
  1. 陆地卫星图像在洪水随机模型&地貌气候单位线中的试验研究

    Experimental Research of Landsat Image in the Flood Stochastic Mode & Geomorphoclimatic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph

  2. 一个城市的空气污染与它的污染源排放,以及它自身的地质地貌气候等所决定,有它自身的规律。

    Air pollution in cities is determined by the contaminant source , its geography and climate etc. , following some regular rules .

  3. 其次,从地貌、气候、河流水系、土壤植被等方面简述了瓜州县的自然环境概况;从人口、GDP、人均纯收入等方面简述了研究区的社会经济状况。

    Then , provided a brief survey of the natural environment of the area , including topography , climate , river system , soil and vegetation ; and socioeconomic status , including population , GDP and per capita net income .

  4. 同时通过分析调节城市局地气候、改善局地空气环境的方法,并结合西安市的地形地貌和气候特征,提出西安市PM(10)污染生态调控能力建设的几点建议。

    At the same time , analyzing method in adjust city climate and improve city atmosphere environment , combining characteristic of landform and physiognomy and climate in Xi'an city , obtain several advices about ecological adjustment and control in Xi'an city .

  5. 宁夏由于独特的地貌和气候,昆虫的种类众多,资源丰富。

    The insects resources are rich due to the particular physiognomy and climate in Ningxia .

  6. 分析了经济开发的客体,即清前期的贵州苗疆的行政区划,地理位置、自然地貌、气候条件、资源物产等特征;

    Objects : administrative division , geographical situation , natural physiognomy , climax and natural resources .

  7. 其次介绍了绥德隧道项目的基本情况,重点叙述了本项目的地形、地貌及气候特点。

    Secondly , we introduce the landform , physiognomy and climate of the Sui-De tunnel project .

  8. 地貌、气候、地形等自然因子,人类活动方式、文化背景、人类活动历史等人为因子以及数千年的气候变迁等因子共同作用下形成了交错区现代景观格局。

    The factor of the physiognomy and climate is dominating natural factors in forming broad-scale pattern .

  9. 结果表明:黑龙江省森林及其人文、地貌、气候等影响因子具有明显的空间正自相关;

    Results show that the forest and its related physiognomy and climate show significantly positive spatial autocorrelation .

  10. 新疆城市处在独特的地形地貌、气候,复杂的民族宗教情况之中。

    The cities of Xinjiang have complexity situations with varied physiognomies , landforms , climates , nations and religions .

  11. 从自然的角度来讲,区域地质地貌、气候和水文等的异常变化是生态系统不稳定性和退化的自然成因。

    The natural inducing factors refer the exceptional changes of regional geology and terrain , climate and hydrology situation ;

  12. 苦咸地下水的形成是古地理环境、地貌、气候条件、地质构造和积盐作用共同导致的结果;

    Bitter and salt water is due to ancient geographical environment , geomorphic feature , climate condition , geological structure and salt accumulation .

  13. 第二部分是对南京市区域现状进行论述,包括地形、地貌、气候及土壤条件和自然植被状况。

    The second section analyses the regional characteristics of Nanjing , including topography , landforms , climate soil condition and natural botanic resources .

  14. 四川省的地质地貌和气候特征复杂多样,适宜多种多样的药用植物生长。

    As complicated and various of the geological features and climate characteristics of Sichuan , there are many of medicinal plants and animals .

  15. 在分析广西氧化锰矿的原岩、地质构造、地形地貌、气候及水文地质条件等成矿条件的基础上,建立了氧化锰矿成矿模式图,最后指出了广西氧化锰矿还有很大的找矿远景。

    Metallogenic model of oxidized Mn ore is established on proto-rock , tectonics , topograph , climate and hydrogeology showing a bright ore-searching prospect .

  16. 对大小兴安岭森林植被交错区的地理位置、地形地貌、气候、土壤类型、植被类型以及生态脆弱性等进行了论述。

    The location , topography , climate , soil , vegetation and ecological fragility of the forest ecotone in Daxing'an and Xiaoxing'an mountains are described .

  17. 线形开发建设项目工程线长面窄,穿越多种地形地貌、气候和水土流失类型区,因而监测距离长,难度大。

    The linear development and construction projects have longer distance and narrower width , and pass through multiple landform and climate strips and soil erosion regions .

  18. 提出了以地貌、气候、局部地形、土类及土壤因子为主要依据的三级分类系统。

    A three class classification system in terms of some major factors , such as landform , local topography , climate , soil types , was proposed .

  19. 这是地形地貌、气候条件、植被类型和人为活动共同作用形成的结果。

    And this landscape pattern is the result of four elements such as topographic and geomorphic , climate conditions , vegetation type and human activity worked together .

  20. 从石家庄的地形、地貌及气候条件出发,分析了石家庄市大气污染状况,认为产生大气污染的原因在于燃料燃烧、工业生产、交通运输、工业布局等方面;

    This article describes the landform , physiognomy , climate and air pollution in Shijiazhuang , the latter of which is due to the fuel burning , traffics and industry .

  21. 各脆弱因子敏感程度由强到弱依次是:植被>地貌>气候>土壤>水文>地质。

    According to the sensitive degree of every fragile factor , the order from strong to the weak is that vegetation > physiognomy > climate > soil > hydrology > geology .

  22. 它改变或调整了稳定的地貌、气候、生态、喀斯特水文地质、工程地质、自然应力、污染等一系列条件。

    It has changed or adjusted a series of cyclic conditions , such as " stable " geomorphy , climate , ecology , karst hydrogeology , engineering geology , natural stress and pollution .

  23. 研究描述了遵义市烟草公司所处的地理位置、地形地貌、气候、经济状况,以及产业发展概况,阐述了打造遵义数字烟草的理论,分析了遵义市烟草公司信息化的现状及存在问题。

    The research describes the location , geography , climates , economic factors and industry background , illustrates the theory of Zunyi Tobacco digitalization and analyzes the current situation and problems in digitalization .

  24. 收集整理了关中地区的地形地貌、气候特征、乡土植物、民居建筑、历史文化、民俗民风、民间工艺、农耕文化、河流水体等元素。

    It also collects and arranges elements such as landform , climate characteristics , local plants , local buildings , historical culture , folks , folk art , farming art and so on .

  25. 日益发展的科学技术使什么都可以国际化,但一个城市的地形、地貌、气候条件和历史等都无法改变,因此,城市开发空间是最能体现其地域特征的。

    Increasingly developing science and technology almost can internationalize everything , but can not change a city 's landform , physiognomy , climate and history . So urban developing space embodies mostly its regional characteristics .

  26. 第二部分为研究区泥石流形成的自然环境,包括地质、地貌、气候、水文、植被、土壤和人类活动等因素。

    The second part is physical environment of debris flow occurrence , including many factors , such as geology , geomorphology , climate , hydrology , vegetation , soil , human activities and so on .

  27. 末次冰期以来,干旱气候地貌下气候干湿冷暖的交替波动一直存在,通过水分变化的响应,达到对生态系统的影响。

    Since the last ice age , there has always been the climate fluctuation of dry and wet , hot and cold , in arid environment , it effects on the ecosystem by the moisture change .

  28. 地面沉降影响因素包括地壳运动、地质构造、地貌、气候和水文等自然因素,以及过量开采地下水等人为因素。

    The natural factors of the ground subsidence include crustal movement , geological structure , geology , physiognomy , and hydrology , etc. The human factor includes excessive exploitations of fluid resources , such as groundwater , etc.

  29. 本文系统、翔实地阐述了鄂西北地区生态环境特征,着重对地貌、气候、土壤、森林植被等生态因子进行了分析与评价。

    The paper specifies the ecological environmental characteristic in the northwest region of Hubei systematically and fully , focuses on analysis and evaluation about ecological factors of the landform , climatic , soil and forest vegetation respectively .

  30. 自然地理环境是人类生活、社会存在和发展的物质基础和必要条件,是地貌、气候、水文、土壤、植物与动物界有机结合的自然综合体。

    Natural geographical environment is the material basis and necessary condition of human life , social existence and development , is the natural complex of dynamic integration of topography , climate , hydrology , soil , plants and animals .