing up to take the underground to work .

  8. AFP/GettyImages北京,警察在一个地铁站外巡逻。受年初以来发生的一系列暴力袭击案影响,最近几周中国的安保措施有所加强。

    Security measures have stiffened across China in recent weeks , following a series of violent attacks since the start of the year .

  9. (纽约地铁站也能看到Seamless的广告:“幸福就是就算忘带午餐,也能马上订到更好的美食。”)

    ( witness the ads plastered in NYC subways : " happiness is forgetting your lunch and instantly ordering something better . " )

  10. BART中断了一些地铁站无线网络服务三个小时的时间。

    BART disabled wireless service in some of its underground stations for three hours .

  11. 不久前,我与科希一同从丘园小区的联合大道(UnionTurnpike)地铁站,乘坐开往曼哈顿的地铁,全程共30分钟。

    On Thursday , I rode the train with Ms. Koshy from the Union Turnpike stop in Kew Gardens into Manhattan , about a 30-minute ride .

  12. 米歇尔•韦恩斯坦(MichelleWeinstein)骑车上班要75分钟,她早上6点50就要从这座城市的银湖(SilverLake)社区出发,在繁忙的道路上躲避车辆,赶往地铁站。

    Michelle Weinstein's75-minute commute to work begins at6:50 a.m. , when she dodges rush-hour traffic on a busy boulevard in the city 's Silver Lake neighborhood on her way to a subway station .

  13. 在繁忙的静安地铁站的购物中心举办展览引起了香格纳画廊的总监何浦林(LorenzHelbling)的兴趣。

    The idea of an exhibition at the mall , located at the busy Jing'an subway stop , intrigued ShanghART 's director , Lorenz Helbling .

  14. 早上7点50分,卢比扬卡(Lubyanka)地铁站列车第二节车厢发生首次爆炸。

    The first explosion tore through the second carriage of a train at Lubyanka metro station at7.50am .

  15. IHS称,在他们最近的抗议活动中,这些活动分子试图集体跳过圣保罗巴拉丰达(BarraFunda)地铁站的票闸,引发与安全部队的对抗,并导致那个地铁站临时关闭。

    In their most recent protest , these activists attempted en masse to jump ticket barriers at Barra Funda metro station , sparking confrontations with the security forces and the temporary closure of that metro station , IHS said .

  16. 临近大钟寺地铁站,北京政法大学,北京邮电大学,北京师范大学。楼下有公交车站10分钟到北京语言学院(blcu),清华大学,北京大学。

    Near Da Zhong Si subway station , Beijing University of post and telecommunication , Beijing Normal university.10 minutes by bus to blcu , tsiuhua university , Peking university .

  17. Fusionopolis有公寓、一个购物中心,甚至还有自己的地铁站,因此科研人员可以在这个园区工作和生活。

    Fusionopolis has serviced apartments , a shopping complex and even its very own station on Singapore 's Mass Rapid Transit system , so researchers can live and work within the complex .

  18. 地铁站火灾烟气扩散及控制的研究

    The Research on Fire Smoke Spreading and Controlling in Subway Station

  19. 请画个到地铁站的地图好吗?

    Would you please draw a map to the subway station ?

  20. 而地铁站附近还将加设新的停车场。

    New parking facilities would be added near the subway stop .

  21. 你知不知道最近的地铁站在哪儿?

    Do you know I can find the nearest subway station ?

  22. 上海地铁站域地下空间开发的分析

    Analysis of Underground Space Development in Region of Shanghai Metro Station

  23. 我在地铁站看到过你几回。

    I saw you at the metro stop a few times .

  24. 机场铁路车站和地铁站不同。

    The Airport Railway stations are different from the underground stations .

  25. 某地铁站竣工时室内化学性污染物监测与评价

    Surveillance and Evaluation of Indoor Chemical Pollutants of a Completed Subway

  26. 我国地铁站域地下商业空间设计研究

    Study of the Underground Commercial Space at Subway Stations in China

  27. 该车位于34街与地铁站的交叉口

    Van is in 34th street across from the subway terminal .

  28. 相当于你每秒能跑15个地铁站。

    You 'd be moving at about 15 subway stopsper minute .

  29. 地铁站综合开发与城市设计研究

    The Comprehensive Development of Subway Station and Urban Design Research

  30. 沈阳地铁站空调通风系统设计

    Design of Ventilating and Air-conditioning System in Metro Station of Shenyang City